The EU side needs help!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by MidLifeCrysis41, Apr 3, 2023.

  1. MidLifeCrysis41 Well-Known Player

    This isn’t the quiet before the new DLC. This is a constant now! It’s becoming almost unplayable via LFG. Sit in groups so long looking specific roles or even actual dps (DPS!!!) people leave - others follow suit. This is going on some time now!

    The villain side is literally unplayable!!

    I’ve no idea what needs done! Or… what can be done. But that’s not my job to know. I just know that it’s never been like this. The LFG sparsely moves. Shout (after blocking all 4000 gold selling bots) barely moves - unless it’s a few kids talking brown about how crap they are at pvp etc. leagues are 2-3 lonely people now. They’re almost at the stage of being pointless. Most in them pug anyway, out of necessity. The only purpose they serve - are the buffs.

    Obviously it’ll pick up for about two weeks once the new DLC drops. It’ll be hacked through in a few days, and return to ghost city for those who remain.

    There are mountains of inaccessible content and more importantly! ‘Feats’ locked away, out of reach due to inactivity and/or laziness/no incentive etc to run. Something has to be done! We pay for this content, yet can’t access it! Not its feats. If they can’t be accessed. They need to be given to players (this isn’t some “I want free feats type thing”) this is just the reality.

    We deserve the exact same amount of respect, help, attention and inovation that the U.S. customers and servers would get, if they were in the same state. This is completely unacceptable!!
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  2. xXlNesTlXx Well-Known Player

    Let me tell you something...EU server have the 26% of the characters population, and US server have the with this numers, WE NEVER gonna get the same "amount of respect, help, attention and inovation that the U.S" so just deal with it or quit game
  3. GermanM Committed Player

    A servers merge could be good, hope they can make it someday.
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  4. the solowing Unwavering Player

    True, but dont hold out hope for that one.
  5. MidLifeCrysis41 Well-Known Player

    Let me explain something too you. 26% of population - doesn’t equate to 26% active players.

    P.S. where are the other 22% of players? We usually do things out of 100%. If the EU has 26% (which is mostly idle accounts that haven’t logged in for years) and the U.S. has 52% who has the other 22%?

    PPS: if you don’t like someone’s thread about the state of the game - here’s a suggestion! Read it, then don’t reply if you don’t like the topic. Or better yet! Why don’t you leave the forums? They seem to have upset you.
    I on the other hand, will continue to advocate for something to be done. (Regardless of what that may be) is that ok with you?
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  6. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    That would be great! I wonder what the limitations are present which prevents a server merge from happening?

    I have a league mate, who lives in Indonesia and we are almost 12 hours apart but we still are able to play with each other and enjoy the game together. The EU population would benefit greatly from a server merge. They would be a welcomed addition.
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  7. TI99Kitty Dedicated Player

    Probably on XBox and Switch.
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  8. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    It doesn't. But if you check the numbers of characters with EG CR - say at or above 333, which was the last free CR skip - the numbers are even worse for EUPC/PS. 34 855 on EUPC/PS to 136 484 on USPC/PS, so nearly 1:4. Character Count - Characters - DCUOCommunity

    XBox and Switch servers.
  9. MidLifeCrysis41 Well-Known Player

    Bug they’d still be using the same DC EU/US servers would they not? If I’m wrong - I’ve np at all admitting that. I know nothing of technical workings.

    I do know that 26% character population though is not active players. The EU is a desert in almost every single DLC, there be a few hundred players on it daily. Both actively playing, others doing up bases etc. which still leads me to my original point. If we can’t access the mountain of content - we should be awarded the feats in them. Or… allowed to access in smaller groups/or remove the clamp, and allow ppl to walk-in alone again (like years ago) this isn’t an anti-clamp post btw! It’s a person trying to think up ways to stay playing a game I enjoy. And not sitting waiting online for hours/or trying and miserably failing to get ppl to run content in both openworld and raids etc.
  10. TI99Kitty Dedicated Player

    They're on their own servers (one fro XB, and one for Switch). I only know this because because of the server status page. I've had to check the status once or twice when I wasn't sure if I was having problems, or Daybreak was.
  11. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    There are actually 2 servers for Switch - EU and US. US Switch server has fewer than 5000 characters with CR at or above 333, EU Switch - fewer than 800... o_O If those servers have not been merged - I don't know how low will EUPC/PS population have to be, before the merge with USPC/PS is considered.
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  12. xXlNesTlXx Well-Known Player

    Hahahah you should check DCUO census before provide that ridiculous answer hahaha, sorry if you can't deal WITH FACTS and good luck moaning to the air with this “game is dead” thread
  13. GermanM Committed Player

    I dont, i have abandoned all hope a long time ago xD
  14. Baelor New Player

    I feel you. EUPS/PC has been unplayable for a while now, especially as a Villain. You can only do normal endgame content and only on Thursday or Saturday evenings. If you can't make it on those days, then you can forget about doing group content. MMOs need to have a healthy population for them to be enjoyable. What that population is depends on the game. But it's clear that DCUO EUPS/PC is too low. Most of the group content in the game cannot be played because there simply aren't enough people willing to do them. So, if you've completed your endgame yellow set and/or can't join on Thursday or Saturday evenings to do SoBA normal raids, then there's little point in playing the game anymore.

    The 2xSC week was pretty cool, though. It showed what the game could be if there were more people playing. But unfortunately, once the bonus was over, people just didn't join anymore.
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  15. zNot Loyal Player

    And the population will continue to suffer like this aslong as the devs allow broken meta playstyles to define endgame content and gatekeep those players who dont want to participate in such a playstyle,The game isnt dead on EU its just not able to retain its players because EU also has alot of competitve players,if balance/more build diversity and more substance,interesting raid content isnt provided boredom will continue to rob (especially endgame) players willingless to engage in this game. Most endgame People are playing builds that are OP not whats fun to them.

    A server merge wont fix these issues there is something wrong if it has reached this point And the US will face the same problem down the line if things dont change.
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  16. MidLifeCrysis41 Well-Known Player

    I’ve truly no idea what exactly you’re trying to do here. I truly couldn’t gaf either way! Census data shows nothing more than players who’ve maxed their toons (and so many alts) it doesn’t show activity. And that’s what this is about; Activity! And how to increase it. If it can’t be increased - players who can’t access content should be awarded the feats therein. Or they should be awarded the collections and briefings etc. in no other game would you pay, and find it acceptable to not have access to 80% of the games content.
    So take your pointless replies - and go very fys with them! I can’t stand people like you!! Who come in and intentionally try and derail posts. And yet… I’d be banned for saying exactly what I’d really say in response. Don’t bother replying - you’re already blocked!