are there any roleplayers in this game?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by TheButtsasher, May 30, 2023.

  1. Deus Ex Machina Committed Player

    Call me crazy but I think xxxsuxperxmanxx is happy about the name reclaim.
  2. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    are there YES,

    are they wanted? probably NO

  3. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Oh ok.
  4. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    You forgot to mention the "all void except phoenix mat mask and NSF backpack" style, lol. Despite being in an elite league, running almost exclusively elite content and often running content with those elitists, I couldn't agree more. I despise the toxicity in those circles and conversely have nothing but love for people having fun and enjoying the game in ways that aren't aimed at bothering other people, even if those ways aren't my particular cup of tea.

    Though the one thing that does get a chuckle out of me is picturing them trying to get the name "lamp shade" but it being taken and them having to settle for "lamp shaded" or "lamp shader" which of course isn't a thing. lmao
  5. Miss Adora Loyal Player

    at one time there was a bunch of rpers in the game, we even had our own chat channels, but majority of them all left the game. They found it boring and we felt, the game didn't do anything rp friendly. Now we rp on discord. I believe the website you were talking about, we used that for a while after DCUO limited the chat. But we haven't used that in a few years.
  6. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    Guild Wars 2 has a role-play community but It's based on original characters, obvs. It would be nice to see something like that in DCUO, but everyone wants to be Batman.
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  7. Slow Burn Active Player

    RP players tend to be (but are not always) casual players. Back in the day, Voice chat was denied to F2P, then later attempts to combat spam bots also put a time and length limit on F2P chat. With no way to casual RP, you don't have casual RPers, so you don't have invested RPers.

    Not public, anyway. I'm sure there are Leagues and individuals that got there.
  8. kallader Committed Player

    You can join some of the facebook fan page and do a post asking for roleplay some group have like 18k+ members have more chance to reach peoples there
  9. undrline Issue Tracker Volunteer

    In addition to actual rp'ers, there are definitely people who go for themes. I just saw an "I Dream of Jeannie" cosplay:
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  10. SuperDepresion New Player

    man thats nostalgia i remember like in 2017 i roleplayed a lot as well ahaha it was so silly but fun
  11. undrline Issue Tracker Volunteer

    For sure this guy knows how to RP:
  12. Dev72 Dedicated Player

    I have to admit, it is rather entertaining watching someone jump in a boss fight with a whirlwind attack, then subsequently KO'd. Even funnier when it's the tank.
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  13. undrline Issue Tracker Volunteer

    For my role-playing character, my repertoire is pretty much just "SPOOOON!" and "thanks my chums." So happy when I came back to the game and finally saw that there were antennae
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  14. MightyHornet Well-Known Player

    Idk what chat you’re watching but I play every day and do see anything what you mentioned.
  15. MightyHornet Well-Known Player

  16. undrline Issue Tracker Volunteer

    Thanks, chum :)
  17. RedBlue Blur Level 30

    Ah, back in the day, we had this whole RP scene tucked away in the in-game chat channels.

    • rp: That was our go-to OOC chat channel.
    • hi: The OG RP channel, born right when DCUO kicked off.
    • MetroRP: Official Metropolis RP spot.
    • MetroRP1, MetroRP2: Added those when the crowd grew.
    • GothamRP: The go-to place for dark and gritty RP in Gotham.
    • GothamRP1, GothamRP2: More Gotham RP spaces for the expanding crew.
    • AuxRP: Anything outside Metropolis or Gotham, or when the other spots were packed.
    Good times, but lately, things have quieted down. A bunch of folks migrated to a private Discord when f2p chat got shut down, you know how it goes.

    But, hey, it's not all doom and gloom! With some patience, invites, and a bit of hustle, we could revive the RP vibes. It's just waiting for the right spark to make it boom again. So, if someone's up for it, there's potential to bring back that lively RP community we once had. Just needs a bit of TLC and some eager folks to jump in!