Survival mode

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Drathmor, May 5, 2022.

  1. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    has there been any update to were we stand on Survival mode and if we are going to get the 4 man or 6man version of it anytime in the near future? not really interested in a full 8man personally but I'm sure some are
  2. Charon Lead Content Designer

    We are exploring 6 man SM in the "near future". TBD on release but it's in the crosshairs.
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  3. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    awesome! thanks for the response
  4. Drewbolt Greatest Healer of this Generation

    Any chance the SM vendor can be up at all times with the option to buy SM marks from the marketplace? I'd love some of those base items and want to spend money.
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  5. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    I can't tell if this is a confirmation that the next SM is a 6-man while remaining ambiguous of a date/timeframe or it's leaving open the possibility of another 4-man and then possibly a 6-man after that.
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  6. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Yes. ;)

    We are looking to do the next SM, in the at best medium future, as a 6-player instance. We have never done a 6-player instance, however, so it is very much still exploring.
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  7. jolaksi Well-Known Player

    What about the theme? Which bosses will be at "round 5 and round 10"? Also Im pretty sure players will be upset/pissed off if we get same 8 bosses for other 8 rounds.
  8. ToxicDisaster New Player

    Survival Mode is great news for us high end players, however I highly recommend keeping the old format of 8 man Survival Mode. The 4 man Survival Mode was a different take and I loved many of the new implementations such as the Season Vendor with all the new reward options and it was more accessible for people because of the 4 player requirement as opposed to the 8 man. However, 8 man Survival Modes gave us the option to experiment with the many different role possibilities and having 2 bosses felt more exciting. Most people who remember Survival Mode would mention that it was perfect for the end of a dlc and it posed an extra level of difficulty that no elite raid can match. 6 player Survival Mode sounds better than 4 but 8 man Survival Modes have always left such a huge mark on the elite group of players. Entire leagues would take their best players to see who could get the furthest and it was honestly the most fun I've had on DCUO. If you cant take my word for it, please make a poll on the DCUO Twitter, lets ask the community what they'd like whether its 6 player or 8 player.
  9. The Anxient Loyal Player

    Or you could just run survival mode to earn the items you want...
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  10. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    Dope. I appreciate the clarification. Looking forward to it!
  11. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    Damn, you missed out. Over the past month or so I liquidated about half a banks worth or SM base items on the broker. I’m out of stock now though except for a few stragglers.
  12. Drewbolt Greatest Healer of this Generation

    I bought quite a few items recently; perhaps I bought your inventory.
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  13. Eve YouTuber

    This is really cool. I hope it'll work out, and maybe if it does - will you guys consider 6-player instances in the future?
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  14. Drewbolt Greatest Healer of this Generation

    Cool, I have several hundred SM marks on several toons I can spend, and I would happily farm SM for more marks to buy items. I don't know if you think I wouldn't farm the hell out of it if it were available... The point is there are plenty of base items that are unattainable because SM doesn't come up regularly, and I'm willing to pay $$ (after I spend my current marks) to have it available as an incentive to support the game while SM isn't actively happening.
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  15. Stardazer Committed Player

    This got me curious too! Looks like they'll need to configure the system to recognize that 6 people is a full group for the instance, so maybe this can be extended to other instances? I know people have been asking for the ability to queue in without a full group for a while now.
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  16. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    I’m glad this is returning for those who enjoy survival mode game play. I wonder why it isn’t a permanent fixture? I hope it will encourage new players to try the game and old players who have left to return and give it a try. I don’t play survival mode, so are you trying to survive hordes of zombies?
  17. Quantum Edge Steadfast Player

    The title of this thread is what I'm calling the 2020's
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  18. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    A couple phases of adds then a boss fight basically. Increasing in difficulty as you progress. Basically pretty much anyone can do 1-5 then a decent group can do 5-10 and better teams will get 10-20. The better groups can do up to 25 usually and the best are able to beat round 30.
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  19. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    So it scales up in difficulty or just the number of adds?
  20. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    Difficulty. Adds are only like a little breather portion of it all. By round 24ish, basically every boss attack is a one shot. Their health goes up, defense, damage out, all that. Round 30, they look at ya wrong and you die haha. It’s usually (in 4 man anyway) best to have a true 1/1/1/1 group tho the troll can be battle role. Water and ice (shields) are usually the popular choice and a buffing battle troll. It’s a kite/ running the room in circles ishshow. But it is fun.

    As far as why it’s only out on occasion: the community has proven time and again that if something isn’t limited that they’ll just burn themselves out and stop playing it. So it makes sense to release it on occasion and limit it’s time to drive the most traffic.
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