HOLY Oversaturation Batman!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Reigning_Kaos, Sep 14, 2022.

  1. BumblingB I got better.

    Really? It doesn't sound like his voice. Kevin has a really deep scratchy voice normally, but if it's him, props to his range. I tried looking on google, but couldn't find an updated voice cast list for DCUO.
  2. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    The Bruce Wayne from our universe and the twisted Bruce Wayne from Earth -22 are not supposed to sound the same.
  3. Reigning_Kaos Level 30

    He definitely does count. Despite the twisted origin of how he came to be it doesn't change the fact that 1 he's Bruce Wayne and 2 he's batman
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  4. BumblingB I got better.

    Still a junk character. :p
  5. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Yes I'm sure that's exactly what Lois Lane was thinking when she was ripped to pieces by her husband and son.
  6. BumblingB I got better.

    I don't know what you are trying to prove, this just make me hate his character more. The whole metal thing ruined the comics for me. Ultimately changed how they did continuity and now there is no sense to anything and makes it to where there is no longer reader investment.

    Garbage character that came out of a garbage storyline.
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  7. Tolly Committed Player

    I think the goal these days is to get people away from DCUO...
  8. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    While I get the sentiment of Batty boy over saturation, does it matter really what the Ally looks like? I doubt anyone would really use an ally...past an initial 'weeee...that's fun' if the active/passives were bad....but it was someone they like as a character.

    Don't get me wrong, it's enough Batman. However, if the next one is Circe and she sucks....realistically will the Circe lovers use her over Batman...or Krypto...or HOL or whoever is better?

    BumblingB...this doesn't apply to you....we know who you'd use regardless if he came out.;)
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  9. Amoxin Well-Known Player

    The only way I would use Circe as active is if she were completely OP. I can't stand listening to her speeches, lol. Nothing against the voice actress, I think Michelle Forbes is a very good actress, I just can't stand the character's pontificating. Maybe it's because I chose Circe as my mentor on my main and had to listen to her so much, lol.

    Now that being said, I for sure thing they should bring out Circe and Joker, at least that way all of the mentors would be represented in some form or another, since we finally got a Lex one with the most recent capsules.
  10. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Again, that proves my point. You'd use her if she was OP...even though you can't stand her. Kind of like how people are apparently tired of Batman...yet, if the Batman ally is the best...they will use him.

    Heck, make them all sacks of potatoes and I'm sure if one is op we'll see the 'sack 'o potato' ally popping up every run. POTATO POWER!
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  11. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    Viva le French Fries!
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  12. Amoxin Well-Known Player

    Regarding the whole Circe thing, I was just being silly actually. I agree that pretty much everyone uses the same ones in my experience as their active ally (HoL, Krypto, Calculator, Oracle). People want the most damage. If the potatoes gave the same amount or better damage, I have no doubt that people would use that. I think it would be hilarious actually, you hear a booming voice yell "POTATO" and a giant bag of potatoes drops on your target. Actually, if they did that, I would probably us it even if it wasn't the best just for fun.

    Personally, I haven't tried the other allies, as I don't have them. I bought the HoL and I have Calculator since I'm a villain. I just got the Lex one from the capsules, but I haven't messed with him. I haven't purchased any of the others. I don't really care about min-maxing so I might use something else at some point if I pick one up, even just for aesthetics. I got the HoL because Calculator I thought was fairly ineffective and I looked what the most common one was that wouldn't break the bank so to speak and used that. TBQH if they brought Streaky out as an Ally I would immediately pick it up, even if it were only available for Daybreak cash or real money, and use it even if it sucked because I'm a cat person.

    I still think more variety would be nice. Maybe they should just make the active ally a flat damage point based on their rarity, that way you might have more incentive to use a different active. Now everyone would probably just switch to the Legendary ones, but it might give some of the others a chance to be used as an active character.
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  13. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Yeah, personally I've stuck with the ones that were first out. HOL, Cyborg, Oracle (or flash if i'm tanking for the minimal decrease in 'out of combat' time). It's not because I don't realize some are better...it's not because I can't afford to buy them or buy the cats to level them...its because with the obvious ploy of dropping ever 'better' ones, I'm waiting to either fill up on ally favor (about 400K now), or till things slow down and we see the 'next' thing come out...whatever ploy that is. Similar to artifacts which have slowed down from the first 2 years of 'FOTM' releases, now if you make a decision, unless they substantially change things, like nerfing VWD or buffing Laz water, you can make an informed decision on where you spend your resources. The only people who don't have this concern are people who accept that you have to blow a ton of money in the game to 'keep up'. Well I'm either not concerned with 'keeping up' or I'm opposed to spending my money to do so. A bit of both I think.

    Even if they did make an absolutely MUST HAVE Ally...one so above all the others you know it could not be made obsolete by a newer model, I'd still avoid it for fear of the guaranteed nerf that would come later.
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  14. BumblingB I got better.

    Yeah, really, players mostly just choose the best optimal for their role. Like Death Metal Batman for a controller or Nubia for a healer. If it coincides with their favorite character of lore, great, but most still just use Cyborg, HoL Bot, or Krypto since they still have great utility.

    Absolutely would use Booster Gold!
    It would be fitting too, since Booster would come in for a second, do something, and leave the rest of the work to me.
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  15. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I actually meant Blue Beetle...but yeah I see the booster/beetle team up thing too.
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  16. K3str3lDC Dedicated Player

    Yeah, both would be great. Especially if we got both Ted and Jaime Blue Beetles and Booster. Be interesting if having bothe Booster and Ted in your ally line-up did something somehow. Like a "friendship boost" that buffed their abilities or something, IDK. Eh.... NVM.
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  17. Panderus Senior Producer

    We also had a chuckle at this in an internal meeting the other day. At least they arent like the toys thats just Batman in a fur coat to fight Mr Freeze or wearing a lead suit to fight Superman... Then again... Maybe I'm on to something...
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  18. Proxystar #Perception

    Fur coat Batman ally confirmed!
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  19. Tolly Committed Player

    Vous n'allez pas sortir un Batman en tenue d'hiver, n'est-ce pas ?:fou:

    Otherwise, I think that with DCUO, people will eventually learn to hate Batman x)
  20. Emerald Vibe Committed Player

    I’m hoping for a Green Lantern Ally, that’s why i’m not spending my Ally XP on anymore Batmans until i get a GL or maybe/hopefully we can get a Black Adam Ally this October with the release of the movie, also hoping for a Shazam ally.