Bonus Artifact XP & Gift!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Jun 1, 2023.

  1. FreeSquishy Level 30

    Yes it is now they get all the people to spend money on catalysts and seals to level them up when even if they nerfed it ppl would have waited for a 2x anyway 1 seal of completion isn't a gift on here worth being happy about lol
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  2. Emoney Dedicated Player

    There is clearly a difference between using it at 200 vs 160. I shouldn't have to explain that. And now, both groups can take that 200 and put it into another artifact, but you have a gift that will help level the new artifact, and they dont.
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  3. zNot Loyal Player

    This is a punch in the face for rank 200 users i hope they will compensate us properly
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  4. Proxystar #Perception

    You're missing his point. He's saying the net result is pretty much the same whether or not you had the artifact at 160 or 200 even though having it at 200 already required a much bigger investment on your part.

    The compensation for that much bigger investment is a $5 seal and a few catalysts of which you're placing too much value.

    So basically one camp (the 160's) are getting $100 worth of Nth Metal and the other camp (the 200's) are getting a $5 seal, the compensation is imbalanced and I'm pretty sure its obvious to everyone which camp is going to be the happiest there.. yeah the one getting $100.
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  5. Emoney Dedicated Player

    I can't help you lol. You can twist anything into that point of view honestly. If you wanna see the world from a half glass point of view, you will. This is a business, they make money. It is what it is. But, they did not force you to use an obviously OP artifact. You could have been like me and not leveled at all based on principle. But, you gambled knowing at some point it would probably get nerfed. Here we are. You put yourself in this position, not the devs.
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  6. Ron64 New Player

    das ist mal was richtig feines :)
    wenns jetzt noch rücksetzmarken zum halben preis geben würde als wiedergutmachung für die vielen aussetzer im spiel wäre das ein echter hammer ;)
  7. FreeSquishy Level 30

    Lol oh yeah a 5$ Seal is a huge difference im 100% sure everyone with a 200 would rather spend 5$ on a seal over 100$ on a mil xp the 160 users didn't spend the extra 110$ on xp and seals so they shouldn't be recieving more just because they spent less so they didn't use it at 200. Give them seals like the rest of us instead of the xp bump so they can work on their new 160 art like we have to work on a new 200
  8. comrade sonya Committed Player

    Thank you for giving something to everyone who might be affected by the EOG changes, and doing a bonus XP week!
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  9. DezFTW Active Player

    Can someone explain the tier system of EOG. Is RNG or number of times you use your Super Charge?
  10. Emoney Dedicated Player

    I'm sure those 160 players would have loved to play with a 200 before all this right? You did, they didn't. You fail to understand this point. So what if they go from 160 to 200. You had the top artifact maxed when they didnt. That time counts. Sure, there isn't an exact price tag we can place on that, but it's worth a lot. Otherwise no one would care this got nerfed in the first place.
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  11. FreeSquishy Level 30

    They had the same option to use it as everybody else lol just because they didn't doesn't mean they should recieve 100$ worth for free while those who did get trash
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  12. Charlieboy Well-Known Player

    Its only worth something cos those players invested more $ into it but with this solution players who didnt get more! It really isnt that hard to understand.
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  13. xGMZen Well-Known Player

    I need to know if this applies to all alter egos? or if its one gift per character but account bound?
  14. Proxystar #Perception

    It really isn't huh lol, but sometimes even the simplest of things becomes rocket science it seems.
  15. FreeSquishy Level 30

    This was answered by mepps on Page 1
  16. Forum Junkie Well-Known Player

    I would give 2 thumbs up if it were possible.
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  17. xGMZen Well-Known Player

    I will double check right now, thanks.
  18. Emoney Dedicated Player

    Is it? Are you going to continue using EOG? You had a massive advantage before this. They didn't take away your artifact, they changed it. But you all act like the devs took everything from you while giving something to someone else, when hilariously, you all have the same thing. You now have a double xp event, and bonus stuff to build another artifact.

    Yall even fail to see, I've spent time leveling up other artifacts, just because I chose not to do EOG I don't get anything. I could be salty at all these gifts going around, but I'm not, because I see the bigger picture. You all keep an artifact and get gifts...while I just have my 200 artifacts. Where do we draw the line with entitlement?
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  19. FreeSquishy Level 30

    Oh yes so much to be salty for. you don't have to re level a 200 art and recieve a seal of completion as a slap for levelimg it to 200 to begin with but hey you still get seals and xp because of downtime so you can be grateful to recieve items at 0 loss to u lmfao
  20. Emoney Dedicated Player

    You don't HAVE to level another artifact either, lol, your EOG is still 200!