What do randos expect?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by UnboundHeavenlyDemon, Mar 2, 2023.

  1. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    Yup. That's the nature of the beast. "You pays your money and you takes your chances." But at the very least - it's only a PUG, so very little is at stake.
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  2. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    I agree. I still believe it is because they see your displayed CR and believe you to be “at their level” so who are you to tell them anything otherwise in their minds. I still believe if our true CR levels were displayed instead, then the lower level players would take heed to the sage advice of their senior level players and follow their recommendations. Or don’t and fail.
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  3. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Also some of the misadventures i do when not on DCUO.

    (Managed to glide the distroyed plane back to the base)

    (Next time i wanna try gliding it back to the hanger)
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  4. Emoney Dedicated Player

    I just wish players would learn to Q for the role they want, or can preform. Today I was in a group that started with a person who Qd as Tank, but refused to Tank. After a few wipes, and waiting for the timer, we kicked him.
    Then, we got a new Tank, who switched to DPS mid boss, and then refused to switch back. Luckily I didnt vote on the first guy, so I kicked that person. Then, I switched to Tank even though I wanted to DPS and only Qd as a DPS.

    I get it, the Q goes way faster if you can Q as a Tank or Healer. But, if you arent willing to run the role, especially when the UI tells you the role it picked for you in the confirm box, then you are only hurting the group and wasting peoples time. The system is set up to find roles based on what we Q, it doesnt look for two of every role, sometimes it happens to put in two people that dual role, but not always.

    Basically, if ya want to only DPS, suffer the long wait due to competition of all the DPSs out there trying to Q, or run the roles you Q as. Because, honestly, that's my biggest issue with random Qs, and one of the only reasons I second guess doing an Omni when I have time to do so.
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  5. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    TOP GUN!
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  6. Jcal Dedicated Player

    Queue up as a tank or healer and it's your way or the highway. That's my way of playing.

    Paradox Wave Omni run - immediately go into the tunnel. If people start an EO run without the tank or healer, good luck to them. My main characters can solo the tunnels and the Tyrant after if need be. If I'm on an alt who can't, then it's time to go. No hard feelings, no getting frustrated or upset.

    What do I expect when I when I queue up with randoms? I expect absolutely nothing. I'm always ready to solo or do some heavy lifting.
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  7. FoolsFire Devoted Player

    I don't mind if people don't have Artifacts maxed out. I do mind when they have two pieces of gear with mainframe mods and the rest are empty. Seriously?
  8. inferno Loyal Player

    may I ask why you guys run Omni? Is there some reward or coin it gives that special? I don't run it at all and I thought it only gives source marks. I have plenty of those with current content and specially when old currency converts over. I have all the styles and don't have use for source marks as much.
    I'm just curious, since I don't play as much as I used to and avoid Omni content. If Tifanny, who doesn't like running clamped content, is running it; it makes me wonder if I'm missing something.
  9. Emoney Dedicated Player

    Do you wanna elaborate on the first paragraph? My take is you believe if you Q as a Tank or Healer it's your choice to run it or not after the fact?

    That's absurd, selfish, and counter productive to the group game.

    If you Q as a Tank, and the UI picks you to Tank, theres no one else in the group to do that role. (Unless someone only Qs as DPS but can also do their off role, but the UI doesnt factor that in, only what we select when Qing.) There are very few raids that can be done without a Tank, especially now with stat clamp.

    So, you think you are entitled to doom the group before it even starts???

    Naw, your choice is made when Qing. When you select both roles you are telling the UI you will run whichever role is needed. And as I said before, when the confirmation box comes up, it tells you which role it expects you to run before you even get in the content.

    Please dont be that person, because we only get one kick, and believe me, if you are in my group and pull that, I'm wasting it on you.
  10. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player

    That's my biggest gripe with random ques. Don't que in as Troll, Tank or Healer if you're not going to do either. It's really rude to do so and no we can't excuse bad players for not "understanding" this is a big component of roleplaying MMO's they have Support roles and if you don't know or don't want to play as a Support don't cue as one. Most horrible pug experiences always tend to boil down to the Healer or Tank weren't you know doing their roles. I find it inexcusable and I think most toxic experiences in Raids boil down to these fake Supports.
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  11. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Seems like you'd need to explain what's 'impossible' that they are expecting. To complete the raid? No...not impossible. To do a feat? Meh...maybe impossible in a rando group. To play the role you are assigned?....woah man...stop talking crazy talk there.

    Personally, if I queue in a random EG group, I'd expect everyone to know basic mechanics and play role. Sure, if it's an easy feat, you should have a reasonable expectation it could happen, but to kick someone who says no or biffs it (presumably on 'accident'), nah.

    If it's an EEG/Omni run, the only thing I expect is to finish...maybe by myself if needed. I USED to expect people to play their assigned role, but I've given up on that. And mechanics...I only expect anyone to know them if someone types in or says them over the mic....assuming anyone reads it or listens. I kind of assume mechanics will be hit or miss, and just hope for the roles really. And feats? Speed or 'participaiton' type ones...maybe. Anything else, yeah...unexpected and NOT something I'd ever kick or vote 'yes' on a kick for. I might kick a tank who won't tank or healer who won't heal though....probably wouldn't start one, but vote 'yes'....maybe.

    I can honestly say I've been kicked a few times, but never for NOT playing a role I queued for. But I'm not 100% sure what you were asking here...so maybe that's not it.

    EDIT....I see a few others have noted similar 'expectations' Sorry.... I replied off the OP.
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  12. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    You sure know how to make a game enjoyable. Nothing says 'fun' like the word 'penalty'.

    BTW...I'd take the 30 vs being stuck in a bad run for 40+. At least during the 30 min pause, I can do bounties or run dailies. Failing and re-failing a boss because people won't play role or follow mechanics, or the run is a revolving door...or there are people who just sit at spawn and you can't kick because it's either the first 5 min....or you voted already...yeah, that's the real penalty.

    And I'll say it for the 100th time. Enforce a super strict penalty and people will just quit open queuing Omnis and will form full groups first....so that will work out well for the system too.
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  13. Cyclonic Dedicated Player

    Might wanna work on your reading comprehension. He's just saying that if you are the tank or the healer... you "have the power". They go where you want or they die.

    Its a powerplay. No different than if a player decides to go for Epic Odyssey without a vote.
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  14. bboy-rei Well-Known Player

    It is frustrating, but queueing in randomly is always a risk, even if you decide to go with an omni that is considered quick and easy. People are either just unaware of or continue to ignore mechanics, or the support roles aren't up to par and it has made even so-called quick and easy raids like COU get team wipes. It seems the CR skip/new player crowd hasn't fully settled down yet as I still see <80 arts or rainbow augments from support role players.
  15. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    You get bonus marks and a prize box from Steve trevor in the House of Legends every week. 15 extra marks for completing an omni raid once a week, 10 for an alert once a week and 5 for completing three omni solos and duos. The loot box contains a random piece of gear , some minor things like omegas, prestige and tokens of merit, an aura, a base item and a collection. The collection items are usually on the rarer side and I've gotten some ultra rare base items from them as well so if you get lucky they can be pretty valuable.

    It has been frustrating lately. I don't get why everyone is always so purposefully contrary. If you go left they go right, if you need to go forward they go backward. I have no problem carrying someone or holding back a little but if you're going to go out of your way to be annoying i am out of there!
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  16. K3str3lDC Dedicated Player

    Once I ran a raid (forget which, but an Amazon one) with some then league-mates, but since it was less than 8 of us there were also a few randoms as well. Most of these randoms were perfectly fine, but there was one guy that thought he knew everything. After we wiped a couple times at the final boss (Cerberus) that one guy started spouting off really terrible orders to everyone. I don't remember all of it, but the one I do remember that was especially notable was that the tank needed to stay away from the boss. One of my then league-mates pointed out that the tank is literally the one person that's SUPPOSED to be close to the boss because of the job of the tank, which made the guy get all salty and start insulting her and try to kick her.

    Someone did get kicked. The vote was unanimous. It wasn't her.
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  17. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Exactly Rein! Its not supposed to be fun.

    Its to prevent players from fishing queues and inconveniencing everyone else for their own convenience.

    The only people who will quit are the ones who are trying to game the system.

    And if they wanna sit at spawn and do nothing. Ill happily report them for game-play sabotage/griefing. Then ill boot them out the run.

    Hit these people where it hurts, their time.[IMG]
  18. xXlNesTlXx Well-Known Player

    When I heard to someone complaining about randoms in any game, my answer always is the same

    Don't like randoms? just get friends
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  19. the solowing Unwavering Player

    If their mother told them dont talk to strangers then how they make friends?
  20. xXlNesTlXx Well-Known Player

    That's is a problem of their mother, not ours
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