[Suggestion]: Disable PVP on PVE Server

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Mo Kenway, May 6, 2023.

  1. Mo Kenway Well-Known Player

    I think disabling PVP altogether on the PVE servers would improve the overall community; you have the villains side who won't stop being toxic and harassing other players for not enabling their PVP; as we can see, most everyone in the PVE servers does not want to toggle nor fight villains. Sometimes people want to relax and appreciate their progress and effort by standing in a line or a particular spot where they can show off.

    Such a mindset is not toxic and encourages people to remain in DCUO for longer. Usually, when we encounter toxic people who harass people into toggling, which causes some people to leave despite adding them on and ignoring them, they will go on a different account and harass the person or start spamming objects that are thrown at them out of sheer disrespect in a toxic way to bait them out of PVE mode.

    Disabling the PVP option on PVE servers would Improve the community while calming things down. I've seen this happen too many times to the point I had to bring this up in the forum Im fed up with this kind of toxic behavior only because some people don't want to fight or do PVP and then right afterward get harassed just to piss them off even more.

    Such behavior from anyone must be addressed, but there's just a whole community that is all about clout and toxic behavior. I've seen tons of youtube videos that encourage this because they believe they are the center of it all as soon they start showing off how good their character's stats are.

    Disabling PVP would solve this issue while improving the behavior of many, preventing the escalation of fights and toxicity in the community. Now disabling PVP will not remove the ability to duel someone. However, it will be much more unlikely for people to put all their toxic effort into baiting someone into dueling, unlike Villains who bring many people of their own as if they are boycotting a person. They want clout and bait people who don't care about PVP into PVP mode through toxicity and harassment.
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  2. TI99Kitty Dedicated Player

    Or, you can go into settings and block all PvP requests.

    Honestly, though, I haven't seen that kind of toxicity from the villain side. Usually, the few villains I run across tend to be more helpful than most of the heroes. Most of the really nasty LFG messages I see are when I'm playing as a hero, and when I see shouts where people are being nasty to each other, they almost always have (H) next to their names.
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  3. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    Eh it’s hero’s as well
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  4. Eshmaki Level 30

    They need to patch the bug that allows villians and heros in each other HQs. I do not like being killed coming out of a PVP match.
  5. bboy-rei Well-Known Player

    This. PVP tends to bring out the worst kinds of players regardless of server and faction, but most toxic encounters typically come from heroes due to the larger population and the demographic skewing towards younger and immature players. Even had a league leader call me trash after defeating him in an arena match, needless to say I'm no longer in that league for good reason.
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  6. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    you have the option of being on PVP server or PVE what nonsense are you talking about. the only thing a player can do outside of that is send you a dual invite which you can toggle off on your end. I dont understand why your think there is a issue?
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  7. Trexlight Devoted Player

    There's a Phase Shifter in WT and HoD that switches you from PVP Phase and PVE Phase. Dont think its in HoL but I also didnt look carefully. The only PVP that happens on PVE Phase is if you accept a DUel which you can also turn off Duel requests in the Settings.

    Just make sure youre in PVE Phase and youll be fine. No need to go through this lengths over nothing.
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  8. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    HoL doesn't have a phaser because there is no PvP phase for HoL.
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  9. Miserable Dedicated Player

    I'm sorry, but this post is hilarious. Not that I'd even care if they removed it because I don't really use it, but how on earth do you survive in the real world with an attitude like this?

    First of all, this is not something that happens with any sort of regularity whatsoever (at least not on USPS/PC). And second, you cannot be harassed into turning on your PvP flag. It's not possible. That's something you have to choose to do.

    Literally the only thing you have described in your post is players being toxic in shout chat, for which you have the ignore feature.
  10. Dev72 Dedicated Player

    Go to "Settlings", then to "UI", toggle "Ignore duel requests", then save. Other than that, if you are running around with your PvP toggled...that means fair game.
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  11. TI99Kitty Dedicated Player

    You don't even have to go to the WT or HoD and use the phase shifter. Just open the map and select "Phase." If there's a PvP phase, it'll show there, but AFAICT, you shouldn't need to do that, because PvE is the default, and a lot of times there's not even a PvP phase, because no one is in PvP.
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  12. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    Yes you do have to use phase shifter to even go in that phase
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  13. DarkMastery Active Player

    Both sides have bad actors But the Hero side is far worse because more people there equals bigger mouths and egos and the toxic pit of bs anyone saying otherwise hasn't been paying attention hahaha.
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  14. inferno Loyal Player

    For myself, the most intrusive and annoying experience was someone in Gorilla form throwing stuff at my toon from across the room and my toon would not only be forced out but actually be bounced off the wall.

    I just left. i suppose I could have taken his name and reported or confronted but to be honest; I don't care to in any way justify such behavior.
  15. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    Is using the trinket with barrels like that even reportable?
  16. TI99Kitty Dedicated Player

    I stand corrected. In my defense, I don't PvP, so I never tried going to a PvP phase.
  17. TI99Kitty Dedicated Player

    Given that so many throwable items have feats attached to them for throwing them, probably not.
  18. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    You can flag yourself for PvP, even when you're in a PvE phase. It also happens automatically, if you interact with any objectives in the Ring Of War, or Diamond Heist areas in old Metro and Gotham. Not saying it's a problem, but there are some players doing PvP in PvE phases - they appear as red instead of purple dots on mini-map.

    I'm guessing, that since PvP phases are usually empty, some PvPers roam around open world areas in PvE phases, spoiling for a fight, and probably try to provoke PvE players by insulting them in chats, which is what might have happened to the OP. What can I say - PvPers are insecure a-holes desperate to assert their superiority. Luckily - there aren't many of them left in the game and they're easy to ignore.
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  19. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    A little tip: I don't do PvP either, but PvP phases are useful for doing seasonal missions quickly, because there's usually nobody there, so all the spawn-points are undisturbed.
  20. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    What time do you go there to do that? Just so I (or others) know not to go there at the same time.. Oh, and what spot do you go to? So I (or others) know how to complete it with maximum efficiency..

    ..For science.
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