Next dlc no solo

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by MystoganJella, Sep 19, 2022.

  1. MystoganJella Well-Known Player

    Hey I notice there was no mention of solo for the next dlc but duo alert and Two raids which is absolutely fine but just wondering when will we see solo again just curious mabey they’ll sneak one in at the last minute :)
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  2. Eve YouTuber

    I am sure we will at some point. It's probably that players prefer to play duos more so they go that route, but I don't see a reason they won't add new solos in the future. I actually prefer running solo most of the time. I don't think they will sneak it last minute though, when the content can go on test any day now for testing.
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  3. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Hopefully someday we will see full fledged content with solo, duo, alert, and raid each release. Maybe someday.
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  4. K3str3lDC Dedicated Player

    Yeah, one thing I like about the first chunk of grinding a toon is that I can just do a bunch of solos and not have to wait for a queue at all, not even a short one, and can also go at my own pace and just look around, get some good looks at the environment and characters and objects and stuff, get some pics, pause for a minute to find something to watch, freely look around for briefings/investigations/collections/"spot such and such" feats/etc. I hate when everyone in group content is going too fast for me to actually find the investigations or briefings and then we're in a new room or space and there is no just backtracking for it after the content's done because the only option is to warp to the HOD/HOL/Watchtower and returning to the last space is only possible by doing it all over again.... only for the same thing to happen over and over and over. It's why I'm so slow to complete a lot of instance briefings or investigations, I just get so little chance to actually go find them. Same with some collections. Guess I could just leave them to bulldoze things while I find what I need if they're gonna do that, but then I'd just feel bad (and might get kicked).
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  5. The Con Dedicated Player

    Has a comprehensive description of the next DLC been announced, yet?

  6. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    My main character is a tank, and I run with randoms 90% of the time. I hardly ever get investigations and briefings because I'll get yelled at for not staying ahead of the group. Fun times.
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  7. Eve YouTuber

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  8. The Con Dedicated Player

    Only if the next DLC has a time machine that takes us back to 2017..... ;)

  9. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I think Deluge was the last one that had all 4 w 2 raids....and technically half that DLC was an event the year prior. If Deluge doesn't count, probably AF3 was the last one...and that solo was questionable as it was walk in only.
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  10. Cordelia Well-Known Player

    I prefer solos. But I'm weird.

    As long as there's open world content that can be done solo, I guess I won't complain about DLCs not having a solo. But I'll still be sad.
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  11. MystoganJella Well-Known Player

    True and yea testing for the new dlc is Right around the corner too so yea little to late to implement anything but I’m say way I like solos to and they’ll incorporate one in the future most likely :)
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  12. PolarisSylar Committed Player

    I prefer onduty DUO than a onduty solo. I like to run with others. If I have a friend a DUO is something we can do .
    Perhaps If you want solos there are open world solos dailies to do .
    ( I like for dcuo to have both types , more content the better ) .
  13. BumblingB I got better.

    From what I remember the devs saying, it takes the same amount of development to make a Solo as it does an Alert or Raid. So it is probably a matter of do you want two raids or a solo and a raid.

    In the end, it's preference of the players. I don't really like Solos. I'm a social creature, I prefer Duos or better, but I know a lot of people like them as well as the God awful open world dailies.
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  14. GermanM Committed Player

    Agree in this, besides the low population sometimes make it hard go to some instances.
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  15. Eve YouTuber

    Honestly if they did way more dailies and a map completion like Guild Wars 2 I would have maybe spend more time in open worlds xD
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  16. GermanM Committed Player

    Agree 100%
    Guild Wars 2 have a system of dailys that make all their content playable. now imagine something like that here, for example.
    You login and besides the normal end game content you have to do:
    3 daily random duos.
    2 random alert´s.
    1 random raid´s.
    2 pvp legend´s matches
    (When i say random i mean, today could be the alert´s of Age of Justice, but tomorrow maybe we will need to go to smallville and Oan Science Cell´s)

    Now the problem i see is the reward. what they can do to make people wanting do that.
    The only option could be Nth Metal, Ally favour like they did in STU event.
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  17. BumblingB I got better.

    I played GW2 a long time ago, didn't they also have very little in the ways of content being made and they just created sort of like open world events that were not permanent, right? I stopped playing before it, most likely they've changed considerably since, but I have never had a draw to go back.

    I also remember GW2 being clamped zones as well, similar to the EEG zones we have in DCUO.
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  18. GermanM Committed Player

    There are world bosses, like the bounties here, but they appear at specific time, every two hour´s and stuff like that, and they are more hard to kill.

    Yeah they have clamp zones in the map´s too, that's why i not against´a well balanced clamp, form me is not funny going and one shot bosses.

    I like GW2, i play from time to time. I prefer DCUO because i'm more a guy of Urban Fantasy and Contemporary Sci-Fi then Epic World´s and stuff, but i digress...

    Just wanna point what things i see there that i believe can help this game.

    Edit: I wanna league missions too, at least weekly.
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  19. BumblingB I got better.

    Yeah, I remember doing those world bosses. Talk about a lag fest. lol I also remember not being a fan of the timer thing, because the better ones had a longer spawn timer and they also had lockouts.

    Again, this was a while ago and things have changed.

    In regards to DCUO, I don't think it transitions well. Like for example, the timer thing was attempted in DCUO with WV/Legion bounty timer system. Unfortunately they were shy of WHY it works in other games and resulted in it being hated. I personally don't mind the bounty system in DCUO as it is right now. I just don't like the way the dailies work. Like do the same quest every day with no variation. Which is more a subject of the devs cutting corners as older open world daily content used to have a randomizer on objectives.
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  20. The Con Dedicated Player

    Next dlc no solo

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