Episode 45: Everything we know so far!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Eve, Mar 27, 2023.

  1. Eve YouTuber

    Since Mepps started doing promos to the episode(He posted a screenshot of Static in the new episode, aswell on the latest Dev stream showed us Dakota City and Rocket's NPC) I made two videos to kind of discuss both and gather all the info we have so far!

    If you missed it and want to take a look at the screenshot of Dakota city and Rocket:
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  2. Eve YouTuber

    The screenshot Mepps shared on Twitter today;
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  3. blazeing fire111 Devoted Player

    Really not excited for open world raid bosses coming back....
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  4. Eve YouTuber

    Hopefully they did some changes since then and It's not exactly how it was?
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  5. blazeing fire111 Devoted Player

    Would be cool to give us instanced open world, so we can fight the bosses in just a raid group...becomes a lagfest and just boring braindead tank and spank content otherwise.
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  6. Eve YouTuber

    Yeah, I think that in Metal I was it? We had a instanced content we walked into. It could be like a dungeon, and the game will tell you taht you need 7 more players to walk in and can pick up difficulty maybe. (Event or Regular). Not sure if they can do it for this episode but maybe in the future?
  7. The_fair_1 Committed Player

    Can’t wait for more recycled content that gets extremely boring extremely fast. Love static and was arguably one of my favorite cartoons growing up but honestly I feel the game will prob mess it up somehow and I’ll end up disliking the DLC. Here’s hoping they slow the time capsule push and start working towards focusing on making DLC great again
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  8. Eve YouTuber

    I think with them pushing promotion for this episode through Twitter and such means they are more confident in the product. The story for this one is written by a top DC Comics Writer so lore wise it should be good. Difficulty is subjective, by each person and their preference. I felt the same with Black Adam (Although I loved the continuation of the early leveling story) and got burnt out really fast. I think bringing in fresh characters and fresh locations could really help with this episode, and we never had Milestones characters other than Static in the game. Here's to a great episode.
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  9. Limey Committed Player

    We also know that if there are no more major delays, we could see the episode on test center this week.

    Try hard enough and you can dislike anything. :rolleyes:
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  10. Eve YouTuber

    Hopefully! I'm excited to see all the new stuff. :p
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  11. El Ferchos Active Player

    Tbh I'm not excited at all for this upcoming dlc since the character's debut I found it very boring. Gave the cartoon show a try, like 5 episodes but didn't catch my fancy. Sure there are some people put there who like it and possibly will enjoy. All I can really hope for is for a style with those big googles on the forehead without the mask.
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  12. Tolly Committed Player

    I hope that the DLC won't turn on a specific yearly theme as it's starting to take shape, otherwise it might make the game very disappointing and boring, if it turns out that way for the future of DCUO...
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  13. Eve YouTuber

    It's not just Static, unless you mean you don't care for Rocket aswell xD Milestones Comics has various characters, not just Static

    I think as I said above them promoting this episode means they're confident with the product (Episode) and It's a good thing. I think we have two more episodes this year, one supposed to launch this summer. So expecting a development update around June
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  14. the solowing Unwavering Player

    How can you change up the formula for a community that abhors change?
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  15. OneWhoLaughed Committed Player

    My one request for this episode: elite rings, neck & weapon return, as it was in the other 2 DLC's that had world boss focus
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  16. Tolly Committed Player

    ah well then why did people ask to have something else from Batman Flash wonder woman?
  17. Eve YouTuber

    The next episode is Milestones characters so none of the above
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  18. MystoganJella Well-Known Player

    Potentially We Can See Icon Sense Rocket Appearing Hopefully It Would Be Neat :)
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  19. El Ferchos Active Player

    Most likely I'd quote Thanos if you show me Milestone characters: I don't even know who you are.
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  20. Eve YouTuber

    Yeah they aren't really DC so I get where you are coming from. They have some great characters like Icon, Rocket, etc. I'm not super invested myself into them but I know the popular ones lol