What do randos expect?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by UnboundHeavenlyDemon, Mar 2, 2023.

  1. ArtemisWonderWoman7 Well-Known Player

    Ok add a 30 minute penalty but also adds a ignore and favorite list cause there is some raid that I just hate. You think no 1 q omnibus now add a 30 minute penalty and see how dry the q gets after
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  2. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Sorry Rein, but its undesirable for those who expect to queue fish all day without consequence. That being the point, itll discourage the behavior because youll be inconvenience inconveniencing other people.

    Just because you find your time valuable doesn't mean my time is any less valuable.
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  3. the solowing Unwavering Player

    You think noone queue for Omnibus?

    We must be playing 2 different games then.
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  4. Alpha Maximum Well-Known Player

    LOL! I honestly LOVE hearing fellow elites complaining about "randos" which are essentially new players with no arts, etc. going into content with them and then blaming the players and NOT THE COMPANY RUNNING THE GAME.

    This is the natural result of the mix of poor decisions and the stat clamp (which the same people going on and on about how much they love it in anti-stat clamp threads are also endlessly complaining about the results of it in other threads).


    So I'll give the same advice my fellow long time elite gate keeping stat clamp loving fellows give. "Get gud. It's all in your head. You just want to steam roll content. This is so the game is better for everyone. I never have that problem so its not real. And lastly DCUO can do no wrong all praise DCUO and their mighty power."


    Now all accurate joking aside, getting thrown in with people ill equipped to face the challenges is a net result of poor decision making and a refusal to own it by the powers that be. Its that simple. I have no solutions but I will also not pretend that the very system that made things worse is somehow the cure. You can recognize a flawed system without having to explain how to fix it. We pay to play not pay to do their jobs.

    At any rate there is a fix that's been recommend since a certain event made all this worse but that would mean owning they messed up and dealing with a handful of the most zealous "players" posting endlessly which they will do anyway. Hey at least they got the daily rewards right. We just can't enjoy any content requiring playing with anyone other well established players that have been playing for years... and there are all to few of us "elites" left playing.

    Get used to randos and don't blame them for jumping into content the stat clamp was designed to throw them in to playing. That was the whole point of the stat clamp to "Make the game play for everyone as it was always intended to be played while allowing new players to join old players in all content. Be assured this will be a net positive for everyone going forward." LOL!

  5. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    I'd rather queue chicken instead of fish. I think I'm tired of fish, even with lemon & tartar sauce.

    Having said that, there are some raids that when I find myself in them (Unholy Matrimony) I will just leave. It isn't worth the aggravation to me so if I get a penalty that's fine. As I said before, I will only queue for Omni with my friends and league mates but there usually randoms in the mix too. Those annoying raids combined with players who will not listen and will just release all the brothers at the same time after repeatedly explaining to them do not do that, it gets on my nerves. I can only tolerate so much of this behavior. These are the conditions under which I have no prob abandoning a raid.
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  6. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    *shrug* Feel free to disagree, but without counter-arguments all my points still stand. Your solution would inconvenience and drive away more players than the problem. And the game is in no position to antagonize players.

    If you think players refusing the same long instances popping up in Omnibus is your definition of "toxicity", you clearly have a skewed perspective. I'd rather someone refused an instance, so I'd wait a minute or 5 longer for the raid, than a player begrudgingly accepted it, then proceeded to rush through it and take out his frustration on everyone in it.

    Also, if you believe that fishing Omnibus is a problem on such a scale that it justifies draconian solutions - maybe you're out of touch with what "normal" players do and what their experiences are.

    And no - "we" don't want to "clean up the community". This kind of rhetoric is not at all helpful. You don't introduce marshal law in order to curb shop-lifting.
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  7. UnboundHeavenlyDemon Well-Known Player

    I seriously agree because there’s some raids I don’t want to run on omnibus ever lol
  8. UnboundHeavenlyDemon Well-Known Player

    I don’t agree because if people at least use their brain to do what majority of players have done and is to RESEARCH their roles then this wouldn’t happened because even with the clamp I can do a lot of content with no problem as long as I put the effort and anyone I run with do so too.I dislike the people who blindly play with no thought on improving or doing a simple google search because we live in an age of technology and if you have internet to play dcuo then you have internet to research the power and become better for yourself and others
  9. UnboundHeavenlyDemon Well-Known Player

    basically.I have experiences that urges me not to accept certain queue because of my experiences with randos and people can disagree but I’ve played for too long and what I can’t stand is that at one point I was new and dumb but then one day I decide to look up info to become better but from my observation of players I’ve inspected I can’t fathom how some of these people think.This is not Mario or a single player game so why not use that brain to research and become better and in return you’ll love the game more
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  10. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I said I'm all for it. I'll also be all for sitting here laughing when omni queues drop off even more and you are upset by that.

    Most times I'll run omni in full groups, so your change will impact me less than it does you....trust me.
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  11. ArtemisWonderWoman7 Well-Known Player

    I actually q omnibus almost ever day but its normally with a league mate but there are raids I won't do like spindrift station that raid has alot of mechanics that require most of the group to follow and I don't wanna waste my time wiping. Then you have bbs again more mechanics that take alit of group team work
  12. the solowing Unwavering Player

    I do think you should get a certain amount of decline but there's a point where declining everything except a particular set of instances isnt healthy overall . Three declines is reasonable, being able to decline everything but select instances isn't healthy.
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  13. the solowing Unwavering Player

    I disagree, anyone who isnt chronically fishing queues wouldnt be affected by a change like this.

    If you queue Omnibus, its a random queue. Why do people go into random queues with expectations of getting to handpick an instance? If you want control over your instance pool use queue custom.

    Why is that a normal expectation to simply game this system like its a feature, and a rather large oversight.

    That not to say, i dont believe in a veto system. But i think 3 chances to get a different instance is fine. But being able to decline ANYTHING except X Y and Z should be punished for fishing in a random queue.
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  14. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    Sure would be nice to be a little stronger in Omni so that when we get paired up with a bad group the players who know what they are doing can still salvage the mission. But oh well. Still it sure would be nice to be a little stronger in Omni.
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  15. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Isnt that the case now if you have 3-4 competent players?
  16. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    I think the ratio is more close to 5-6 competent players out of the 8, take Unholy Matrimony for example lol
  17. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    I was in an Omni raid with Super Epik last week that went wrong but we were able to pull if off in spite of the other 4 players, who got ko'd and were unable to be revived in time since we were all literally fighting for our lives at that point lol. But yes 3-4 competent players did salvage an otherwise bad Omni run. As I said, I only run Omni with my friends and league mates. I will not just run Omni on my own, and i will avoid it otherwise.
  18. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    Fair enough. If penalty only applied to omnibus and there was some leeway, that might be workable, although I still don't think anything of the sort will be implemented. I'm not a fan of fishing, but then - it doesn't seem to happen often in my experience. Not often enough for me to even care.
  19. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Oh this was implemented at one time. I personally think it needs to make a return to curb some of this behavior.

    Sure changes like these are going to piss some people off but realistically you're never going to appease everyone.

    And I don't see how stopping people from acting like tools is a bad thing.
  20. Alpha Maximum Well-Known Player

    I appreciate you helping cement my point intentionally or not.
    Blame the players: Check
    I can do it with clamp so its fine: Check
    Never mention DCUOs role in all this: Check

    I get it, I really do. That's why I blame the criminal not the victims, I blame the game company that designed the system with full knowledge of what would happen and still did it anyway. I don't blame the players using the system put in place by the game company. If a brand new rando shows up with no clue, no experience, no arts, etc. they did it because the game is designed to put them there. Heck you get missions at low level sending you to team up. The game actually makes it a mission to be a brand new rando signing up for team play.

    So when the latest free player rando jumps in and hasn't done the requisite two months of studying for every battle before daring to play just to make you happy, I won't be blaming them for doing what the game is designed to do. I blame DCUO because facts are a thing that trump our subjective feelings.

    Lets try some faulty comparison that still makes the point. Is it the government's fault for creating laws that give tax brakes that see me paying no taxes and forcing you to pay more or is it my fault for using the tax system they implemented? Perhaps it goes further and not only do I pay zero taxes but I find a break that gives me thousands of dollars back I never paid and you end up paying even more in taxes. Is that my fault for using what they created? Should I smugly blame you for not becoming a tax expert before "playing" in the world of making them Benjamin's?

    The point is you need to find who is objectively to blame. Objectively those that create the system and rules you are playing within are to blame especially when they make it part of the missions to actually go team up well before they are actually ready. Don't hate the player hate the game.
