What inspired your forum or ingame name?

Discussion in 'Joker’s Funhouse (Off Topic)' started by Man, Feb 16, 2013.

  1. Man New Player

    personally for me my name was inspired after the beta ended and i choose the server no mans land seeing the name of the server was "no mans land" in defile i decided to make the name Man.
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  2. Zuse Loyal Player

    Well when i created the char i was little drunk :p so i misspelled Zeus into Zuse
    But now my whole story/look of my character is not connected with Zeus

    Read my short bio:

    Since the dawn of time there was a battle between haven and hell. It was made an other kingdom, the kingdom of men. But the most powerful of all, the Nphilim wanted to take the kingdom for themselves. It is said that the first nephilim was created from the dust of an angel and the blood of a demon. The Charred Counsil chose Death to destroy the Nephillim, his own people. Death saved the souls of the Nephilim and placed them in a soulstone. When the Charred Council heard about that they punished the souls, and created Wrath, the fifth horseman of the apocalypse. Wrath was punished and was sent to earth. He was born 1000000 years ago. He lived and lived many lives. But one day when he was killed by a gang he was sent to a dark place. He saw his brothers and sister, Death, War, Strife and Fury. He got the memory of the lifes he lived, and he was trained buy the horsemen as a fifth horseman of the apocalypse. Through his journey he got many weapons and unlocked many power. When he was ready to be reborn he got the mission t protect the Earth, to keep the balance between haven and hell. He was reborn and soon he was named Zuse protector of earth. But now he has a greater threat to Earth then the war between hell and haven. Braniac invaded the planet and its up to him to save the planet...

    Race: Nephillim
    Gander: Male
    Size: Regular
    Skin: Pale, With
    Eyes: Red
    Hair Color: Black
    Means of travel: On foot, Flight
  3. Rush New Player

    Well. Lets see here. I came from City of Heroes. My favorite character i played there was Robbie Rush. And i was lucky enough to get the in game character name here in DCUO I originally wanted the name Rush in game. But i was not that fortunate. But when the forum restart happened I got it. Now with that said. I'm willing to barter or trade or buy the in game name from who ever has it. But i dont think they will give it up lol. And plus. Im a great speedster. If not the best. But thats me just being full of myself. Like always.
  4. Avianger Active Player


    I came up with the idea during character creation. I used to play a similar character called the Avian Avenger in a table top RPG based on the Champions Hero System 5th edition. The name was taken, so I combined them into one name "Avianger". Here's a brief bio on her.

    Background (original):

    She was a college student who was working on her masters in genetics when she developed a serum that would made her bones hollow and light like a bird's bones, sharpen her vision like that of a Hawk, and made her faster running on land like an ostrich. She was able to run and leap great distances, and see distances far longer than the average human. She tested the serum on herself, but something went slightly wrong. She grew wings which didn't allow flight, but did allow her to glide great distances. She took on the mantle of the Avian Avenger, and decided to use her new gifts to fight crime.

    Background (altered for DCUO):

    She was a college student at Gotham University when she had a freak encounter with an exobite. She didn't have much time to find out what the exobite did to her when she was kidnapped by Brainiac and put into stasis on his ship. While in a stasis pod, her body changed. Her eyes got sharper. Her bones grew light and hollow. Her legs became stronger and faster. She also grew wings, which allowed her to glide, but not fly. She as forced to use her new gifts to escape the ship, which caught the attention of Batman, as well as a few villains. He helped her establish herself as a crime fighter, and mentored her. She donned the mantle of the Avianger, and used her intellect and abilities to help the Batman fight crime.

    Gender: Female
    Build: Petite
    Skin: light tan
    Hair: Brunette
    Eye Color: Green
    Travel: Acrobatics/gliding
    Abilities: Gadgets
  5. TimeFactor New Player

    Plagiarizing an important plot concept from this:
  6. Happy Cat Well-Known Player

    My name comes from the name of the first stuffed toy I bought my now 4 year old daughter. He was called scary cat, there's a game we play where she hides and then runs out and scares me with it, I jokingly act like I am terrified of it. One day we are playing the game and I come out with "you're that cat who is always scaring me aren't you" and she says "no I am not scary cat any more I am nice and my name is Happy Cat" just so happens I signed up for beta that day and needed a name and that just struck me as what to use.
  7. Shadow Vlad New Player

    My first was inspired by Vlad the Impaler, for his pleasure of torture and killing.

    Shadow cat comes from a sorcery hero I had named mystic cat which I really enjoyed but absolutely hated the hero side. So I made his evil shadow on the villain side.

    Drefan is inspired by Drefan Rahl, a nature healer from the sword of truth series.
  8. Battle Man Committed Player

    The same thing that inspires my every decision in life.

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  9. ArcSin1 New Player

    When i was playing the pre pre pre beta i was reading a trigonometry book and teaching myself , i had forgotten most if it after being out of school for 25yrs, i needed a formula to explain a problem i found with some pumpimg mechanisms. This one worked well.
  10. Mista E New Player

    My name Is Eric McIntyre and When i was an elementary school teacher i had my students call me Mr. E because my last name was a little rough for them to pronounce.

    So in the game I initaly made the name MrE a fire tank... and then made a Healer named Mista E which became my main character.
  11. Omnilegion New Player

    Well i switch powers ALOT in game so thought i need a name that represents that , in turn OmniLegion was born. "OMNI = All" & "LEGION = Many" ;)
  12. risen New Player

    Forum name. Just like it was taken in game :(

    Hero character -steelmattic was kind of on the fly side I was making a steel inspired Character.

    Villain - Trinity Prime was matrix inspired. Kept the all black and tench coat look for a while but now I'm all iconic gear
  13. Failia New Player

    First time I used a version of this name, Failion, was in Global Agenda. I was having a hard time picking a name that wasn't chosen so because of my failing over and over, I opted to try for a version of that. Name wasn't taken. I usually use Failion on male characters and Failia on female.
  14. Msz Kitty New Player

    I was kinda wild in high school. I got the nick name from a friend who was special. I kept her spelling of it threw the years out of respect.
  15. Vashta Well-Known Player

    I'm a fan of Doctor Who (more so the Eccleston/Tennant period) and one of the new alien species from the show was called Vashta Nerada. I basically adopted this as one of my characters names for Metal Gear Online, purely based on the fact that Vashta Nerada lived within shadows and my character played a lot of the infiltration game mode. The name kinda stuck, but people would only refer to me as the first part, Vashta. So I've adopted this as my online handle anywhere that I can, but if I'm unfortunate enough to do so I go by "xVashta", which is one of my in-game alt names.
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  16. Statman New Player

    It was a name given to me at my previous workplace, due to my fondness of Batman, and part of what my job entailed me to deal with. It sort of grew on me at the time, and that's when DC came out.
  17. Delta795 New Player

    From my very first unit in the Army. Also I wanted people that I play other games with to easily find me so I kept it the same as PSN.
  18. BigAl Devoted Player

    Forum name? Spin off of RL. Character name? An old comic idea a buddy of mine and I had. Name is the same, the story is altered for DCUO.
  19. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    Origin of my screen name came from the movie Armageddon. The name is of the character played by my namesake. It's up to you guess who that is. :eek: As for my toon names:

    Mistress Bailey(main)-My cat. She's been with my wife and I nearly as long as there's been an us(15 years and counting).
    Toby Bubiss-one of my dogs
    Rocky Rockman-my other dog
    Dios DeMuerto-Just a name I came up with. Spanish for God of Death.
    Mr. Sammus(retired)-One of our cats we had to put down in 2011. I retired him the day Sammy died.
  20. Radium Devoted Player

    I was thinking of a cool toon name and looked at the periodic table of elements for advice.