Time for a 16-24 Man Raid

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by MightyHornet, Jul 3, 2023.

  1. MightyHornet Well-Known Player

    As the headline reads, I think it’s time we see see something of a Grande Operations Raid.

    What I’m thinking of is (and this is loosely thought out) an epic style crisis event, where a raid group forms like normal and Queues into a raid, and joins 1-2 other raid groups for a large scale battle.

    Teams would have to fight their way across the city stopping adds and sub bosses simultaneously in different locations, as they work up to the main villain, fight more sub bosses then they come together to fight the big baddie himself.

    Now I know someone is gonna say the servers probably can’t handle this but if they can handle 36 players in a small area, I feel like 16-24 players is easily accomplishable.

    The best part of this, is it doesn’t have to be attached to a DLC. This could be something devs throw in on the back half of a DLC that’s been out for 3 months, so players have something to do. Like a seasonal event, but 4 times a year

    What kind of content would you guys like to see to mix things up?
  2. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Yeah that sounds great but queue times for just 8 man raids suck so imagine waiting all day for 15 people to queue up. This is why we have open world boss spams because they are virtually the same thing minus having to group up.
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  3. lllStrichcodelll ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    I like the concept and thought about changing the "work together" aspect into working against each other for some competition and longevity for this content to last, but then I remembered speed hackers exist so this won't work.

    The queue times that Lorax mentioned could be an issue unless it's somewhat scaled like the anniversary centennial collapse raid, but then it's not fun. Having 2 or 3 separate 8-player groups work towards the same goal wouldn't do anything except prolong queue times, sadly.
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  4. MightyHornet Well-Known Player

    I agree they are rough right now, but you tie feats in with it, and those times will drop. Plus like I said, you make it a seasonal thing on the back end of a DLC, and people will keep logging in. They aren’t right now bc everyone’s geared up and have most the feats.
  5. Limey Committed Player

    They're called 'open world bounties'.

    But in all seriousness, ignoring the fact that trying to expand 8-man groups to 16 or 24 people, or creating a method for 2-3 different 8-man groups to join a raid together, would very likely break a lot of things in this game - queue times would be awful, as has been mentioned.

    But even if they did release 16-24 player raids, they wouldnt be that popular unless they were quick and easy. The most popular queues in this game have been the shortest, easiest, laziest raids - for a good number of years now.
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  6. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Need the option to disable effects of other allied players not in your party first. Otherwise it will crash consoles and PCs on day 1 of release. We already see how bad it is now with the Static bounties.
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  7. MightyHornet Well-Known Player

    I thoroughly disagree with your entire post
  8. MightyHornet Well-Known Player

    Game doesn’t Preakness when it’s about 20ish people there. When we get to 30+ it bogs down alot.
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  9. Vella Well-Known Player

    Have two raid teams q an op, and fight the open world bosses at the same time.
  10. Eshmaki Level 30

    game barely functions with 8. no thanks.
  11. GrumpySnorlax Level 30

    Sounds like a sweet piece of cake with a glass of milk but maybe keep it at 8 but have two raid groups meet up and fight a boss within the instance. But the instance wouldn't require 16 players to beat the bosses just 8. Ahhh anyway time to eat.
  12. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    I enjoy I the 24 player Alliance raids in Final Fantasy XIV, very fun. I believe it would be enjoyable in DCUO as well but I have a concern the player base would not be willing to participate for any number of reasons with the first one being fear of queue times. I have advocated for just such an Alliance Raid, using FF 14 terminology, in the past.

    I think DCUO players in general are adverse to change because the changes we have experienced left bad impressions; one such change comes to my mind immediately.

    Someone above mentioned Open World bounties, which are different from what the OP proposed in that it is not set up like a raid.
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  13. Ryll Committed Player

    You can adjust the quality effects in the game already.
  14. Ryll Committed Player

    And no. Bad idea.
  15. Korlick Loyal Player

    Not the way he means.
  16. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    When the game's population struggles to fill 8-man queues, the obvious solution is to spend time and resources on content requiring twice or three times as many players. Yeah - nothing monumentally stupid about that idea... :rolleyes:
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  17. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    Mighty Hornet has suggested something that he feels, and I agree with, could add a unique element to the game to make it more interesting and perhaps even draw more players to participate.

    He is only looking a potential ways to reinvigorate the game which I think all on this Forum should celebrate. Ideas to combat the "staleness" between episodes should be welcomed. Since I am not a shareholder in Daybreak Games LLC or Dimensional Ink Games I do not know if there is a budget to use in the exploration of experimental game play like the one the OP suggested.

    It would be great to see some new options in game play is all I am saying instead of all the whining about why this won't work or that won't work, wah, wah, wah!
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  18. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    Lol... That's rich - you talking about "whining", when all you do on the forum - including in this very thread - is whine about how EG stat clamp ruined the entire game for you - including the parts where stat clamp is not in place, "wah, wah, wah"...

    Ideas posted on public forums are fair game for criticism, especially if they're dumb and uninspired. How about we have the same thing we already have, but with more players. That's genius! How come no one thought of it before? It's definitely going to bring in players, because what puts people off this game is that there's not enough lag and other performance issues and it doesn't take enough time to make a raid group... :rolleyes:
  19. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    Thank you Mr. Negative.
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  20. >>>KIra<<< Dedicated Player

    I love the idea of this, It would be so cool to see this happen but I am not sure about the mechanics,etc. I oten thought of those big boss fights that mepps or one of the devs would do around the open worlds if that could be a weekly thing.
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