Change Hero or Villlan Side token

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by xCypharr, Jul 10, 2023.

  1. xCypharr Level 30

    You know what would be nice? A change hero or villan side token. It would be cool if player could change side and not be stuck in a faction they new nothing about when starting the game.
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  2. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Yeah so now everyone can switch to hero and there can be virtually no one on villain side.
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  3. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    If they gave us such token.... almost everyone would switch to Hero... the more populated side.... and it would pretty much kill the Villain side. :(
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  4. xCypharr Level 30

    better for us more groups
  5. Furious Vee Well-Known Player

    If this were to be a feature, how would they go about skills points? Will hero and villain feats be properly linked together, or will it function sort of like it does when you change movement speeds? If it’s the latter, it would result in a new influx of feats and skill points. Not to mention, people would absolutely abuse this. Someone will be a villain one day, then a hero the next — rinse and repeat. Also, correct me if I’m wrong, but I think villains and heroes also have different base locations so that would also need to be tweaked.
  6. Mike_B Level 30

    The choice would be yours to stay on villain side.
  7. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Yes but no one that takes this game seriously would stay on villain side.
  8. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    I'd be the only one left because I refuse to make that change ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Heroes are lame!
    ( ͡º ͜ʖ ͡º)
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  9. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    There are also specific styles associated with the Villain side that would have to be resolved and could pose a problem in addition to the unique skill points available to either side.

    Perhaps an easier solution would be phasing out factions altogether, if possible.
  10. bboy-rei Well-Known Player

    I would not change either, Celestial looks way better on the villains side.

    Perhaps prioritize in enabling Task Force X for all old instances that still don't have it, then global LFG with grouping.
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  11. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Please see my thread: Cross-Faction Grouping :)
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  12. K3str3lDC Dedicated Player

    True, they have mentioned that as one problem with the idea of a gender change token so I'd imagine it would be an issue here, too.
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  13. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    How? When switching genders all the gender-specific styles that the character has would need to be adjusted, so that they'd fit a different body shape, for which they were not designed. Alternatively, they'd need to be replaced with other styles, available for the new gender/body. When switching faction, the graphics are exactly the same, so the styles would fit just fine. What would be the issue then?
  14. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    Fixed that for you
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  15. Curse Bringer Most Wanted

    I didn't think we had faction specific styles anymore. everything was made purchasable at the HOL vendors if I'm not mistaken.

    That said, I have always been 100000% for this idea

    I will say the faction specific feats would be an issue. Every single instance/mission related war of light feats I had to re-Grind on my opposite faction characters, and the mission specific ones are horrible when the RNG Kicks in. Some of the more general ones i'm sure would be easy to carry over, much like how switching from Flight to Acro/SS will grant you all the non race related feats for leveling up the toon to 30 as that movement. Switching factions I'd assume would work the same, but you know what they say about assuming...

    among the prior mentioned objects, they would have to rework to the mentor system as well, that would include reworking the leveling/storyline implementation of missions at level 15 and 30, and how your augments appear for your toon. maybe a little know fact but each mentor grants you a different type of origin augment when you hit 30 be it tech meta or magic, it would suck to switch factions, pick a new mentor and for your lvl 300+ metagene augments to be replace with a level 0 magic rune augment
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  16. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    You didn't. They stopped making villain content years ago. This is a heroes game. That's why villains want a faction change so bad so they can play on the more populated side.
  17. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    I was referring to the original faction specific styles we use to receive, I think it went up to Gotham Under Siege. Beyond that point is when we all got the same styles (Hero / Villain) if my memory is right. I was young at the time and not really paying attention to that kind of stuff lol.
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  18. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    I believe you answered your own question was to why this would be an issue (gender swap NOT faction swap). I recall one of the Devs (Panderus) discussing the topic of gender swapping of characters and there were programming hurdles they indicated which prevented it at the time.

    DCUO SmackThem, Feb 19, 2021 Report
    #29 Reply

    Panderus Senior Producer

    This feature is possible, but would take some amount of work to get functioning. There would also be some items that would be unavailable for the other gender as the 3D mesh simply doesn't exist like for the monocle, yes a monocle was gender locked for some reason.

    I'm asking around about the feasibility on it since you know, it can make money and bosses have a hard time saying no to that sort of thing. Service type items often provide a long term slow burn of extra income thats good to diversify with. Also, its clearly something that fits our game and has been asked for several times already.

    Our philosophy now is more make style items for both genders even if one is more feminine or masculine, players can make up whatever reason they want for why their character can wear that item. Beards, beards for everyone!
    • [IMG]
  19. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    My question was: how faction switching would affect styles in the same way gender switching would. So - no I didn't answer my own question. I know why gender switching would cause issues - which I explained, I don't see how styles would be a a problem for faction switching.
  20. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    There should just be more cross-faction grouping methods and a global LFG so we can all group easier and communicate better. It's so greatly needed it's not even funny.