How long is it going to ignored?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Arqueiro Robusto, Jun 14, 2022.

  1. Arqueiro Robusto Well-Known Player

    How long is PvP going to ignore? We are told every year that it's not in the plans and "wish we could mentality". When is enough, enough? Why keep ignoring PvP? Why keep doing that to your community that wants PvP fixed? It's not even funny anymore. It's purely shameful.
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  2. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    Im with you I also want this to happen I truly miss PVP and the game looses such a comunity when its non exstant in a game like this. perhaps with this 500 mil and new staff the game is getting because of the cancelation of the marvel game which in its self is a shame. we might be able to get this but i dont think they know how to fix it.

    they should just roll it back to the old school rock paper scissors mechanic in larger matches and leave it out of 1v1s and 2v2s
  3. Monkeyboy Committed Player

    Have to love people that can't accept what's in front of them! They told you it's not in their plans, accept it and move on. Do you even understand why PVP is dead? Power balance is a nightmare, most of MMOs can't balance PVE & PVP. These posts aren't funny anymore! Not one constructive solution, just a ton of belly aching. Constructive solutions are what we need, not another "Fix PVP" thread.
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  4. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    You should check out this thread in the Battle of Legends PVP Topic: PvP gear was nerfed hard after the stats revamp.

    It has a lot of good information that might be helpful to your question(s) not so much about what the OP in that thread is debating but in regards to those who are answering him about the reasons behind PVP being the way it is and most likely to stay. Kimone is very knowledgeable.
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  5. Forum Junkie Well-Known Player

    There are pocket communities within the game that still enjoy pvp. Find one or start one if it is queued pvp you are looking to play. Otherwise find the Fight Club thread. Pvp is only possible if players participate. Players need to create their own incentives to pvp. Join a league that grinds to 101 pvp. Many solutions you yourself can create with the system that already exists.
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  6. Psycho Tech Dedicated Player

    Theres a million other games doing pvp better than dc ever did in its prime. Why not play 1 of those
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  7. zNot Loyal Player

    When will people stop asking for PvP when we cant even get episodes with enough content and how we got less content despite the game doing so well,your freetoplay PvP isnt benefiting the game and promotes toxicity.
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  8. Eve YouTuber

    I made a video about that just today (Not out yet). I watched a lot of FNL (Which is why your name is familiar to me) This is really a loss not to update PvP. At Least Legends for the most part. I enjoyed LPVP for a few years until I stopped playing, I even did some arenas in the past. I am not sure if they can ever fix Arenas but at least for Legends PvP - It's not too bad yet. These can be overtime fixes- and when they are ready they can release new maps and Legends too. Heck, sell them on Market Place - here is your revenue. But I don't think it is much about making revenue as far as losing money for what they might consider a minor part of the community. I am remaining hopeful, but not so much right now with the quiet times and that they just got new Devs and old ones left.
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  9. Solace Man New Player

    Agreeing with the dominant opinion here, pvp just doesn't gel well. I remember playing a couple of years ago and it was like they balanced it to where someone without pvp gear could play, which was much more enjoyable. I tried to run pvp randomly one day and just got wiped seemingly based on stats. Overall dcuo always had major issues with pvp; although the open world pvp was creative, though instanced pvp wasn't. Most fun ive had with pvp was in the open world pve anyway. They need a solution to make it worthwhile for everyone before it's worth playing. If they balanced everyone around each other in a pvp instance that would be a start. Other popular MMOs such as ff14 do that.
  10. Drewbolt Greatest Healer of this Generation

    I'm always willing to give a thumbs up to PVP-Update-Request threads to show that at least one more paying customer wants this company to deliver on this aspect of the product, even if I don't believe they will. Hell, they can barely get 2 DLCs out this year at this rate.
  11. Illumin411 Loyal Player

  12. BumblingB I got better.

  13. Extinction Active Player

    Powersets and Roles are so imbalaced for PVP to ever have a future. Besides, we barely have enough PVE content (regardless I just payed a 1 year suscription) to have resources wasted on a required rebalance.
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  14. Solarbound Committed Player

    It's always funny seeing players who only prefer PVE come into threads with this topic thinking that they can dictate what's to be done with PVP. Individuals like that do not speak for us who are truly a part of the PVP Community. Especially, when they make dismissive remarks or excuses that don't provide a real solution to the problem. Because that's BS. The fact of the matter is at this point going 6 years without an update towards it is beyond unacceptable.

    Continuously ignoring it is the kind of thing that only further ruins the true potential of this game. How do we as a whole not care about that? How do we as a whole not feel that should be prioritized? DCUO was at its absolute best when it had something to offer for everybody. Yet, people in here can only think about themselves. That's pathetic and it makes me sick.

    Keep fighting the good fight I guess until those DEVS finally decide to pick up on it. Who knows? Maybe a portion of that large sum of money that's been inherited through the shutdown of the Marvel MMO can be used to finally show PVP some proper love. There's still an existing audience that's hungry for it, including those that are willing to return if that one thing is done. Weeding the PVP community out just isn't the way.
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  15. BƖack Dedicated Player

    After all those years I come to conclusion that PVP will never gonna change. It has passed too much time, i've lost hope.:(
  16. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    And weeding people out of the PvP community (or discussion about PvP) isn't the way either, especially if it happens because an individual isn't considered to be "truly" a part of that community. Gatekeeping in that manner isn't going to solve much because it's going to prevent any chance of fresh perspectives joining the discussion.

    As long as people can flag themselves for PvP on the PvE-centric phase or continue to leave their dueling flags up while in front of interaction points (gotta love it when folks do that at seasonal vendors :rolleyes: ), PvE will be affected by any PvP changes that take place. And even if those changes aren't a huge impact on the PvE side of things, those players still deserve to have a voice in the discussion.

    Personally I'd love to see PvP get some attention, even though it's really REALLY low on my priority list of things to play in the game. And I'd probably only put my two cents in if I saw something that might end up being really problematic for any PvE gameplay. But I'm going to fall back on the one piece of advice I keep giving to the PvP community at large over and over again when this topic inevitably rears its head: get it together. As long as there's many disparate voices all talking about what they think PvP should be without any consensus to work with, both sides (devs and players) would just be spinning their wheels in trying to get anything done.
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  17. Raijin1999 Loyal Player

    Speed hacking is a thing and isn't going away. PVP can remain dead.
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  18. Arqueiro Robusto Well-Known Player

    You know whats funny? Speed hacking mainly exist in PvE now. Look at OC’s video about people cheating on feats. It’s not just a problem in PvP. Stop with these responses.
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  19. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    the squeaky wheel gets the grease.
    if you dont like PVP thats great for you and power to you
    some people do and this games pvp was great once
    and could be again.
    your free to your opinions as are others to theirs

    I hope these threads continue and keep coming and coming until something is done about it.

    I personally could give two craps about PVE its the same garbage episode after episode 1-4 outside missions a duo a alert and a raid all tank and spank after about a month (boring)

    its friends that keep people playing

    to me the combat in this game is what stood it apart from the other MMO's of the time

    PVP was a extension of that combat system.

    no matter what argument you give PVP was a large comunity in DCUO and it did feed players into PVE for feats if nothing else to make players better at PVP. it contributed to the game.

    the argument that it didn't is just silly not saying yall made these arguments but they have been made by some

    the only reason its not fixed is
    one jackster was in charge and his whole game was how can we squeese more and more money from these simps (hence feats being attached to these paywalls)
    two its a difficult thing to balance especially after all the changes the combat system has gone through through out the years.
    the past dev team made the judgement that it wasn't worth resources and time and money spent to fix the system that we have ended up with.

    why because they haven't thought of some way to monetize it in the same fashion as they have found for the rest of the game with
    loot boxes
    artifacts ( all neverwinter crap by the way thanks JAckster )

    I for one hope with the new team coming and trying to throw money at it that was going to go to the Marvel game they can readdress PVP and bring it back and gain that aspect of the community back. :D
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  20. Psycho Tech Dedicated Player

    Lol dont know why my short reply needed a novel reply, but im just being real w the op. Pvp has never made this game any money, pve is struggling to even get good content anymore. Barking up that tree is a pipe dream. Dont get your feelings hurt over it. Unless u propose a way to either make money w pvp, or go sign up for a job to improve it, dont bark down on those living in reality that see why it hasnt been fixed for years. Thx, & be well
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