Why are people on this game so obsessed with getting people on their Discord?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by KiraDanvers, Jun 29, 2023.

  1. KiraDanvers Well-Known Player

    "Hi. Do you have Discord on your phone?"

    No, I don't use it

    "OK. But would you be interested in using it so you could chat to the league?"

    No. I don't use it.

    "But it's free and easy to use"

    I don't care. I don't use it. Never have, never will. Wouldn't even know how to use it! I have NO interest in it.

    "OK. Well I'll send you the link in case you change your mind"

    I. DON'T. USE. IT!!!! What part of "NO" do you not understand? lol

    I get these sorts of exchanges all the time. I really don't understand why people are so obsessive about adding people to their Discord server! Do they get prizes the more people they add or something? Is it an ego thing to have a large number of people in their group? What's wrong with just chatting to the league using the in-game chat? I just don't get it....
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  2. Proxystar #Perception

    Because Discord is a good way to communicate with people via both text chat and voice chat, it's basically like a private social message board similar to this forum but also includes voice capabilities when you choose, it also doesn't have all of the shortcomings of the in game systems, it's basically just more flexible and is actually really easy to use.

    A lot of leagues use Discord to organize their runs and interactions, while I imagine few leagues would make its use compulsory, not using it probably means you're missing out on things.

    The choice to use it is yours, but most consoles have even started allowing the Discord app on their devices because of how useful it is, so you don't even necessarily need to use your phone and if you're a PC player you definitely shouldn't be using your phone.
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  3. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    Leagues I was in even used Twitter group chats back in the day before Musk era. But Discord is deffo easier for organizing League stuff. It's a very comfy app. But it shouldn't be a deal breaker, league chat exist for a reason
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  4. Plowed In Loyal Player

    You’re never too old to try new things :)
  5. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Discord is awesome. You can organize raid runs without waiting for people to log in, you can text/voice/video chat, share links/vids/memes, you can post announcements. It helps organize the social aspects of gaming.

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  6. K3str3lDC Dedicated Player

    Ok... I just see this rough description of a conversation as them asking, explaining why, and leaving the link there so it's just available but not pressuring you. Just.... leaving the option available. Like when a man gives a woman his number instead of asking for hers so she can reach out if she wants to but can also just.... not and so she's in control and not under pressure or having to share anything she doesn't feel safe sharing. This sounds like basically that. Just leaving the door open.

    And, as the hypothetical person in your example exchange says, it's just a very practical way of communicating. Much like when you would do group projects in school/college and your groupmates would exchange numbers and make a group chat. Except this way you don't have to give anyone your phone number. It's a useful tool for gamers to arrange things or ask questions. That's actually the original purpose for Discord, why it was originally made, and what it was originally marketed for.

    You don't have to use it. You don't have to use any social media. But I don't think it's so unreasonable for people to simply leave the door open and give you access but not force you to make use of it. If anything, I think that's a very appropriate and respectful way of handling it. Now I'm sure not all of them are as... polite as this, but the ones that are I think are fine.
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  7. Hraesvelg Always Right

    We don't REQUIRE Discord usage, but it's highly recommended for a lot of the reasons already said. Sure, you could wait for people to actually be logged in on a toon in the league to ask if they want something...or you can just drop it in a text either on desktop or a phone and see if anyone is around the house and wants to hop on and run. I have at most an hour's worth of content to log in for every day, but if I'm just bopping around the house I'll fire up the game and run things. You can also put up events, like, say "Let's knock out the feats in X raid this Saturday at 8PM" so people can plan out a bit if they want to run it. I also have an updated list of items in our "league bank" (my alts) in case people need items that I can send them. It helps SO much with league management.
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  8. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    I STILL don't know how to fully use discord properly but some weirdo named Zoe got me getting used to it months ago it so it's okay. Good way to talk to other players without getting too personal like social media. Currently trying to figure out how to set up one for Clash of Clans lol
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  9. MchaelAceHunter Well-Known Player

    I see where Ur coming from. I do. I never thought I would be used to discord. But it actually is beneficial. U can arrange to do things on a certain day, more better than arranging it in game in a way, esp if Ur gonna let down ppl. U can chat not just about dcuo but also make friends with ppl.
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  10. myandria Item Storage

    I understand how you feel; the other player was a "little" pushy in wanting you to use discord to chat with the league. As long as you keep saying "no", pushy players like that will counter it with offers of links, how to vids from youtube, ect in order to get you to use Discord.

    However, Discord has become the way for many players across many games to safely communicate with one another in a more "controlled" environment. It is easier to gather league members/friends together for raids with discord, especially with players many time zones away. Discord server owners usually put up gatekeeping at entry (agree to rules checkboxes, ect) to ensure that their server(s) are as safe as possible. It is also easier to report/ban someone on a Discord server as well. Many Discord server owners offer a pronoun picker so you can choose to be represented as you want. In-game chat simply does not have these options or can offer this level of safety and security.

    I play this game on the PS4, so there is no option to link with Discord; it's been activated for the PS5. So, what I do is use Discord primarily from my computer and only rarely from my phone if I need to communicate while out of the house. I still use in game chat, but I am finding that a lot less players are using it these days.
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  11. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I've joined a discord or two and find it's like watching or listening to the 5v5 chat. There is helpful info in there somewhere....it's just a PITA to dig it out of the chatter. Granted, a private 'league' discord sounds ok, but personally I found it to be a headache, even when I was on my PC and it was easy to use (not a fan of the phone app personally).

    And as far as this game and organizing things when I'm not on? No thanks. I'm on when I'm on....I'm off when I'm off. I already have a cell phone going off with work and family at all hours of the day/night...I don't need 'Hey...can you tank the elite alert' messages when I'm eating dinner.

    I wouldn't rule out using discord, but I'm not rushing out to join 20 groups either.
  12. Mike_B Level 30

    You should definitely come back to Twitter now. It's no longer an extension of one political party and is very unbiased. The way media and social media should be. Come try it out!
  13. Great Architect Loyal Player

    It's not, as it might look to you, like someone endless banging on at you to join their Instagram or Friend them on Facebook.

    It's just incredibly useful for organising the League and adding extra functionality that doesn't exist in in-game Chat and Voice.

    Some Leagues use Facebook, some use Reddit, some use Twitter, but whichever platform they use, the consensus is that DCUO Voice and Chat isn't up to the complexities of managing a League - mostly because it can only be used in realtime, only when you're logged in, there's no persistent (or even usefully large) history of Chat, and it's impossible to directly link to media (thank God, for DCUO Chat, but I digress...).

    If you want to organise a Raid for next Tuesday at 8pm, you can organise it with Players who might not even have been logging in that week, link to a video walkthrough, discuss tactics and mechanics ahead of time, share images of exactly what that one-shot Boss Tell looks like, etc. It's just very, very useful and flexible - which is unsurprising, since Discord was developed for exactly this purpose.
  14. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    Oh I'm on Twitter, and I find it to be worse.
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  15. Tolly Committed Player

    There's nothing like discord, the sound quality is much better than in-game. It offers a voice service, but also a "mini-forum tchat dialogue" system which avoids having to open a guild site like we used to do a few years ago, which comes in handy if you want to chat and share builds of x role power or even related youtube video. What's more, as it can sometimes happen that the IG voice can crash, no longer working for a while, that's where you see the usefulness of an external tool like this ;).

    Other MMORPG games even use discord to organise their raid nights, they register who's going to be there and what role they're going to play, so there's nothing but advantages ;)

    And all for 0€ ! ;)
  16. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    If you are of one political leaning...it probably is. If you are middle or lean to the OTHER side, I'd say it's better.
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  17. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    Not even talking about the politicial stuff. lol I couldn't care less about politics. The app is handled poorly in all aspects, Elon tries to milk it until he shuts it down.
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  18. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    I have a response for you ….

    But you’ll have to join my discord to read it
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  19. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

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  20. Gassius_Spray Loyal Player

    Ive been getting some of these "join my discord" requests lately on my main toon. Every time I inspect the player asking me to join their dicord, or asking if I have one, they are off the ship or under level 30 mostly.

    "Do HaVe disOOrD Br0 ? i hAV3 2C ASk U a QUeStIOn"

    "Just tell me in /tell right here..."

    "ID rAthEr nAHT PLZ GeT Ch4T wif Me AWn DiScORRd ItZ ImpORtANt"

    I give them radio silence treatment. Ta' hell with'em.