Overwhelming Elitism

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Furnburn, Mar 24, 2022.

  1. Proxystar #Perception

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  2. PolishEagle Dedicated Player

    Pretty sure you got kicked for not baiting Superman. You mentioning rallying people tipped me. You need to be away from the group. I know its dumb. First few months of dlc the true elite groups would beat it without this cheese. About a month and half ago I took all sorts of crap for not baiting even though I beat 3 levels of this raid and a few times completed it a few times in the 25 minute range and no one ever told me to do this. As the groups got worse the troll job changed. You cant blame elitism on this one just stupid communication skills. The really elite groups didnt need their hand held to beat Superman, the groups that still need renown do. No idea why it isnt bottom dps as thats how we did this stuff in the old days.
  3. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    Deathstroke only runs solos. He’s not a group kinda guy.

    Joker mostly only rolls solo as well. Sometimes does duos with Harley when he’s feeling a little less ornery and a little more horny.

    This all boils down to you thinking the entire playerbase should change the way they play and go against how the devs have designed this game to fit your extremely unique and non group friendly playstyle. People don’t work that way. This game doesn’t work that way. The societies of the world do not work that way. Never have, never will
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  4. Doctor Nova Devoted Player

    a unique thread. not really.
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  5. Furnburn Active Player

    What about Penguin? Isn't he always surrounded by emperor penguin minions and a crew of thugs? He goes heavy on the healing skills I hear. And so does nurse Wayne, being in an entire league he specs himself out to be a healer because it's his role.
  6. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    The pengbots are not autonomous and behave as he programs them to. His thugs do as they are told because that’s how the power structure works at Penguin Inc plus he pays them well and/or threatens sever consequences for non-compliance. If you want to play with a group that bends to your every command either start paying people well enough for them to do so or find another game that features AI NPC groups that you can control. I definitely wouldn’t recommend the intimidation route though. It works out much better in comic books than it does with real people in the real world.

    Not that it hasn’t already been made abundantly clear, but this just punctuates the fact that you either have no understanding of the concept of teamwork or you you do but wholly reject and avoid it.
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  7. Furnburn Active Player

    Add a power for players to Nerf themselves, call it a buff to drive up demand for it and limit the choices people have in their loadouts by making it an integral part of their "role" so that they become more dependant on power and less efficient with it. Make every controller attack stun to interfere with tank pulls so that the group gets wiped and they never opt out of healing with heat vision and might, spreading their skill point distribution thin by having to include points in power healing skills then wonder why some players refuse to do so unless their mandatory role power becomes innate. Also, I'm supposed to be concerned about random groups not knowing what their skill level is or what their loadouts are ahead of time and there are instances that it's up to me to carry them to a win which demands more damage output when most of them are locked out to make up for no DPS role left standing, I just love losing due to that game mechanic because I'm specced out for vitalization instead of might and thoroughly renounce winning instead. If it's up to you to pull out a solo win you definitely don't want to be prepared for it, what matters is losing for the sake of random people with random skill levels and random builds; especially the rage tanks that never block for 50% less damage when blocking gives them 100% less damage and can't do the math. The ones with weapon mastery, a high power cost loadout and a robot sidekick are really fun to have to rally when you should be furthest away from the boss and baiting him. Then you have the healers that can't patch up the mess the tanks standing next to one another are making when they should be apart to limit the AoE damage they take which no amount of reloading will fix. I notice the lack of tactical awareness that's rampant in random instances and the poor positioning, automatically knowing when I must carry the group to a win while someone holds my beer and I don't drink alcohol. I'd be more team oriented if I could give randoms a vote of confidence which I do not.

    I typically do ensure a win despite all odds, if anyone should be paid for their time it's me.
  8. PickArole Well-Known Player

    Wow, this is brutal! Back in the day you woulda been smoked first every time. If people are dying b4 you there's a problem, by the way you "talk" you're God and not even a tank can keep enemies away from you. This would give you full agro just like I got back in the day IF i got too close to the tank. If they are dying either the tank isn't doing his job or the peeps don't know how to run the level. Myself, I can't run elite because I don't know the mechanics and people like you have no patience to teach them. So, just MAKE your own crew of people you trust and have at it, then you will have Mt. Olympus at your feet. You can be Zeus and they can be your peanut gallery.
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  9. Bubbla Active Player

    So there are multiple things to unpack with your posts
    1) I want to do as I want. Great go for it, but no one else is required to suffer for your decisions.
    2) Not all troll powers stun, in fact they have a variety of effects and quantum can basically debuff sans effects.
    3) if this is for reg, it literally doesn’t matter. You could troll in all dps gear with no arts and people are likely gonna beat it. But you aren’t trolling crit runs in relevancy. That’s not elitism, that’s others not wanting to waste their time with a “free spirit nonconformist”. They will get a troll that mutually supports their team and you can stick it to the man.
    4) there are a bunch of reasons not to hold block all the time, as in the game is designed towards active tanking. If tanks just blocked through first boss tsde, snipers would wipe the group. Which makes me wonder if you have beaten that at all.
    5) groups stack on each other generally because of eog and power back. That is relatively normal. People should move on cuffs but you can heal through it (or pop a shield)
    6) you play with pugs. They have a varying level of skills, so you get what you get. Good leagues teach each other to be better, without forcing people into roles. But most of them aren’t dealing with hard carry’s in difficult content. That is what people who don’t mutually support a team in a support role are A HARD CARRY.
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  10. Tilz Loyal Player

    What you talk about

    Its all what you do aswell. Not running the "optimal" build or a usefull build at all.


    Let me talk you through the roles on this game:

    Tank: Usually high health, shields, defense, dominance. Every Tankpower has a different mechanic on how they work. Turtletanks (100% block) are very very rare. Tanks usually have to kite bosses to survive

    For Tanks having addgroups around them they can stun/juggle them. For example Ice has a rotation to perma-stun adds without the need of a troll stunning them.

    Heal: Pretty straight forward. Having a Prio heal (self + 1 person) and group heal (self + 3 person) a shield and then the rest.
    Heals are here for the green bar. They keep you alive and for that they need Powers from troll.

    DPS: Usually the glass cannons of a group. Running either a might or precision rotation. They are there to burn adds and bosses. How do they survive? well, easy:
    - Heals providing shields + heals
    - Groupshield from the controller (Supercharge, 8ppl shield, providing power aswell.. here you go Hellstroke :D )
    - Getting less damage from debuffed adds/bosses

    - Providing Power (which is the most important part of the role)
    - Debuffing stuff
    - Shielding Group with SC when needed
    - often doing mechanics around the fights (objectives, catching charges from bosses, etc.)
    - Picking up players (not really troll task, but often put on their shoulders)
    - Helping with stuns, but not too important

    You won't solocarry a group of 8 usually. Especially standing around alone in a bossfight.
  11. Bubbla Active Player

    Made my whole day.
  12. Furnburn Active Player

    If there is something incorrect with my play style I would not be successful in 99% of the content, as for sixth dimension raids and the mandatory Reload you won't see me there. I'm as deeply concerned about 1% of the content as Deathstroke is about Reload in his loadout, you know he's spending skill points in vitalization and he uses munitions for healing. It says so in his resume, nurse and healer extraordinaire. Joker is also a nurse and power battery, Penguin is all about the nursing industry and Batman is the Justice League's defacto healer. What's being called non-comformity is authenticity and being true to the canon, not what DCUO is straying from.
  13. Furnburn Active Player

    Sorry for the double post, I can't edit my previous one. The issue with rage tanks never blocking is that they can after finishing a combination to miss out on the retaliation. It's not that they can't block it's that they never block. The less damage tanks take the less they have to healed and finishing off an attack with a block could spare some of the mess being made that healers have to fix. Of course if they're shielded then blocking is not necessary however having incentive not to block when shield is down is a bad habit.
  14. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    There ya go. Stick to reg content and you’ll be just fine. You can pretty much do whatever you want in reg and the group will still beat the content. 98% of the content in this game is purposely made to be easy enough for people to mostly play however they want and still get through it.

    As far as Deathstroke, Joker and Penguin, they’re not team players so you’ll almost never see them grouping up with other DC characters. But you’re correct, IF they ever did they most certainly would not be doing anything like what a controller does. It’s just not their schtick.
  15. Tilz Loyal Player

    Rage Tanks don't have to block that much honestly.

    but still, just because another player was being bad doesn't justify you running a totally useless build in the latest elite raid. (not talkign about regular and omnibus stuff, don't care about those runs)

    EDIT: You hate that ppl judge about your way to play the game and in the same moment you judge on how tanks run or healers run their build. Oh those double standards :rolleyes:
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  16. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    Superman doesn’t use guns. This all boils down to the fact you’re using the wrong powerset. A power token should solve all your issues.
  17. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    Nothing warms my heart more than running an alert or raid and seeing someone in tank mode on the periphery and someone in healer mode meleeing the boss. Once I see that I usually end up tipping out after the first wipe.
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  18. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    Ooooh pretty!
  19. Quantum Edge Steadfast Player

    The thread starts with a complaint about other player's elitism, and progresses to the OP saying "I rarely taste defeat" and "
    What the game needs to track is win percentage so I can see how badly I'm doing with 99% victory and why I should settle for less."
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  20. PolishEagle Dedicated Player

    Yep. And the mechanics of what he/she was doing wrong have been spelled out but glossed over.
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