Anyone else bored of EoG stacking?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by appocolyps, Jul 23, 2022.

  1. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    Nerfing EoG will be rough. Does it need it? Probably. Is there other ways to nerf it without actually changing the artifact itself? Probably the better option with the way the player base reacts to changes with probably paid for items. But the bigger question: what will be the next meta and if EoG gets nerfed, does it snowball to that meta? Meaning where does it end? Some of the player base seems to want a meta shift by a new artifact being introduced.

    Would ending tac swapping handle it all enough to end the meta? Would shifting supercharge costs and time be enough instead? I feel like there are options that don’t include nerfing the artifact itself. And that would be a lot better received by the community. Not that it would be all puppies and rainbows but at least the “we paid for this!” argument wouldn’t be a factor.
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  2. Tilz Loyal Player

    Yes I am bored from EoG-Meta.

    I mean.. with a good group the burn is insane and it takes some coordination to be fully effective. So for good groups is awesome. Not so much in pug-groups or even some lfg-groups.

    From a healer pov it's boring.
    I mean healing with 3 SC in SWe can be fun, but is kind of really boring.
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  3. lllStrichcodelll ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    I agree.

    I just wanted to point out that a nerf for eog has consequences in related areas aswell.

    The way its meant to be, is, that its best in slot while others use it too. Balancing it like other artifacts would make it redundant and it will end like many other artifacts. So a rebalance has to be extremely carefully handled but should still happen.
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  4. BumblingB I got better.

    I think a lot of these insane situations can be curved some by just disallowing artifact swapping while in combat. Treat them like active tray powers. If you are in combat, you can't swap. This would also give reason for the player to actually think about builds. Right now, the sky is the limit and so is their wallet. They can max out 6-8 artifacts and swap as needed. They have a right to. It may not have necessarily been intended, but it also isn't something that is wrong. "Tac swapping" is allowed for now, but this also leads to the toxicity of the players. We've seen this in the past with certain pieces of content that lead to specific power sets, movement modes, etc to be required by the community. (Note, not required to complete.) The EOG thing is no different.

    @OP, I ditched EOG this last double XP on my healer. I really not a fan of that gameplay. It helps the group, which I love, but it also isn't very fun. I brought up Clarion and having so much more fun with it. Who knows, I may end up making another EOG next double xp week, we will see.
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  5. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    Yeah, I think if anything: stop tac swapping. I say this as someone who does it. See how that does to balance things. See how may players even use it after that happens. I’ve always used scrap/ EoG on all my alts and my main has it. I’d never run it them on my main for dps side but I will tac them. On my healers and tank, I’d use them as a combo for fun easy content that I want to get thru fast. Like Omni non elites.

    If that doesn’t have desired effect, go for the supercharge balance/ changes. My biggest thing is that paid for artifacts only get touched if there’s absolutely no other way and then are treated like VWD. Give us what we need to feed it into another artifact and be done with it.
  6. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    wouldn't know i don't run the meta nor will I. I prefer healing not supercharge spamming
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  7. BumblingB I got better.

    Yeah, I think it would at least curb the DPS (orange) side of things, but I do feel that it would still be an issue with support(green) side of things. Which I think a Supercharge balance is long overdo.

    I was running the iconic self heal, which is 25% SC to green ring spam. I didn't tac swap on my healer. It was just not that fun... As I didn't even need to be healed. lol

    In any case, as it is right now and especially for the topic of this thread, the DPS side is being discussed.
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  8. Miserable Dedicated Player

    I hate EoG. I'd be happy if it completely disappeared from the game.

    It changed gameplay in a very significant way (negatively) and I feel like raid gameplay would be a better experience without it. Positioning has become more restrictive in that the entire group needs to be on each other's heads so that the DPS are receiving green gems from the healers and stacking damage gems with each other. Healers have to run 3 supercharges because the responsibility of giving greens is considered EQUALLY as important as keeping the group alive. Which means I have to sacrifice very useful healing-related abilities to run 3 supers. For example, elec healers rarely get to use Bio-Cap (safety-net) or Flux (group shield) because giving greens is more important.

    Just to be clear, I'm not saying that any of this is technically "mandatory", however this is just how it is in elite circles/communities where players are always going to do what is most effective and what does the most damage no matter what. Just because no one is forced to take advantage of EoG, doesn't mean it doesn't create a really powerful meta, and one that IMO is unhealthy for overall gameplay and combat.

    I don't know what the best solution is. I know many players who spent money on the artifact will complain if it gets nerfed, but I don't think that should stop the devs from making changes that would be good for the game and improve gameplay.
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  9. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    I’ll just say this: I don’t know what the legal definition/ time allowed is for the “bait and switch” argument. It would absolutely happen. How many players would have bought this arti if it didn’t do exactly what it is doing now? I get the whole balance side of the argument so it’s not me anyone would have to convince. But if it isn’t handled perfectly, how many players would put money into an artifact again knowing it can change at any moment? I know it’s happened before, venom wrist and solar amp. One was a nerf, one was a fix no matter what people say. The nerfed one was handled as well as can be and that’s the precedent. The fixed one was handled like it should have been also yet still caused a giant uproar. I’m glad I don’t have to make the decisions with this type of stuff. It’s at the point where something needs to happen tho judging by the constant posts about EoG and tac swaps. Scalpel vs sledgehammer, which one do they grab???
  10. BumblingB I got better.

    BTW, bait and switch wouldn't apply to this artifact, since we signed the TOS, which grants the devs the right to adjust/change anything. Would it cause an uproar? Absolutely, I mean look at the Solar Amplifier change, which was a fix because it was not splitting properly. Is it bait and switch? No, because it's not a promise that it would be a specific way and them giving you something completely different. (An example of bait and switch in real life would be something like, you are told you can buy a named brand tool for x amount of dollars and when you go to buy it, it's an off brand.)
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  11. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    Oh I get it. I’m just saying, there will be a lottttt of people using that argument. The counter argument/ end of the conversation will be a TOS quote. But that has consequences as well because that will put a bunch of customers into unhappy territory which will cause them to limit their spending/ lose faith in the service/ goods provider. I’ve seen and heard all the arguments for both sides over the years. Neither side will ever be happy so it’s up to whoever makes the decisions to pick which set of players to make happy. And of course, to decide what direction the game/ the games balance needs to head in.

    And then the player base can pick a new meta to force on others and we can start this all over again yayyyyy
  12. BumblingB I got better.

    No doubt. I'm pretty sure the devs are hesitant to change things like this because of the player backlash, but will do it if it will help development and longevity of the game. Look at all the other GINORMOUS changes they did. Like the removal of AMs, since it was too good of damage that restricted their ability to make meaningful content. Or how about the animation normalization thing they did so they could support the PS3. They will change things and nerf stuff it it helps them in the long run. I'm pretty sure right now it isn't even being considered adjusted until they get through the current artifacts pass they are doing.

    Such is life of a game. lol
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  13. Rejchadar Inquisitor

    Add 4 slots for artifacts...and under this pretext close tact swapping and do a complete rebalance of artifacts...carrot in the form of 4 slots...maybe that would be enough to calm the crowd with pitchforks and torches?...whom do I want to deceive ...the mob with pitchforks will be ready to lynch the developers and their pets....
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  14. Gam3r4Lif3 Dedicated Player

    For those requesting a nerf m, it’s difficult to do cause a lot of people poured money into leveling the artifact. Honestly the gatekeeping is the biggest issue because a lot of pure healers aren’t preferred anymore! EoG itself helps complete content and that is the purpose of artifacts. The whole group benefits from EoG spam and those with EoG dps’ing benefit more! Then again selecting your artifacts is YOUR preference and you can pick what YOU want as well as picking YOUR group. EoG or not everyone is welcome to my groups! You can follow the meta or not it’s up to you.
  15. zNot Loyal Player

    Why would nerfing it be a issue? If players get compensated the XP,seals,catalysts fully (maybe with a slight bonus) so the investment you are referring to wont be gone, I got a max eog myself.

    Also i feel like the devs of dc are trying way too hard to not nerf anything to please a few vocal groups of players the longer they wait the more damage will be done to the community.
  16. Proxystar #Perception

    I am personally heavily against touching any core aspect of the game in an attempt to control an artifact that is clearly out of control, that is not how you fix something and the evidence of that is clearly seen in the attempt to rein the artifact in by altering supercharge shields, it doesn't work, it didn't then it won't any other time.

    All you'll do by altering core aspects of the game is hurt people using those core aspects the way they're intended to be used right now rather than how they're inadvertently being exploited by an imbalanced, overpowered artifact that needs to be addressed in its own right.

    The same thing applied to the Venom Wrist Dispenser when that got nerfed and the same thing should apply to the EOG.

    Also stopping tac swapping won't stop the EOG, People would possibly build their supercharge ever so slightly slower as a result of losing the soul cloak but they'll just still run the EOG and you'll have achieved absolutely nothing, you have to actually be kidding if you think that's somehow a solution in and of its own right, it absolutely is not.

    I am not opposed to limiting tac swapping, but some of you need to realize that stopping tac swapping entirely will kill numerous circumstantial artifacts dead in the water.

    I mean you can't talk about people hating "nerfs to an artifact" so let's avoid it, then propose you kill every single other circumstantial one they've leveled up in one foul swoop as the proposed solution, that's a bit absurd.

    The solution to tac swapping isn't to eliminate it entirely, the solution to the EOG is to just start outright looking at the output, damage output reductions for one, supercharge generation reduction for another, anything else is realistically trying to plug a leak with a band-aid.
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  17. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    Venom wrist was nerfed. And now it’s getting buffed. And I don’t know anyone that leaves EoG in that is a tac swapper. That comes out, soup cloak stays in or also gets swapped. Honestly, I’m pretty tired of the discussion cuz as you’ve shown, you’d go about it one way and I’d go about it another. Neither of our opinions matter so it’s a pretty useless convo
  18. OneWhoLaughed Committed Player

    Ok so gadgets prec would be the reason why this wouldn't work in this particular EoG problem.

    As gadgets prec, I can load up 3 2500sc's easy. Would still maintain a fluid rotation. And I don't have a need for artifact swapping at all either, can just main the EoG and sit comfortably atop the DPS board.

    In this situation the artifact is more the problem than artifact swapping.
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  19. ObsidianChill Community "Trusted"

    The excuse that is right, excuse players want to use to justify to themselves that DCUO can never adjust anything in the future with artifacts and allies because players could have spent money on it is ludicrous. It even states it in the Terms of Service under the game itself under 5.4. Virtual Items that your feelings mean jack to them that you spent money to level something and it was changed later.

    It was the biggest mistake in the precedent the devs made in the past with Venom Wrist Dispenser because it leads to players crying foul when anything is adjusted years and I mean literal years later because Eye of Gemini released November 8th, 2018, nearly 4 years ago.

    To have the mindset that an item is not alot to be changed that is multiple years old that is 100% in every way impacting the game negatively years later is entitlement at its finest.
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  20. Proxystar #Perception

    Yeah that's cause the nerf was over zealous, it was still entirely justified at the time, shows the importance of being cautious, because the reality is you can always nerf it again if need be.