Ether remove the kick penalty or

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by ArtemisWonderWoman7, Mar 9, 2022.

  1. ArtemisWonderWoman7 Well-Known Player

    The kick penalty needs to go or be reworked to like 15 minutes cause there is just 2 many players quing into stuff then afking. Today is the last day of the valentines event and 5 time out of 7 there has been players getting it done without even doing a single point of damage. Also had to kick a afk player that was afk in tsdr first boss. We then got a troll that didn't move from the start and had to finish the hole raid without him. I would understand if there was a knocking on the door or bathroom or anything that can be handled in 5 minutes but people are quing into stuff and just getting a free ride and this is all on the devs and them not having any participation requirements to get loot. We can't even put them on ignore unless you screen shot a name and do it manually on every character. Btw I have 25 so it sucks
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  2. Cyclonic Dedicated Player

    Don't you have bigger things to worry or complain about than some goofball trying to leech your leet dcuo dps?

    There are hospitals being bombed in Ukraine right meow.
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  3. Doctor Nova Devoted Player

    welcome to including but not limited to reasons why i left for 5 years.
    ps: include exobytes in the common loot drop table. stacks to 5-50 would be ok. include a common stack, rare stack and legendary stack chance. much prefer materials that improve ranking up stuff as a drop item than base decorations.
  4. AKXC Well-Known Player

    That has absolutely nothing to do with a valid concern. Nice random strawnan fallacy you got there.
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  5. ArtemisWonderWoman7 Well-Known Player

    Did you really bring up a war that is causing suffering to alot of innocent people? By your logic nothing would matter compared to this not the speed hacker not the glitches with the current dlc or the fact that phenix Canon still disconecting 80% of players that q or how about still not having access to send money to players alt. Statclamping ether for or against. Then there is the constant Disconecting at random times. there is alot to complain about in this game but next to people suffering war all those are insignificant FYI people play games to get their minds off things that suck in their life. I created this page after I had 9 players go afk in the 8 alerts I ran. I work in grocery I don't like talking about politics war or covid cause these are all I hear about every minute of my work day and I don't appreciate you bring this up when I only had like you said a insignificant complaint about something that happened in a game I play.
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  6. VIRALITY Dedicated Player

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  7. Yass Queen Hyppolyta Dedicated Player

    You can always tell the lazy parasites from posts like this. Pls share your character names. ty
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  8. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    If you're so concerned about what's happening in Ukraine then why are you here on a video game message board?
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  9. the solowing Unwavering Player

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  10. Great Architect Loyal Player

    Easy fix:-

    Since you can't kick a group member in combat, a single vote ought to be enough for a kick in duos. It can't be abused because of the kick timer, and you won't be able to kick a player that is actually contributing.
  11. KidKretz Committed Player

    games are an escape from the worry. so totally fine to try to perfect that escape :)
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  12. Psycho Tech Dedicated Player

    -reads wall, sees Phoenix cannon, gives like-
  13. Zneeak Devoted Player

    If you are so concerned about world events, why are you even here worrying about what somebody else worries about on a game forum?

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  14. Wallachia Devoted Player

    This fallacy is so stupid that I shouldn't even bother answering.

    This idiocy you posted - and should be ashamed of - is know is "fallacy of relative privation", ergo, "there is a worse problem happening now, so you shouldn't complain about this". The reason this is dumb is because one bigger problem doesn't forbid anyone from focusing on smaller issues, otherwise Africa would prevent us from ever complaining about the game. It's even hypocritical, considering that, in January 22nd, you complained about the developers yourself. So, by your pseudo-logic, you can complain, but when other players do, "there are bigger things happening now".

    You are the reason why shampoo bottles have instructions. Congratulations.
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  15. Quantum Edge Steadfast Player

    I'm not going to get into the whole, "there are things happening elsewhere..." argument as much as I'm tempted to. I would say this, in 11 months I've been back, I've seen the instance squatter thing happen 3 times. I know it's annoying, and it should be addressed, but I'm not convinced it's a major problem. A fairly low threshold of damage to qualify for loot should be enough, especially the duos.
  16. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I have and will (especially in event or omni runs) purposely die so I can get out of combat and kick. Yeah, the timer should be 1 hour max, not 3, and the lockout should end after like 2 min, or adjust for long/short content. Maybe 30 sec per 4 min for a raid, 2 for an alert, but 1 for a duo (and should be able to kick in a duo). If someone is AFK they would abstain and be kicked(1-0 vote)....if they are there, they can vote against and it's a tie(1-1)....but then I'd just walk out vs finishing it (if I so chose) but you'd know if they were legit AFK or just really wanting the squat.
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  17. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    The fact you end that sentence with 'right meow' shows your own level of concern.

    Trolling at it's highest degree. Well done.
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  18. Max Maximus Well-Known Player

    The kick has two sides. The other day a friend with more than 500 SP who returned to play was kicked from a raid because he had different artifacts than expected. He still didn't have the newest artifacts. The raid was not elite, it was Omnibus.

    I laughed a lot, but that's not right. I keep laughing.
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  19. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Yeah, it can for sure happen in a bad way, but (in my experience) the majority of kicks or attempted kicks are used properly. I think the big threat in Omni runs is that many people 'see button...push button' so they vote yes having no idea why someone is being voted on. So one malicious guy can get a good player kicked. Like you said, he just didn't have the 'right' artifacts...he could still have been doing a good job healing...most of the voters probably had no idea what they were voting on or why.

    C'est la Omni
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  20. Quantum Edge Steadfast Player

    Kick was abused a lot in the early days, I'm not a fan of it. I've seen people kicked out because 4 people in the same league see their buddy log on. I got kicked once because I asked a guy to turn down his music, I neglected to note that 4 other people in the raid were in the same guild.

    Having said that, I've participated in a vote to kick three times, once because someone who queued as a tank, wouldn't run as a tank in Throne of the Dead. Second was another tank, who wouldn't stop bragging about his damage out. The raid was going fine, we hadn't wiped, we had a couple of people drop but they were picked up. Each boss was going down pretty quickly, so bragging and shaming the DPS was just braggadocio. The third time was a healer who completely unprompted went off on a racist tirade.

    I understand the need to have a kick function, but I also understand why we need a deterrent.
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