Sixth Dimension add skipping is making me miserable.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by 9001BPM, Feb 17, 2022.

  1. xm3n3hun3 Well-Known Player

    after beating Lois, and before you go into that little hallway - at that door go up and to your left - there is more space to fit the larger toons.
    or - after beating superman - go back and do the ^above ^
    and after beating superman - go back into the hallways there is often a collection or two that is over looked
    also in the area where you take on superman - a collection often spawns on the right side as you enter the area, near the stairs - and if you go up into that balcony area - there is a ?green? investigation or maybe a ?blue? briefing (it's white to me and I can't remember the color)
    Yes, they will be waiting on you - if they don't then it's likely they perish and will wait on you (as a healer) - unless of course someone else can heal or their is a 2nd tank that is good or perhaps even another troll that is good.

    after beating monitor there are 2 ?green? investigations - one near entrance - one at the far end away from entrance - and if you follow the curved track - you can often find 1 - 2 collection items nearby trees- along with the spawn points at either end of the bullding and one that often spawns next to building

    one tactic to take when adds spawn near you is to go to the tank and circle the tank until the tank grabs/pulls them.
    the other tactic - is too move constantly and again if you have followers - go to the tank
  2. Jcal Dedicated Player

    What's the reward for completing this collection?
  3. Max Maximus Well-Known Player

    If your shield wasn't enough, try using the iconic shield. Hard Light Shield is the best shield in the game. If that doesn't work you should improve your character.
  4. Controller Devoted Player

    Yeah I've seen this too - in regular TSDr. Seen it about 30% of the time. Thought we were done with this back in the "Themyscira Divided" threads buuuut..................




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  5. Plowed In Loyal Player

    There’s 2 collections in the final fight area with World Forger and Anti Monitor. Just grab those, forget the other ones if you don’t know the locations. There’s plenty of spots along the way that you can grab quickly too if you know where they are.
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  6. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    I know where they all are, but people leave me behind to die. RNG isn’t cooperating so the final arena ones probably won’t be enough.
  7. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    For once, I have to fully agree with you about the annoyance of add skipping in this raid. In a raid that can usually be finished in about 15-16 minutes, it baffles me that people really feel it's necessary or useful to skip adds in the first two parts. Even when these people advertise it at the start (which is really crappy short notice), it never fails that someone will get stuck on one of the walls, get noticed and get stuck in combat, then gets mobbed. Good luck getting into the fight. Then on top of that, the aggroed mob will sit there waiting until the Superman fight is over and will get one or more people in the room. So at that point I have to ask the question...what time did you save???

    I get people's time is valuable and all that yada yada yada....but if that's your intent, advertise it upfront so that EVERYONE is on the same page. Don't wait until the Force Field is about to drop and THEN tell people what's happening. Also, I personally feel this should not be something done with a bunch of strangers. You don't know who is or isn't capable of doing the incredibly stupid add skipping efficiently.

    Besides it just being annoying in general, the main thing that bothers me with add skipping is that it takes away the opportunity to build up supercharges.

    Unfortunately, the only thing you can really do is ask the person who invites you to their group if they are skipping adds, or build your own group and let them know "no add skipping".

    It wasn't like this at the start. And when it happened to me a over a week ago, after being locked out of the fight, I just left the instance. It REALLY pi$$ed me off.
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  8. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    Yes! That’s exactly what has happened to me on a number of occasions.
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  9. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    It's not very common, and i'm hoping it's just a few isolated runs, but I fear it may start to become a thing. I particularly hope I don't have to deal with it this week. I've got quite a few toons to run during this double mark week.
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  10. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    That's such an incredibly vague recommendation. What should he do to improve his character to overcome this crappy situation???
  11. Max Maximus Well-Known Player

    First I suggested using the HLS, if it didn't work it would improve the character. In addition, several options were given to solve the problem, this is one more. The game becomes easier the more developed your character is. Some problems can be solved this way.
  12. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    You can get the whole vendor gear set...that's not going to do much to "improve" your toon when you get swarmed by a mob that was meant for a tank or at the least a Troll or Healer shields. The other suggestions are fine in regards to the issue of getting briefings/investigations/collections, running the event version will solve that. But if you're only interested in running regular (for regular rewards), ain't no DPS shield helping you out for more than turning one corner maybe.
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  13. Max Maximus Well-Known Player

    Exactly, you are right. I forgot to say that using the shield should be done just to get the briefing. Exceptionally. It really doesn't make sense to use shields.
  14. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player

    Unfortunately if players believe skipping adds in certain instances is the new meta they'll try it every time regardless of the group they're in which may or may not be able to handle a huge horde of adds on top of them if adds aren't avoided. It's just another DCUO annoyance ☹️
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  15. Ice Lynx Dedicated Player

    I feel you there. I don't like add skipping in general.

    More often than not I end up tanking in this raid.
    And I usually let skippers who rush ahead die. We move as a group or don't move at all. :oops:
    Rule of the thumb: don't start a fight when not everyone's present, especially when it's essential roles.

    Some rushers, if they managed to survive and get to the boss before everyone else, have the audacity to just stand there and wait while we're clearing the adds. Funny enough, healers are the ones who do that most frequently, in my experience.

    So much for saving time. :rolleyes:

    I don't mind the whole "skipping the adds" thing that much if it was decided beforehand by the whole group, not when some smartrear tells us to skip while we're already neck deep in mobs.

    As for collections: most of them, if not all, are dirty cheap on the broker. Maybe buy some if it's possible? :oops:
  16. Ice Lynx Dedicated Player

    If I recall correctly, it's 1x Drop of Extinction catalyst.
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  17. Elusian Crowd Control

    I go on duty a lot and not once we skipped adds yet. I wish I had your groups :(
  18. Aetrius Well-Known Player

    I've never seen anyone skip the adds on 6D before last night, and that was a league run. We just wanted to see if we could do it and if it was more efficient. We didn't have any problem with it, but then again we were all on the same page and knew everyone was competent. That's something you don't get with a PUG.
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  19. Essential Exobyte Dedicated Player

    Hence why I try not to use aoe fields as a dps power because the tank is gonna rip all the ads away from my damage output. All a dps can do is try to keep up and apply on-the-go pi’s and use mobility powers. Whether or not the tank pulls and runs or just skips everything, it is so annoying in every way possible. It’s like some people can’t distinguish solo play from group play.
  20. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Personally I'm kind of ok with it pre lois fight, as the adds before the elevator shaft will be left behind at the bottom, and the ones above will come in the room normally and die during the add waves. But yeah, the ones between Lois and Supes normally end up in a bunch of deaths for the poor saps too far from the door who have agro.

    My biggest issue with it honestly is lack of communication. One or 2 guys running ahead normally ends up in a bunch of deaths and a longer time than it would have taken if the adds were just gathered and destroyed. And yeah, we had a run last night where the healer was locked out just as you say, killed on supes, took a min to respawn and get to the teleporter...locked out for World Forger. Ended in a a LOT of time saved there.

    Much like when STU Inner or TD was active, if you want to skip...get everyone on board, or just kill them.
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