Artifact question

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Green Lantern Dude, Jan 9, 2023.

  1. Green Lantern Dude Well-Known Player

    How do i get these to improve? is it just leveling it up?[IMG]
  2. Ice Lynx Dedicated Player

    Yes, it correlates to the artifact's ranks. Ranks 80, 120, 160 and 200 increase or add additional bonus effects.
  3. FreezyPop Well-Known Player

    For abilities with multiple stats separated by a slash like that, generally you want to look at the bottom for “upcoming” changes. For example in this case, you should see an “Inescapable Truth” with (2) (3) and / or (4) next to it for the level that unlocks it. Those will generally correspond to the next set of stats.
  4. Ranmaru Developer

    The others are correct, but I would note that some artifacts come with several abilities. When this is true it is best to look at the Upcoming rank bonuses and look at the corresponding effects. For this artifact you'd want to check for "Inescapable Truth" on the upcoming rank bonuses, which would be on ranks 80,120,160 & 200 respectively.
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  5. Proxystar #Perception

    Just going by your name, are you a lantern?

    If so then I wouldn't invest in that artifact past 120, reason being is because you're not going to utilize it very often as a controller.

    It is particularly useful when you as a controller need to take a specific add away from a tank, but such an occurrence isn't always frequent and it's also not often if at all that you'd have multiple adds requiring the artifact at 160+

    If you go into an instance and start using that in controller role then the tank is not going to be happy because you'll tether and pull all the adds away the tank and to yourself, ultimately causing a mess.

    If you were using it in DPS role, it would be far from an optimal damage output artifact others are better for damage.

    Stick with safe ones for damage, if you're new, like

    Quislet, Eye of Gemini, Transformation card or Strategist card until you've got a bit of experience.

    You want to focus all your nth metal resource on solid core artifacts before branching out into niche ones, of which the lasso is, even from a tank lasso is niche.

    Good luck.
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  6. Lt Skymaster Dedicated Player

    I take the opportunity to ask if you’d tell us about any upcoming artifact? I’d like to personally ask for a battle troll oriented one since you’ve been doing some for battle healing.

    Also I remember you had talked about maybe reworking cog or tetra so that they might have both buffs at 200, any news about it? Thank you!
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  7. Ranmaru Developer

    The next artifact will be a DPS artifact, its a new synergy artifact that is supposed to be used alongside a certain amulet. But I can't say much more as its still in the design process as I don't want to spoil what the new episode is that's all I have to share.

    As for the Cog/Tetra rework, reworking less popular artifacts is always on my mind, if something were to be done for them I would like to also add an additional feature for controllers so that they don't feel like just a statstick the team keeps around.
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  8. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    Yes! SCORE!
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  9. Lt Skymaster Dedicated Player

    Awesome thank you!
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  10. EconoKnight XIII Legion

    You saying “synergy” just made me think of something. How about an ally artifact? You could base it on the H-Dial that’s already appeared in game:

    The H-Dial could give the ability to call out your passive allies for attack (no more intrusive to gameplay than activating a henchmen trinket), but the cost is that you lose those passive benefits if you’re going to use the H-Dial to make them all attack. This could encourage players to level allies they may not have considered because their passives weren’t attractive and only one attack ally was needed
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  11. Isif Committed Player

    Yep, Claw loadout renamed "Statstick.":D
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  12. Eve YouTuber

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  13. Green Lantern Dude Well-Known Player

    while i have and play this guy is earth hence why i went for this as the aoes will hit them all clustered on me. Thanks for the replies too all.
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  14. Talks2MuchSense Well-Known Player

    The idea is good, but it'd have to be moved as far away from Dial H as humanly possible because the link between the two makes no sense.

    The H Dial in "Dial H for Hero" gives the user a one time only usable power, one you'll never get again and it can only be active for an hour. Theres no real tangible link between the H Dial and the idea.

    If you do a proper DC Lore search though you might come across something that would have a proper link to a gathering of heroes/villains.
  15. Jcal Dedicated Player

    Amulet, eh? I'm already out, lol. Regardless, thanks for the small tease, Ranmaru.
  16. EconoKnight XIII Legion

    Except that’s what’s in the game. During the last boss of Nexus, the H-Dial summons two generic adds to fight you.

    An alternative would be something like a JLA communicator artifact to call in more than one ally. To defeat criticism of “not all allies are JLA”, then the name could be changed to “Modified JLA communicator”
  17. Talks2MuchSense Well-Known Player

    Maybe I explained it poorly. The Dial in Dial H for Hero gives a person a random power once they Dial H E R O. This lasts an hour, afterwards the person then has to Dial O R E H or there's bad consequences. You only get a specific power once, and never again.

    The Dial doing that in Nexus makes sense. Spawning adds is the power for one hour, and that DLC itself is a Paradox Loop. Heroes changing things one way, Villains reversing it. And Vice Versa.

    Your idea is to have the same power over and over again. It doesn't fit. In any incarnation of Dial H.

    As I said the Artifact idea is pretty good. You could have lvl 100 be a 50% chance to summon a "Passive Ally" into the field along with the main, lvl 160 be 100% chance for first and 50% chance for second "Passive Ally" to spawn, and finally at 200 all 3 spawn, with a 25% chance you don't lose one of the 2 passives. It's a good original idea. It's just the understanding behind the Dial H that was lacking. As I said before, pick anything, a "Justice League Communicator" or anything else from DC Lore that would call Heroes/Villains in. Even Boomtube tech like Motherboxes. Dial H is just a bad choice is all.
  18. Lt Skymaster Dedicated Player

    Speaking of artifacts, Is there a chance to make the shields for henchmen/pet slightly stronger? I was running mercy on GPe to test if the henchmen would survive the vines with mercy shield on, they still don’t. However the t3 pet survives even without shield. I was expecting that they would survive the shield, since I always have to time after they’ve put down the vine to summon them.
  19. Projeckt New Player

    Some ideas regarding the tetra/cog rework.

    1) Make each Controller debuff grant a group buff for 6 seconds.
    - Heal debuff grants group Precision
    - Defense debuff grants group Might
    - Damage debuff grants Crit Chance/Magnitude

    This would encourage controllers to rotate their debuffs to keep the group buffed. The stats would be equal to a controller art swapping between Tetra/Cog like they do now, but with a crit buff, too. This would stack with Claw's buffs while synergizing with Amulet of Rao and BOP Commlink.

    2) Same idea but have the 3 buffs apply at the same time after all 3 controller debuffs are applied. If the Controller let's a debuff run out, the group buff drops and all 3 debuffs must be applied again to regain the buff. Could add a visual ring around the superpower's icon that depletes as the debuff timer ticks away.

    3) Artifact adds a massive buff to the Controller's group shield supercharge. Applying debuffs fill a gauge that when full, add a buff to the Group Shield Supercharge granting you and 7 group members Might, Prec, Crit C/M while doubling the strength of the shield for 10 seconds. Basically a builder/spender that's like the Shazam Ally. Adds some strategy that the controller is using debuffs to build the gauge and can use it before dps checks and coordinate with Gemini groups.

    Just some ideas because Tetra and Cog are basically Controller arts now anyway. Merging them would eliminate the redundancy, eliminate the need to Art Swap them to keep both buffs going and bring controllers more in line with actively applying buffs vs being a statstick. Could just give it the Venom Wrist Dispenser treatment and let people feed Tetra and Cog into other artifacts 1:1 if they don't troll.
  20. catplaysxoxo Loyal Player

    Why can't Tetra just stack with other players who are also using Tetra? That is so useless to everyone except one player in a full raid me that makes less players want to level up an artifact.