Does negative feedback effect future updates?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by DuffleBagBoii, Sep 7, 2022.

  1. DuffleBagBoii Well-Known Player

    For years now devs have released roadmaps or dlc and we’ve asked for powers for years and years. Why is our feedback not heard?
  2. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    Player feedback is taken into account. If something is liked or disliked in content you'll see changes made in what comes along in content releases. However, because they usually work well in advance (usually around six months or so) the changes don't take place immediately. That's why we had two episodes of the open world bosses in Wonderverse and Long Live the Legion before they shifted away from that type of content.

    That being said, player feedback is not the be-all end-all determining factor as to what they do and don't put into the game. If players are asking for something but it's been shown to not be worth the time/manpower investment needed, then they probably aren't going to be particularly inclined to pursue it. They are a business and they don't have unlimited resources, after all.
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  3. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Constructive feed back is heard. Demands are not. They already stated no new powers and players still demand new powers. Saying I want more powers isn’t feedback. It’s a wishlist.
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  4. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Voting with your wallet is the best feedback. Cut your sub. Dodge their microtransactions. Turn a blind eye to sales and limited time offers.
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  5. ObsidianChill Community "Trusted"

    Feedback about Powers is always heard, it's just not good feedback because the players asking for new powers don't know what actually helps the game.

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  6. Leonite Well-Known Player

    [quote="ObsidianChill, post: 4532128, member: 391451"

    Am surprised by this stat. I remember when new powers were introduced, you would see everyone switching to that power or starting a new toon with that powerset. Heck, some even started to level toons before the release date so they can switch powers when it's become available.

    Anyway, I agree that a new powerset is not profitable for them for some reason. Otherwise, they wouldn't have stopped adding new ones.
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  7. GermanM Committed Player

    I believe they read all we post. But they only do the thing´s they can and ignore those they cannot for diverse reasons (excessive work or invest money without knowing if the invested will return) also they ignore thread´s with things they already anwser in the past.
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  8. K3str3lDC Dedicated Player

    Yep, plus aren't in total control over what gets done. Even aside from the IP issues, any game dev team always has to deal with higher-ups. They don't just do whatever work on the game they want and see fit. Even if the devs themselves really wanna do something and very much could, they can't if the company tells them no. Kinda like how the construction worker has no control over the decisions made by the architect, they just build what they're told to. I'm sure they can raise concerns, but they can't overstep the decisions made by the architect or by a company in charge of the project.
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  9. Wallachia Devoted Player

    Because most of the feedback in here is dumb.

    "This thing is dogshit and IT MUST BECHANGED BECAUSE I WANT IT TO"

    "We NEED a name reclaim event. Of course that I care about this and not because I want to steal a name that is being used"

    "Stat clamp is horrible and it MUST be removed. I want to faceroll stuff because mommy said I am special!"

    "Nerf Gadgets because I said so"

    It's not only demands and threatds that get ignored, idiotic posts like these exemples are ignored too. Another good example is this thread of someone whining over stat clamp that is going about 1,000 replies. If you remove the idiocy and the arguing there are like, 15 posts that deserve some consideration in there.

    We do have examples of player demands making into the game, yes. Stats Revamp and StatsMatter are there to be shown. But, unfortunately, for the average player, being polite and getting off the high horse is a HUGE effort the players aren't willing to take.
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  10. the solowing Unwavering Player

    IIght, so hear me out..
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  11. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    omg.... what did I just watch?! lol
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  12. K3str3lDC Dedicated Player

    That channel is a serious rabbit hole if you watch any of his other videos. Sometimes his videos pop up in my recommended and I deliberately don't click on them simply because I'll quickly end up trapped in a vicious cycle of binging his stuff and laughing at the jokes people add to it in the comments. Evil Batman and Robin here are such trolls lmao. They know exactly what they're doing and now I'm just imagining them going "ok... what's the craziest **** we can say?"

    So basically they're the internet :p
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  13. Plowed In Loyal Player

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  14. GhostsAndMagic Dedicated Player

    No. The dev team is stretched so thin that we haven't even had a PvP update in over 5 years
  15. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    That’s not why pvp hasn’t been updated
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  16. GermanM Committed Player

    Devs haven't found yet a way to make money from pvp, that's one of the main reason´s. The time and effort they will need to improve pvp may not be rewarded in the way they think.
    Besides the staff limitations they have now don't help.
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  17. Panderus Senior Producer

    Doesn't have to make money, but it's either that or engagement. We don't really have much of a PvP population to justify the effort. Also, I've said this before and I'll say it again, before new powers we need to update the ones we have and give them some love.
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  18. Pale Rage Dedicated Player

    Eyeballing water and polarized electric lol.

    On a serious note though: I personally feel super charges need a good look. Some under-perform, some over-perform, and some just don't do justice.
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  19. Catastrophic Repercussion Dedicated Player

    The entire combat system needs a good look. Heat vision and Dual Weild are like the Kings and Queens or this game.
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  20. zNot Loyal Player

    Why are you guys not nerfing unintented gameplay disturbing cheesing and calling it gray area?
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