New Genesis : The impossible Raid ?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Mister Hando, Jun 1, 2022.

  1. Mister Hando Active Player

    Since The Stats Clamping, I always see the Raid finish at the same Points : Ingrid Olafsdir.....

    Do you succeed this Raid or have you the same matter than me ?
  2. Hraesvelg Always Right

    Hmm, did this one the other day. Granted, there were like five or six of us from league and we've done it 1000 times before...but I don't recall any major problem.
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  3. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Ingrid has 2 she spins in the air...then 1 she stands and uses a staff (or whatever) and 1 shots. One you block (the up in the air one) and 1 you lunge (the on the ground one). Get those down and she's a cakewalk. Someone also needs to move the artifacts around the room and place them to weaken her. Many spend a LOT of time trying to figure out where they go. HINT, go clockwise from where you pick it up and skip the first drop's always the 2nd one, moving clockwise.

    Personally the last boss is where I see most groups fail, and I won't run this raid in Omni unless I have 3 or 4 people with me when I go in. The last boss ends up starting most times when 1 person goes in, so a lot of the time, 2 or 3 people are locked out of the fight from jump. The hero side version Steppenwolf has his 'push' attack which is extremely hard to defend against. The cogs to raise the shields are tough to grab quickly and he doesn't telegraph the attack very clearly and if you go off....there is no recovery unless you are quantum and can tunnel back on the platform. Add that PITA to the easy to lock out people and it means a lot of wipes.

    Not saying it's 'too hard'....just too hard for most random omni groups to do well. I generally avoid it.
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  4. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    If you are on the Villain side of the run, Lightray is WAY easier than the hero version with Steppenwolf. If you had 5 or 6 from your league, likely you drew villain side....but even if you didn't again...having a 5 or 6 person co-ordinated group in there takes a LOT of the issues out.
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  5. Essential Exobyte Dedicated Player

    It’s all mechanics. If you don’t do that, then you won’t succeed.

    In the air twirl of doom. Block!

    Staff of ice attack. Block! Or more so, dodge!

    The objectives pop up to pass the room. Grab them and put them in proper spots. (Think of Chess, the Horsey Piece)

    It’s really simple. Some raids/bosses just need a little more than pew pew’s.
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  6. KidKretz Committed Player

    as a pugger only, i have not gotten past the first fight. once everyone is dead i still cant carry it myself :(

    sometimes we get a couple ppl that know what to do, but its just not enough for us :(

    but i still try it when it pops up. so far being an anti-clamper, i still feel i personally havent run this enough since the clamp to be upset over it. its also nice that the biggest problem occurs right away, and not 30mins into the raid :)
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  7. BumblingB I got better.

    Ingrid... lol Man, she was a pain back in the day. We got this run for our league Omni Journal Quest and I'd be lying if we didn't wipe first time. LOL

    But it's not impossible.
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  8. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    If you need 6 people from the same league to complete some older content..... that is a major problem.

    Sadly a lot of the older content is pretty much unplayable in a random group.
    That is a pretty major problem for a lot of people.
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  9. L T Devoted Player

    A year from now, we'll see almost exactly the same threads about the source wall raid.

    I suggest you read Reinheld's post above-- he explains the mechanics pretty concisely-- and either memorize it or bookmark it so you can explain to your pug-mates. Keep in mind that every time you mess up assembling the machine a bunch of adds get summoned (6 I think?) so your group can quickly end up absolutely swarmed by them.
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  10. KidKretz Committed Player

    oh trust me, they leave super fast after the first wipe :p

    that's why i dont mind giving it a go still. its right up there with the raid where u have to push manta's bombs. i have never gotten a pug to get that to work yet either, but i still give it a go.

    not too worried about these failing, its only a couple mins of my time to try it, its not like i invested a ton and ppl tend to leave as fast as they joined.

    there is no me teaching them what to do when they rage quit. also, i shouldnt have to teach ppl what to do, that is the devs job :)
  11. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I was going to add that....SW will likely be a wipe fest in a year or 18 months. Lots of 1 shots and that eye beam will wipe the group. Not to mention watching people run away when they have the green marker on them. 2 wipes and people will leave. It's current and that's already happening.
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  12. Korlick Loyal Player

    There are groups failing at FOS 3 and not knowing why or what happened.
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  13. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Hmm...sounds like an opportunity for people to rise to the many of us did when the content dropped way back when.
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  14. BumblingB I got better.

  15. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Again....the one thing I want to point out with this argument is that when NGN was new, it dropped current gear and marks and was our main source of such it was worth powering through and rising to the occasion. Now? You get some max 305 gear and 10 source marks. There are a few feats to get, but if a random group is struggling that bad, I doubt any would get done save the one to place the artifacts without messing up on 1st boss.

    Also, when current, NGN was being run by all endgame players probably weekly. That meant that in any group there were probably 1/2 or 3/4 that knew what to do and how to do it...with a few stragglers who needed instruction or would go down quick. You'd generally have all the roles covered and being mis-equipped was not a thing (no arts/augs and very little 'battle' builds) Now? In Omni? You are lucky if 1 or 2 know the content, you have a few real role players and people are properly geared.

    I get what you are saying....but other than some personal 'I helped today' feeling, what's the point for most of us? The marks? The 'loot'? Those are easier and quicker elsewhere.
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  16. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    That, is incorrect. They give us pointers on the screen in several forms. Big red letters, sometimes white letters, tells the tank can see and communicate (if people decide to join the group channel in order to....communicate), Skull symbol that shows up for certain attacks, messages that also appear in the chat box. After that, it's on the player to figure out what to do next. The Devs can only hold our hands for so long.

    When the bombs come up (in the Spin Drift Raid), everyone other than the tank and healer need to stop what they're doing (get out of that pew pew pew tunnel vision) and grab a bomb. What more is there to teach for that particular mechanic???
  17. Proxystar #Perception

    Solo carried the raid the other day as Battle tank, not impossible. solo beat the first boss when everyone else died from about 50%
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  18. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    So....are Devs supposed to nerf early endgame into Fisher-Price level? How does that help anyone improve for endgame??? We know the clam isn't going anywhere at this point.
  19. L T Devoted Player

    I actually have to run it about 9 more times for the stupid 47 machine feat. I'll get that one some day.

    Your description of how many people knew the mechanics when the raid was current does not at all match my experience with at-level pugs. If I was fortunate, I had a healer or troll who knew to lunge, and 1 of the dps could volunteer to place the machine parts. Even in those successful groups, more than half the group was clueless. I recall most times that fight would get finished with just 3-4 players.

    This fight could quickly turn into a complete nightmare. It's not an accident I used it for that tank guide I wrote.
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  20. Hraesvelg Always Right

    I didn't say it NEEDED that many people. We were just Omni queueing up some stuff and it popped. I thought the OP might have been asking if there were some bug making it unbeatable, I didn't realize it was a "there are mechanics, PUGs will wipe" critique.

    That being said...I don't really know what the solution is. There are certainly raids that I will queue dodge all day instead of trying to talk an entire group of randoms through mechanics that need coordination. The time/reward ratio just isn't there for me. I spend my time trying to train/teach league members, because the odds are a lot higher that I'll actually see them again. There's always some churn, but very rarely do I meet someone in a rando queue, find their skill level decent, and ever see them again.
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