The Art Of Patience

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Psycho Tech, Feb 19, 2022.

  1. Psycho Tech Dedicated Player

    I am learning patience every day. I promise.. Bugs aside, why are so many people queuing into omnibus raids as troll/dps & then refusing to switch? Why do ppl refuse to read group chat, & then get mad at the group who is very kindly trying to explain the mechanics? -sigh- has anyone else had these repeated issues? My patience is simmering away to nonexistent at this point.

    But sometimes the game gets so stupid, the best way to remedy it is with laughter. Would love to hear some ridiculous omnibus pug stories (no names tho of course)
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  2. MiLady Well-Known Player

    I have had experiences like that and in all roles (healer/dps, troll/dps, tank/dps). These players would login and not switch to the alternate role. Either they forgot to turn off the alt role when queuing or they thought they can get into a quick instance and hope some other player would switch to that role.

    It is not fair to the group if you mark yourself as being able to play both roles but only choose to do one of them.
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  3. Jaelia Committed Player

    I just ran omnibus bombshell paradox was healer role I saw another healer so I decided to switch we got to first boss everyone died … proceeded to inspect healer mix match gear no augs and no arts … if I wasn’t Qued as a healer what would’ve happened? Disband .. group members leaving ? Unfinished raid ? … I agree with you 101%
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  4. Achikah All About That Base

    I do feel a proper role tutorial when leveling should be a thing to help combat a few of these solo queue issues. Oracle/Calc coming in and saying 'here's a -insert role- ring' really doesn't help people learn their powers. However, each power also has a very digestible, readable blurb in the loadout tree, so... ya. Maybe something like Constantine's or Cyborg's tutorial missions? Though those really don't dictate what's 'meta' or even viable for arts/allies, and what's not. I really don't know.

    I try my best to be patient, to help people along- write mechanics, send tells if they're using inert powers for their roles, be vocal to help facilitate thing. But some, despite tone and cause, will always take it personal. There's also a fine line between helpful and arrogance, I know, despite even my own intention. Then, I find the breaking points- the tanks with 300+ crs wearing Vit augments, the healers using Mystic Symbol as an artifact, trolls using the lasso JUST to get insta-Ko'd.. three times in 2 minutes, watching an entire group repeatedly hit the supercharging Punisher for the 10th time for a wipe, or grinding on the Forge Spirit like the slow jam just hit. Things can just break you.

    For that, I take a deep breath, leave courteously and wish them luck, put on the tunes, and go decorate. Like some things in life, you gotta know when to give something up and focus on some self-care.

    Edit: Alternatively though, I've had some amazing, life affirming Omnibus runs too. One wipe in a Throne Omnibus at the teleports, me as the solo healer, and I ask if anyone could switch to ease the burden. Ended up getting a 2-2-2-2 group and we breezed through in 3 minutes. Explained the sigils at the end of UM after 1-2 wipes, next try, we succeeded with zero deaths. Was in Descendant Cathedral at Jared, slowest burn, but I asked if anyone could troll to help with the buff and someone switched immediately.

    It's all perspective. I remember the really good and the bad, but I'm sure the middle ground wins out statistically... At least, I'm going to believe it does, for my own sake.
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  5. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    That's a VERY old issue that goes back to the fact that if you Queue up as a role, you get grouped up faster. The fact that they don't switch is because they never intended to play their alternate role. It is unfortunately that simple.

    The only "fix" for that behaviour is punishment...and that never goes well.
    Some people are ignorant (meaning unaware or still new to this game, or type of game). Others are just a-holes who get their jollies by doing whatever they want even when it's to their own detriment.

    All you can really do is make note of the name, add them to ignore, then bounce and try again.
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  6. ForkDance New Player

    Hmm, perhaps they've perused the forums and garnered forum member's high-level, invaluable advice such as:
    - try to minimize dps output
    - avoid playing from class role in order to achieve optimal party balance
    - if u do for some insane reason choose a class role (you pitiable fool) play flawlessly, carry 6 wallflowers who've automatically displayed more understanding of the game than you by choosing a proper class (none, duh) or be kicked immediately and in all future instances.
    - We'd all win more often if more tanks refused to cue as anything other than dps, and in a full dps party refused to tank, and possibly the game was re-balanced to automatically remove anyone cuing up for the role before the game even began. common sense.
  7. Eve YouTuber

    OWW is the worse example for that. I had not one but two people (Other than me and my league mate) one didn't bother read the chat, the other read but procced to do all the wrong things at Myxy's fight. We wiped when we shouldn't have. We kicked one guy who didn't listen, the other guy went healer (I was the main healer) and kept blowing all the bombs in the Dice game. I was so done at this point lol and we tried to explain 30 times in the group chat.

    I guess it can be language barrier (Hey, English is not my native language as well and I manage) some people just don't care.
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  8. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player

    I feel bad for Support roles, I really do. Every time I Pug into a random group or even go with an LFG group I always watch the Tank then the Healer and then the Troll to see what they'll do as in will they actually do their roles? Obviously I don't worry as much with friends and Leaguemates but with strangers you never know what they'll do or more likely not do. Sucks there isn't that stigma with Dps cause I've probably seen more below average of those but yeah there's a lot of pressure on Support.
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  9. Essential Exobyte Dedicated Player

    Funny stories? Nah, just misery. It’s quite annoying to say the least. As to why, no idea. Maybe the lack of a game tutorial?? I mean, what’s the difference between a flame and a swirly thingy. Beats me! LoL
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  10. Drathmor Unwavering Player

  11. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    There are none of these stories. All Omni runs are great....just ask the people who wanted them. Every 60 min+ run of Happiness Home or Khandaq or False Idols, or a blessing you should be thankful for. Every shift change where people come and go, sit outside, don't play role...or try and can't do a chance (as you say) to learn something. Every time people don't block when the screen says BLOCK in big red letters....or stand out of a high damage AOE pool, isn't everyone in the group learning something? Obviously, this is a YOU problem....not an issue with the setup. You know the old saying 'Hate the player....don't hate the game' amiright?

    If the sarcasm was not obvious....your sarcasm meter needs a tune up.
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  12. Max Maximus Well-Known Player

    Usually the problems with pugs are the same, roles that don't dps wanting to do damage, not doing damage and not doing their part.
    Luckily I didn't have a bad experience at LFG.
  13. BumblingB I got better.

    When I was leveling my tank, I queue as both, would prefer tanking in the instance. Was another tank in there who didn't have the ability to DPS. After we wiped at a hallway, I immediately switched to tank and we completed the instance. Took longer, but I did it.

    I am also guilty of queuing both Controller/DPS for content. Though, in a raid, if I don't see another troll, I'll go troll, otherwise there is no point, especially in omnibus, to have a troll role. That role is a joke now. We can lie to ourselves, say we are needed, but we aren't. We wouldn't be needed in raids if it wasn't for the amazing buff troll options and power over time.

    In any case, I'm on the fence when it comes to queuing as both forcing one. On one hand, I don't care if you prefer one role and if it's not hindering the group, go for it, but on the other hand, it definitely can hinder the group in raid content.

    With how dumb the match making system is for queues, it is what it is.

    As for the rest of it, communication has been abysmal as long as I've been playing. Though now, high end players aren't wanting to help teach 11 years of gameplay mechanics.
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  14. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    Good healers, controllers, and tanks can make up for bad damage players. It takes longer, but it's doable. I wish a Controller could make up enough since I just queued into a group with bad damage, bad healers, and bad tanks for a raid. Took us 70 minutes to do content that should have been done in 15 max, and I was top damage as the controller while not battle spec'd.

    The only reason we completed was because I left, queued for Omnibus again, and ended up back in the same instance with a whole new group (they kicked the last of the previous group because the person went AFK). That final group also had a pretty low healer (Pied Piper's Flute, Circe's Mask, and Source Shard with restoration augments at rank 29 for a 273+ healer). Omnibus is tough since a lot of players get really high equipment without providing enough of the foundational stats to help the group.
  15. BumblingB I got better.

    An upcoming update will have full piercing in EEG normal content. Right now it is only giving a little piercing.
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  16. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    That will make things a little easier for people with higher stats, but it will really only make the overall problem worse. Most players do not seem to know how to maximize their characters, and the game makes it very easy to get to end-game without learning. When a healer is in tier 4 content using Damage/Tank artifacts and not increasing the strength of base augments, that's an issue.

    I inspected a damage player in Metal Pt II content who only had a couple artifacts, and the two in place were probably not the best fit for that power. The game has become a bit more complex than it was 10 years ago, and there is not enough of a tutorial to explain to players what to do to maximize their roles.
  17. BumblingB I got better.

    I think the problem with artifacts is that players not of the role it's intended for can use it while in that role. There is nothing that indicates they can't aside from reading the flavor text. What also doesn't help, they give everyone free ones when they are launched and in doing so also attach feats to get them to rank 20. Which is just a joke, if you ask me. "Here's a tank and a controller artifact, get them to 20." "But I'm a healer...?" "Your point...?"

    In the end of the day, EEG has a ton of buffs that help compensate for lack of skills. Heck, we almost had god mode with a potential +20, but thankfully, that was changed as it would break the game. I think when it comes to fail groups, if they don't want to listen to what to do when you politely try to explain, then it's probably better to cut and run. Usually, I get one bad apple and the rest of the group listens and we get through okay.
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  18. the solowing Unwavering Player

    That made me LOL +1

    But i agree with you those runs do happen, the last raid i ran was Tiffany was a flatout fail raid from the start. I left 3-4 wipes once i realized the raid was just doom off its composition alone. Tiffany stayed longer then i did, and gave it a genuine try but wasn't able to carry it.

    But thats the nature of the beast when you have a random ragtag group of players, of various skill placed together. Some runs can be flawless, some can be a train-wreak, and some can barely hobble over the finish-line.

    I knew what i was asking for, and i got what i expected.
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  19. Proxystar #Perception

    I queued into Damage Control alert yesterday and there was 1 guy left in there and it had been going for 60 mins+

    I just laughed then proceeded to solo the first boss for the remaining survivor until 2 others arrived to help with the last boss.

    Some of these omnibus runs are scary bad, but I always enjoy a good salvage job.
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  20. BumblingB I got better.

    It's interesting that the ones that are always on the list of hard to complete post clamp are the ones made within the last 3 years. Namely the ones from 2019, JLD, Metal 1, and 2.

    I'm pretty sure it's because they have heavy mechanics on top of the damage. Like Damage Control's last boss is a doozy. It did get adjusted down some, but probably not enough for a lot of players.

    In any case, you are a tank and you are OP in the clamp. :p
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