Booster Bundle perfect example of broken economy!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by appocolyps, Jun 25, 2022.

  1. appocolyps Committed Player


    Its evident the already super rich (most likely but not always from the cash glitch) are bulk buying hoarding and selling off to these companies, why would i spend €300 of my hard earned cash on a gambling box (which i did) to get sweet fa when i can just buy 4 premium boxes from these guys at no risk?

    The booster bundle design needs looking at urgently and some control needs to be put in place for trading/broker.
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  2. OneWhoLaughed Committed Player

    ahhh sh**.... here we go again
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  3. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    I dunno about all that but I know I’ve seen shouts in trade chat looking to buy the premium box from several names that I know have 10B-20B or more as well as ever aura, mat or accessory they could actually want for their toon(s). Which means they’re looking to horde them and sell them for 6B or whatever later. It doesn’t personally affect me as I don’t want anything out of the premium box but it’s still an ugghh situation.
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  4. Rejchadar Inquisitor

    ...Or you can not buy anything and enjoy your self-control...
    but in general, buying BB for a sum of 300 bucks you will have (I understand that you did get the Premium Reward Box?) more than 30 Reward Box, over 4500 RB, over 450,000 xp for artifacts, over 150,000 xp for allies, and every other little thing ...
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  5. appocolyps Committed Player

    I did get 1 premium out of 44 boxes yes, i could have however bought 4 boxes from a third party site, used 1 as i wanted, kept 3. Sold them for billions and bought nth metal cache/replays from players with my stupid amounts of cash, one has risk one has none.

    The system design is wrong is all im saying because these companies are making it a no brainer to go to them instead of investing in Daybreak which i would rather be the case.
  6. Rejchadar Inquisitor

    without risk? you risk being scammed by these "sellers"...
    ... and by the way, unlike TC ... BB someone in any case buys in the market;)
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  7. appocolyps Committed Player

    Yes alot hoard ans sell for huge profit down the line but alot of these guys are actually selling them to these companies for real money, they are that rich in game 1.5b etc is pennies to them and they are making real life bank. Whilst ruining the experience for everyone else.

    These boxes have a low enough drop as it is now we have to contend with low in game accumulation of the items as well as these whales selling buying and selling them to third party sites.
  8. appocolyps Committed Player

    Anyone without blinkers on knows there is zero risk with these sellers.

    It is a massively growing concept within MMOs and its up to the Development teams to control it to the best of their ability.
  9. thedemonocus Loyal Player

    From what i have seen on you tube theres people getting scammed too. Watched a video of a guy hand over billions in trade only to have the person log out and leave him with nothing. I don't know any of the players in the video cause i just stumbled on it but here it is if you want to see it. This is exactly why i never trade and use the broker only.
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  10. Rejchadar Inquisitor

    Yes? well, if you say so, as I understand it, you have extensive experience buying from such sellers ... the question arises why you were so stupid this time, and you went to the market for BB in the place to buy from them ...
  11. appocolyps Committed Player

    I dont have experience buying them, i put my money into Daybreak hence why i bought 44 booster bundles, i have no issues investing in Daybreak, i dont understand what you are trying to say sorry.
  12. MidLifeCrysis41 Well-Known Player

    The fact that a thread like this even exists - shows how absolutely entrenched gold sellers etc are in the game. That people fear zero consequences at all now, shows how absolutely, and pathetically this game has fallen. People no longer fear being banned for using 3rd parties, because they also pump money into the game; and they know that the people running the game would rather take a hit with good sellers etc, than ban players, and lose the entire income.

    This game has become an absolute f***ing joke now! Nothing more than a d1ck measuring competition, right along side the “fashion show” that is the people who log in and do absolutely zero on the game, but hack it and then go stand in the WT, HoL Or wherever. Omg! Look at how many “OG items I have on bruh” I’ve liquid mat and void mat and phoenix mat, Ik I look absolutely f***ing horrendous, but can you still see all my **** I have on to show I’ve bought 300sp in styles? ACKNOWLEDGE ME BRO!!! :/
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  13. OneWhoLaughed Committed Player

    There are lots & lots of threads like this. There are lots of threads like this on most MMO forums.

    A lot of these angry messages just tell the community that you haven't been blessed by RNGeezus, which is ultimately what any loot box is.

    My advice? join the xbox or switch servers, minimal gold sellers and low broker prices by a considerable margin.
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  14. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    I really dislike these gold spammers, and people who conduct business with them are not very wise to do so, but I guess it all goes back to instant gratification instead of working hard for something right?

    In regards to standing around in the WT, HoL or wherever, from a female perspective: after doing my dailies & raids, I love to go hang out with my other girlfriends and show off of styles and just look super Gucci. There are also some guys who have really great ideas for their styles too. For me the social aspect of DCUO is equally important to me as the game play. IDK, maybe its the difference between guys & girls lol.
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  15. MidLifeCrysis41 Well-Known Player

    Idgaf about the prices. I’m on the EU Servers - where the prices are still ridiculous; but not even close the the U.S. ultimately though. It’s your own faults for paying these companies, helping to raise inflation in the game. It doesn’t affect me, as the looks my toons have, have been the same for years. They’re exactly how I wanted them to look, and that’s how they stay. I also don’t need to buy gold to buy a collection piece for a 3 star “feat” for 700m.

    I joined this game in 2013, and what it is now compared to then… isn’t even a shell of its former self. Filled with fat, jobless f***s, spunking all their state benefits away on the game. To buy gold, or open 100 TC’s or BB etc, in the hope that they’ll get something that they have absolutely f***ing zero need for. Then realise what they’ve done - buyers remorse sets in - and they realise they just spent the food money for their kids on a game.

    This game does absolutely FA to discourage HUGE spending. Nor does it actively combat gold selling (which it could do in a heartbeat, by disallowing trading money altogether)

    Instead… the broker has become insane. Money glitches and TC glitchers have absolutely ruined the game for som many who just play fairly. Priced out of things they need by hundreds of millions or billions.
    And what it all boils to in the end - is how much crap you have in the end, which will ultimately mean absolutely FA when they finally shut the doors. Lol! I feel genuinely so sorry for so many of you. Not just chasing a scoreboard in-game. But chasing the “who has the most ****” off the scoreboard too.
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  16. MidLifeCrysis41 Well-Known Player

    I absolutely get you on the social aspect of things. But… when you see sooooooo many toons all basically looking almost identical, it kind’ve defeats the purpose. Same looks, same loadouts. Game has just become one big copy and paste. Stood talking **** too each other about how trash the other person is, because their arts are “only 160-180 and not 200. Or how they only have 400m cash, homeless ba*****.

    This game used to legit be about playing together and helping. They absolutely turned it into a pvp in ever my aspect. From the scoreboard, to the very gear you wear. The people running it are milking thee absolute f*** outta ppl. And one day… we’ll all try and log in. Only to be met with a massive middle finger image and HAHAHAHA underneath it.
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  17. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    Yeah, I’m sure that stuff happens. Personally, I’m an adult and the kind of real money one can get from selling DC cash or booster boxes or whatever is barely a drop in the bucket of an adult budget and definitely not worth the investment of time. But I guess for kids that kind of money goes a lot further so I suppose I get why younger people do stuff like that.
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  18. onaccountof New Player

    Its "blinders", anyway. those sellers prey on folks that think exactly like you, YOU are their targets. Its not the system in game that's broken, its the people playing the game. Every Mmo in history has had these problems, because people don't believe in the phrase "BUYER BEWARE". Don't blame the Devs for user error.
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  19. OneWhoLaughed Committed Player

    who hurt you?
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  20. appocolyps Committed Player

    Its "blinkers" where i come from kid. The world is bigger than just you, the irony in your reply is hilarious.
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