Thoughts on Clamp and other random things.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Liko, Apr 9, 2022.

  1. the solowing Unwavering Player

    This thread is just allowing the anti-clampers to vent their hate for the clamp while not having anything supporting why it should be removed other than "i don't like it"

    By all means vent away, but it all boils down to that, rather then any real benefit to removing it.
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  2. Zneeak Devoted Player

    Oh yeah, I was just wondering when Clamp thread #10000 and its regulars was coming.

    As made clear during the other 9999 threads on the subject, it's usually the same people barking loud and overstating the impact of the clamp. It's not as bad as the regulars want to claim it is, it's just not as convenient as it was before, of which it wasn't supposed to be either. Adjustments to keep content balanced and intact are to be expected in an MMO.

    The devs will continue to adjust where adjustments are needed, but people simply need to get over the fact that they cannot and should not be able to simply solo pew 8-man content with ease just because it is older content.
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  3. thedemonocus Loyal Player

    The fact that no one plays anything but fos3 anymore is a pretty good indicator that the clamp is not working.
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  4. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    'Both' of them? There is only 1 bounty mission on Amusement mile and it's always been soloable. It's a 1 mark daily, not an 8 mark weekly and pretty easy. Unless you are referring to Metal1 Gotham (manbat and a metal titan)...THOSE are weeklies and group content and can be tough but are doable. Generally I don't solo those because they are so far from spawn, a knockout means restarting, vs something like Giant robot or Shadow Golem where you can get right back in it....but I have Solo'd them on a battle tank loadout. None of the bounties are impossible with the right build....but yeah, some are tougher than others. I also don't bother with Calc as running around grabbing the cogs solo is a PITA and time consuming...not worth the effort or time to solo.
  5. the solowing Unwavering Player

    BS and you know it.
    I took this when i logged in queuing for onmnibus, queue was less then a minute.

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  6. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    Well, I was able to solo both Query and Clayface which I picked up from the bounty sign hence the reason I called it a bounty. But that area in general is a PITA so I generally hate going in there.
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  7. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Your opinion isn't fact
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  8. Ryazan Dedicated Player

    The irony here is that Necropolis is the other raid people use to spam for fast marks... :confused:
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  9. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    Before the clamp, players were limited to three to four episodes of content (depending on CR gains) to earn decent Mark returns for progression. So if, for example, Age of Justice was at the low end of content for you, anything below Age of Justice wouldn't significantly reward you and you couldn't run anything past Death of Superman or Deluge because your CR wasn't high enough to enter the content. The only exception was the newest content that had event versions of the content available.

    Now? Endgame players can run EVERYTHING in the game and get Marks, and a player like myself who has a CR high enough to run Judas Contract/Titans content also has instances from Birds of Prey and Metal 1 popping for me if I use the Omnibus for solos, along with everything below Judas Contract.

    More, if not all, of the game is open and available for Mark gains. We aren't trapped in three pieces of content at a time. Whether or not players choose to take advantage of all the content available is an entirely different matter.
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  10. the solowing Unwavering Player

    How about this one? Im doing this in real time.. Also 1 second queue time..
  11. Ryazan Dedicated Player

    I love this one... when it doesn't crash. :(
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  12. the solowing Unwavering Player

    It was fun, I just finished it. On to the next one!
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  13. Enemy Ace Well-Known Player

    No, the entire matter is that players AREN'T choosing to run old content.
  14. Stanktonia Dedicated Player

    They just need to add special rewards or new feats to the old bounties, and more people would run them immediately
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  15. Enemy Ace Well-Known Player

    The clamp should be removed because it flippantly disregards the legacy player base on the hopes of luring new players. It's a game-killer. Those players most likely to still be around in 5 years are the one's who were here 5 years ago. The stat-clamp was the first step to alienate these people. The second step was that horrendous roll out of Episode 42. All eyes on this next episode, but the choice to radically change a character-building MMORPG by removing the character-building aspect, while at the same time on-boarding an entirely new development team, is suspect.
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  16. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    Oh cool, I was starting to worry we weren’t doing this anymore.
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  17. Stanktonia Dedicated Player

    Excluding bonus weeks, I run all type of content through omnibus, from the area 51 alert to the pcr raid, it definitely seems to be working
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  18. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    See, that's the tricky part. There's no way any of us can say what players are and aren't running beyond what we see, and what we can see is a very small window into the game. It's limited to the phases we enter and what areas we're in. I can go to the House of Legends and see a report of how many people are there and how many phases are open, but that leaves ALL the other hubs, open world areas, HQs, safehouses and instances that are active out of the picture.

    It's the funniest thing, when I think about this. For the longest time, we heard from folks saying that the only reason that players weren't running older content was that there weren't Mark rewards (with the response being that Marks probably wouldn't be awarded without clamping of some kind). Marks were added with clamping, and now the argument tries to be that people aren't running that old content because of the clamp.

    Maybe, just maybe, it's time to look at the possibility that people aren't running that content because they just don't want to run that content.
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  19. PickArole Well-Known Player

    I'll bite on this. I'm sure the vets are gonna explode on me, but it won't be the first or the last time. This clamp chit is COMPLETELY stupid! The devs really messed this one up. Fine, you're a 360 clamped down to 5k might and I'm a 175 clamped at the same. Now, here's the hurt point for the newer smaller player. He has 3 lvl 100 arts that give him a bonus 300 might. The bigger has 3 lvl 250s with a bonus of 2k. Now we ain't even added in sp. This was designed to hit big players but killed the small ones. The bigger the arts and more sp the more the big players can just breeze through and nag on the newbie because they can't do it. Devs, if you wanna fair this up, cap the bonus from arts and have a max of X sp per tier.
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  20. PickArole Well-Known Player

    Or, even better yet... Remove the stupid thing. People busted their rears and wallets to get the op toon they have. So what if they can breeze through smaller content. They actually deserve something for dealing with the crap you throw at them
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