Episode Spotlight: Wonderverse

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Jul 27, 2022.

  1. Mepps Sr. Community Manager



    Head back to Wonderverse this week for double rewards!

    This week – from Thursday, July 28, 2022, through Wednesday, August 3, 2022 – players will enjoy:
    • DOUBLE Source Marks and Aether when completing instanced or mission content in Wonderverse.
    • 50% discount on Wonderverse gear at vendors.
    Source Marks are used primarily to purchase gear and rewards from the Wonderverse and other vendors. Characters must be combat rating 299 or higher to play the episode and participate in the bonus week.

    PLEASE NOTE: The episode spotlight will begin this Thursday with daily server restarts and will last through Wednesday.
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  2. BumblingB I got better.

    Hmm will it also be double bounty currency as well?
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  3. Elijah Seed Well-Known Player

    GREAT question. It's literally the ONLY reason to run Wonderverse. If it's not 2x for that as well then there really is no bonus week.
  4. CaptainCanada31 New Player

    You can always use your double marks to buy Empyrean Aethers and since it's already 2 Aethers for 1 mark, it's basically quadruple Aethers as well
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  5. Ice Lynx Dedicated Player

    Isn't required CR 280+ since Wonderverse is part of Omnibus now? :oops:
  6. Designated Well-Known Player

    DOUBLE Source Marks when completing instanced or mission content in Wonderverse

    It's written
  7. Achikah All About That Base

    Hoping Empyrean Aether is doubled as well. Might finally finish those 100 count bounties I've been avoiding, haha!
  8. nanoUSB Well-Known Player

    I had the exact same issue earlier today, on a newer toon. You can queue up at 280, but the open world remains locked behind 299.
  9. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Just a suggestion for future spotlights. How about instead of just the CR gear, the other things like OP components, style items or other NON-gear pieces get a discount too? Or up the renown drops on runs with Elite renown or episodic drops like catalysts or collections? Once things hit EEG, a spotlight mainly means just some more source marks...which is always nice, but source is available everywhere and might not drive traffic to these runs/areas on their own, which I'm guessing is the whole point of a spotlight...to get people to run content them might not otherwise run.
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  10. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    I confirmed the open world currency is also doubled.
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  11. Stamen Dedicated Player

    My favorite content in the game since returning. Should be a fun week!
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  12. IonHero Committed Player

    Will the extra mark awarded for completing instances while wearing a Rank 17+ Wonderverse Adaptive Augment also be doubled?
  13. Iconic Founder New Player

    Agrees... Would be truly a good idea if renown + all non-gear itens from an episode (while spotlight event) receive a bonus... Bonus renown drop (like double) & Discount on any non-gear item from that episode. That would be a trully spotlight of the episode. It could make ppl run again some elite raids.
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  14. LeagueOfV Dedicated Player

    This would be awesome. The vendor discounts are great for CR skips that need the 3 star style feats for vendor and/or purple gear, but players that were around and didn't finish elite would have a great reason to complete it with bonus renown.
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  15. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Historically, yes. But you never know.
  16. Whazues Well-Known Player

    i know this is about a week later but did you not read the full thing? it said "double source marks and aether" that pretty much means that the aether you get from farming the bounties are doubled as well not just from the solo, alert and raid queue's. but not a bad question it just was too quick of a question that should of been tested the next day before fully asking though.
  17. Whazues Well-Known Player

    well thats different from the omnibus queues the omnibus queues ignores the actual required cr for the episode. while the open worlds are still set to their default cr requirement from when they first came out. so if your toons dont meet the required cr for the open world you'll just have to stick with the solo's, duo's, alert's and raid's queueing style to get the gear needed to bump a 280 cr toon up to 299 or higher depending on which open world your gonna take it to. thats pretty much what i learned by trial and error, but asking hear still gives you a chance to get advice on the matter.
  18. BumblingB I got better.

    You are late, as the initial post was updated after it was confirmed that it would be included. Which was AFTER my post. Thanks though. :)
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  19. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    So, how was it? More fun than when at end game content level? Less fun? About the same?

    Wonderverse was my favorite. I loved it. It was beautiful. There was so much to do there between the open world missions and the On Duty missions.