Why are players new to content "idiots" for not knowing mechanics or bugs?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by SethZoulMonEl, Aug 22, 2022.

  1. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player

    Players shouldn't be toxic that's for sure but I've seen time and time again where others like my Leaguemates or friends or myself will patiently try to explain mechanics either by typing it out or in voice chat and these randoms will still just blindly go about and grief the instance because they'd rather just "pew pew" everything without any forethought. That's not a small outlier of this game's population too I'd imagine it's the majority. Only rare when you find a player in PUGs that actually either knows what they're doing AND is contentious of what's going around them. What are we to do in the long run? Teaching players during content never really works. I hate toxicity and I've had rudeness directed at me for the slightest reasons but I feel it's seperate for the most part from the overall experience in this game. There's toxic rude players and ignorant players and sometimes you find both in instances.
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  2. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    For me it depends. If you don't know a mechanic that someone JUST TYPED or said in chat, yeah...kind of an idiot there, or maybe not paying attention. If it's said another few times and you STILL don't follow the mechanic, you are a malicious idiot maybe...or just want to see the world burn. I don't generally call anyone an idiot in chat, but 100% wouldn't unless we already went over the issue before a fight or after a 1st wipe.

    Many of the mechanics are written on the screen, so you really SHOULD be able to figure them out pretty quick. Things like blocking in TSW say to do so or the fact you need to group up around the guy with the arrows, and several things have skulls to warn you of a big attack. Other things like the orbital attack on Anti-Monitor in TSD are assumed to be known to everyone by now, but most groups will say 'don't use orbitals' or 'no orbitals' when the fight starts. I still see at least 1 or 2 orbitals during the fight as people are trying to be cute or just ignore what was typed out.....yeah, those are idiots too.

    It's funny you mention the Nightmare bat thing as I'm not even sure that is a real mechanic. It sounds like the invulnerable bats are bugged and it has nothing to do with pets or doing damage outside of the guitar attacks. So in this case, those yelling at you might be the idiots.

    And yeah, the whole 'go watch a video' has gotten pretty pointless nowadays. Most videos are covered in bad music or sped up or are a showcase for someone's skills vs a walkthrough on how a raid is run.
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  3. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    Yeah, I've been on the end of the "Okay nerd" with someone who knew better than me because he had more SP, higher artifacts, and the first anniversary birthday cake. He also thought we could just power through Happiness Home with random players by focusing on Superman and ignoring Granny Goodness and her shield drones, so I was stupid to call it when we would wipe after Superman went OP.

    I get what you are saying about watching videos, but that only works if you're an end-game player not playing catch up. I did what you suggest from 2013 through 2017 (I played through 2018, but I didn't run any of the 2018 content). I returned in 2021 and had missed four years of content.

    It would take me a full weekend of videos to catch up on everything. I've tried to look at about half the content videos, but it's too much to sit through in one sitting. This is a game, and I'm not going to treat it like a job after working 60-80 hours a week at my real job. Omnibus makes it difficult to target specific content because I can end up in anything, and I really need the extra marks from Omnibus rewards boxes to help me catch up.

    I personally wish they would put guides in the game for older content. A summary of each section that requires special mechanics would be very helpful.
  4. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Sometimes it isnt hoping for a carry. Players can and do straight up kick players for having lesser experience in a run, so sometimes it is better to remain silent, then to speak and be ousted,
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  5. The Doctor Time Lord Committed Player

    Quite honestly, it isn't your place ( or mine for that matter) to tell anyone what they need to do in a game. All they need to do is enjoy it. If they aren't playing to a standard that you or I believes hurts our enjoyment, we have the option to try to coach as you mention, or leave the instance ourselves. We can't and shouldn't insist that a player accept coaching.

    it is just a game. Hurting another person's feelings over something so trivial is not, IMO, an option.
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  6. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I have several times said when going into a 'new' run. "First time in here, anything special I need to know?" and have never been kicked as a result (that I recall).

    I know I asked it my first run on KCTE during STU (as elite was 'new') and someone said not to hit Zod if you have the bubble on you as he'll heal. On subsequent runs I saw people bagged on for not knowing the mechanic who didn't ask....no kicks but I'm sure someone was thinking about it. Sorry...but if I'm kicked for not knowing a mechanic and I ask about it...yeah, don't really want to be in that group...no loss here.
  7. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    You don't think they'd enjoy the game more if they didn't run the risk of getting kicked by doing something everyone else knows NOT to do? Not condoning the name calling, but yeah...I'd rather have someone mention something I'm doing wrong (mechanics wise) vs just putting on their boots in silence and suddenly I'm back in the WT. Not only kicks, but also standing there alone when the rest of the group falls apart after a few avoidable errors are repeatedly made.

    And no....I wouldn't say someone is 'forced' to accept coaching....but generally, if you ignore coaching....
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  8. the solowing Unwavering Player

    I was kicked on my first Perpetual raid boss for telling the team I never ran it before and was asking for mechanic pointers, then boom :Loadscreen:. So I don't agree with people staying silent, but I understand why they don't mention anything. You make yourself a scapegoat of whatever failures they seem to see.
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  9. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Yeah, but from several stories in the past, you seem to be a magnet for bad behavior. Not saying it's you, but you do seem to be on the high end of the average for this kind of thing. Maybe if the mechanic were to complicated to explain...as the ToTD ares fight sometimes was....but 'Block the beam when she points at you and says 'explode' ' isn't a hard mechanic to explain or grasp. Bad luck once again I guess. Maybe it's all the sweet and rosey villain groups you run in.

    I know I've never kicked anyone for ASKING about mechanics...nor voted yes on a kick like that if one ever came up. The one exception (and I don't remember any) would be if you were running for a feat or elite and they asked for 'experienced' players to get the job done. No one is demanding experienced players for TSWR, and most groups will say 'block the beam' or similar before the fight even starts...even if no one asks.
  10. Controller Devoted Player

    I try to subscribe to my man Patrick Swayze:

    From the classic movie "Roadhouse".
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  11. Skoll Well-Known Player

    Unless someone asks, I assume they know the mechanics, if I see them die or cause a group wipe due to not doing the mech, I’ll explain it, if they then still don’t do the mechanic, it better be a good excuse or it’s a vote to kick…

    One time is fine, two or three times then it’s clear the player is mentally inept and should be running different content that doesn’t require more than simply just “paying attention”
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  12. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Ya know....I thought he'd be taller....
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  13. FlawlessTime Dedicated Player

    I've seen it happen it's unfortunate to because some people it is there first time and they don't know. I've also seen some people make mistakes and when others try to explain they snap on them .
  14. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    Having mechanics that wipe the whole group because one person did something wrong is not helping. Even I’ve been losing my patience with people during TOWW, SD and SW. It’s why I had to take a break. I don’t like what this game does to me.
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  15. Ryazan Dedicated Player

    Agreed. I get that this is a co-op game at its core, but when 1 person is able to screw up 7 others it's just bs. That Source Wall raid is very likely to become a "no no" when it becomes available at Omnibus.
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  16. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player

    I avoid Spindrift Station heck any Atlantis raid even and definitely the Metal raids because if you have mechanics that'll be used once in an episode and hardly ever again it's just bad karma in Omnibus years later. Oh and JLD ones too even though it's one of my favorite episodes.
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  17. Eve YouTuber

    My experience with this is, that sometimes you can get yelled at for trying to help because some players thinks they know-it-all.
    Others will say ok but continue to do the same thing, and some will not read chat at all and continue get the group killed. This happened with the alert with the Mxyzptlk games in the alert. And it happened in various content before.

    I fear this mentality also comes from using the CR skips, thinking "Now I am at end game, I am powerful and nothing can stop me" with players thinking jumping to end game means they are immune and can destroy everything in their way, but with the clamp It's the other way around. This is also what we all got used to - to one shot and rush through content before clamp came around. So now that new players have to learn mechanics and actually do team work they get upset.
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  18. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Its not hard to spot in this game at all... Again i fully understand why people wouldn't want to draw attention to themselves.
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  19. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player

    Players will just yell at you for any reason so sometimes giving advice is just pointless. Last week during a TSD run the Tank all of a sudden said they're going for a break and would be back in ten minutes so they were gonna AFK. Good on them for letting us know but technically we were just outside the courthouse ready to fight Lois and I typed "really Tank"? And wouldn't you know it somebody in the group typed back "Are you deaf, blind or stupid, didn't you see him say he was leaving for a bit"? Like super rude of them. So I didn't say anything else but it's comments like that that make me usually regret voicing anything close to a criticism or a concern cause I'll just get toxicity in return.
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  20. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Sorry that happened to you. However...were you booted?

    Still, just another example of why I prefer running with smaller groups and filtering out the randoms.

    EDIT: Yep...another example of how omni has improved the game so much.
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