Eog ep45

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by not serious, Apr 14, 2023.

  1. not serious Well-Known Player

    can you block the use of eog until it is finished. To avoid ruining the experience of your new dlc.
    Finally, I greatly appreciate you continuing to refine the changes to this artefact
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  2. VIRALITY Dedicated Player

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  3. not serious Well-Known Player

    This proposal could not be more serious, unless you are for finishing new reputation and all the exploits in less than 3 days as for episode 44.
    And complain once again that it's another joke episode and that you have to get out of elite+ quickly.
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  4. VIRALITY Dedicated Player

    Wait, you actually want the devs to completely disable something that potentially hundreds of people spent $150+ on? I'm sure that'd go over real well.
  5. Limey Committed Player

    While I agree with you completely, as an agent of chaos, I'd absolutely love to see the bandaid ripped off before the wound even starts to heal.
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  6. not serious Well-Known Player

    Sorry, but the excuse of spending money to continue to use something that is always broken is more than a little unserious.
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  7. not serious Well-Known Player

    Haven't they ruined enough exploits with their 150$, or do they need a bit more
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  8. myandria Item Storage

    Ahh, but here's the thing;:eek: you don't have to spend any real money to level up an artifact. Artifacts themselves do not cost real money. Players can "choose" to use money to level up an artifact; it isn't a requirement to spend real money on an artifact to use one.

    If a player "chooses" to use real money to level up an artifact to use it in a short amount of time, then that is their choice; it's not the dev's responsibility if any monetary value is lost due to a change and/or removal of an artifact.

    IF the devs decide to compensate players for the change to EOG, then they will do so due to the kindness within their hearts, not due to any monetary obligations owed to the players who paid real money to use the artifact.
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  9. VIRALITY Dedicated Player

    While you are correct - there should be some form of compensation - because if said player spent $0 real money to level an artifact, they would've had to spend A LOT of time as well as electricity costs to obtain all of the materials to get and level an artifact; materials and time that could have been spent leveling a different, more useful artifact (ie. opportunity cost). I'd actually argue that this situation is worse than someone just dropping $150 to level up an artifact quickly, because time is the one commodity that one can never get back.
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  10. Stag Active Player

    Since the dlc got delayed until next Thursday I'm 70% sure that the changes to eog will be releasing with it.
  11. myandria Item Storage

    Good point; however, if you "choose" to spend time leveling up an artifact for free, then that is your choice as well. That is the route I choose and I do not expect to receive any compensation for my time. Why? Because I "want" and "choose" to do it. I have many choices of MMO's to play; however, DCUO is one of the MMO's I choose to play. I'm not obligated to continue playing if I don't want to; therefore, I don't need any "compensation" for playing a game I like to play. Of course, this is just my personal point of view.
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  12. GermanM Committed Player

    No one force them to pay.

    My thoughts exactly, people believe that because they paid they have the right to demand things stay the same forever. Is like an invest, sometimes those have good results, sometimes don't
  13. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    I will say this, I learned my lesson about the follies of being invested in an MMO. Be it artifacts, power sets, whatever..., I will never spend any $ on anything that affects the leveling of my character, GU 116 was a very good teacher to me. I will spend $ on cosmetics, base items, or maybe the new emotes that are going to come out. But never again spend $ on something that influences my character's stats, be it this game, Final Fantasy XIV, or any other game ever again. I learned my lesson the hard way. Never again.
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  14. GermanM Committed Player

    Yeah, Sadly some painful lessons are the best lessons.
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  15. Trykz Dedicated Player

    Eh. I’m a big eog fan. I wasn’t when I first came back. I thought people were stealing my damage and I hated the art lol. It wasn’t until I healed with it that I fell in love. It’s the most fun healing I’ve ever had healing by far.

    Eog needed some changes, for the games over all health, that’s a given.

    The way they allowed 2xp to go through, then announced the changes to the aTy after the fact was foul to me.
    Then for mepps to blame it on the communities whining? Even more foul.

    I’ve personally spent over a grand on arts and I expect no compensation for changes to arts. That’s the risk you take when you spend your real money on a virtual game. It is what it is.

    But that taste hasn’t left my mouth. And it hasn’t left a lot of people’s mouths.

    So if they wanna alienate even more of the player base, by all means, do what you suggest.

    You can say “people don’t have to pay any real money for any reason” all you want. But until dcuo starts running ads in this game it’s the players who are opening their wallets that is keeping this game running. This isn’t a charity. We pay to play. We may not sign their checks but without the people willing to open their wallets we wouldn’t be on this 12 year old game complaining about changes.

    You can hate eog, but its made them a **** load of money, you can hate that people have money to spend on a game, but it’s kept this game going for 12 years. you can hate any thing you want. But don’t forget that this is a business. So when they start alienating the very people that pay for this game the most, with no regard to how they treat them, it’s not gonna go well. There has to be a balance between the games health, and what people wanna spend money on.

    You can’t just say screw everyone who doesn’t like it they are a bunch of whiny babies we do what we want.

    You can, but we respond with play time and wallet. If you think the forums can make change, wait until you see how much closing your wallets can make change.

    We get it, you hate eog lol. Something else you should understand is that “meta” will always be a thing. Some nerd will figure out what the next best set up is and everyone will use that instead of just eog. Literallly nothing will change besides the art being used. There will always be a “best in slot” and someone math guy will always figure it out and the people with money to spend will always flock to it. It’s no different then when they were releasing new powers, or when they were doing AM’s, remember how many ice dps there used to be? Lol.

    And here’s the real kicker for you dps complaining about eog, with or without it, good players will ALWAYS beat you. Doesn’t matter if they have that or not, it isn’t eog that is killing on the scoreboard, it’s skill. So even with eog gone, you still gonna be a 3rd dps, but now you will be a 3rd dps with *insert new art meta here* to complain about instead of eog.
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  16. OneWhoLaughed Committed Player

    I don't get why we have >3 threads on this subject with the exact same people complaining in all of them.

    They make it sound like EoG is the biggest problem in this game and they complain ad infinitum that this ep launch is going to be ruined by this artifact.

    What is actually being ruined though? Like I don't get it. Is this an ego/scoreboard thing? Is EoG magically going to make this content unplayable?

    And on the flip side, what is with the enjoyment of something being nerfed? If this was a new exploit or a speed hack, I would totally get it, but it's just an over-performing artifact, that has existed this way for years. Some users literally love to gloat and that's way more 'toxic' than anything being said about this artifact.

    If you've been removed from a group for not using eog, then that sucks, but this is an mmo, so maybe find a new group? Or understand that people are allowed to want to play the way they want, and if they formed the group and want a specific synergy that you can't provide, then that's on you.
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  17. GermanM Committed Player

    Agree we dont need more threads about EOG.

    EOG is not the biggest problem in this game, but is one of those that can be solved because speedhackers and other´s things require a lot of work and i dont have hope dev´s do something about those.

    Or are you going to deny the problem EOG have create to the balance in this game.
  18. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    If this nerf to EoG makes a pro-clamper cry, then it is worth it.
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  19. OneWhoLaughed Committed Player

    See it's this kinda attitude I'm talking about. What do you gain from this nerf? And in what way is this related to the clamp?

    That comment is probably one of the most pathetic things I have ever seen on these forums.

    No-one is denying that, some aspects of EoG should never have existed, however, this change isn't a meaningful one that factors in all of the other gameplay aspects that it affects.
    Personally speaking, I'm glad the stacking effect is being done with, but the numbers for both orange & green circles are not good. Having tested orange circles & coordinating them within group, It still feels ok, but not quite there. Haven't tested greens to the same extent, but know from other people using that this change is way too much.

    With artifacts you expect some kind of trade-off, like lernea's amulet, you gain might but you lose health. With EoG currently you do not really lose anything, but with this nerf, we don't really gain anything either when we do lose effects.
    I don't want to add another artifact to the unused pile and feel like this change should've been an addition to a further SC/artifact overhaul.
  20. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    I’ll tell you. It is an example of how I felt then my stats got clamped and I was nerfed in EEG. I voiced my displeasure and was met with toxic vitriol from the pro-clamper side, so, if this can make them understand what I felt & they mocked then lesson learned.
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