Devs:Stat clamp to old content is quite obtuse

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by AJPro, Feb 8, 2022.

  1. AJPro Committed Player

    Running old tired content and it taking the same time is quite ridiculous.
    Every game i ever ran before from Zelda to this game (before this bad idea) rewarded you with gear and you could go back and solo or speed run old content to make it fun again. Do Gates in five minutes. paradox that was marathons of hours of torment, run it in minutes.

    i concur that blowing through old content in god mode is too far the other way. However currently the stat clamp allows players to be ignorant of the content, not die, BUT take around the same timeframes. Seems like the antithesis of your intent.

    I say keep our damage output but clamp our health. I.e. if you ignore the roles and mechanics you die BUt you can burn bosses very quickly and mow through the tedious adds aspects. Buff the bosses mechanics that if you ignore or run wrong you die but if run right they die quickly. Think megaman, boss fights were hard but if you fought with right power boss melted.

    I currently do not run any old content, spending the same time on old content that with your dlc launch times i ran waaay too many times. Please make time the factor to get people playing old content. Currently it is tedious zone with players reinforcing many bad play habits and accomplishing nothing but avoidance from experience players and frustration and poor lessons for new players.

    p.s. please please add cut scene elimination to everything….same argument..time tediousness and almost cruelty for playing game regularly.
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  2. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    But why should they do this? If they keep our damage and clamp out health than things will die so fast that low health won’t matter. And if it’s take the same time to do it as it did before than you are doing something wrong. It’s already been proven multiple times by multiple people that the clamp has a great deal of forgiveness. Enough stats bleed through so that the game still gets easier over time. Does it mean that the clamp is perfect? No. There are probably still instances that would need to be tuned to be more in line with the rest.

    And how exactly is the clamp allowing players to be ignorant? It’s the complete opposite. Before the clamp people just ignored mechanics and tried to pew pew their way to the end. The player base as a whole has become less skillful than before because of so many bad habits players kept picking up just burning through content until endgame. Mechanic heavy content will always be harder than tank and spank type raids. Other raids will just always take longer too because the raid itself is long.
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  3. Wallachia Devoted Player

    So, basically, you concur that roflstomping adds is bad, but you suggest the devs to allow the players to roflstomp adds anyways.

    Nice idea, very cool suggestion. 0/10 not going to work.
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  4. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    if older content is taking longer than you wish
    1)Tough cookies the game isnt made for your timeframe
    2) the real reason (if it is taking to long the Burn sucks) get gud ;)

    run all the old content all the time and nothing takes very long and everything is quicker than it was at release
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  5. Yass Queen Hyppolyta Dedicated Player

    Good post. Also, hell yes to skippable cut scenes.
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  6. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Youre making the mistake of comparing a single player game to functioning like a massive multiplayer online game.
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  7. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Solos are clamped.....

    Which ironically is the one place I have no issues with the clamp, cause I'm not reliant on the other random shipheads who I'm forced to run with. Solos take about 10% longer, which is fine as long as I'm getting paid.
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  8. Quantum Edge Steadfast Player

    Someone take away his thesaurus.
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  9. BumblingB I got better.

    My league just did Dive Bomber feat in the Hive Titans raid...

    Just passively we were killing the boss too fast. We had to literally stay away from him to prevent our quizlets from killing him. Tank was avoiding active attacks. It was a slow burn feat that was way easier to do when the content was new.

    I don't get it. Sure, I hate the clamp, but really, non elite EEG content is still roflstomp level of difficulty. Heck, if we were talking about Clamped Elite, you'd have reason, but they are addressing that in an upcoming update. I feel that the ones complaining about normal fall into 2 categories.
    1. Lazy and just don't want to do the content. It's not a matter of feeling strong or whatever. They just don't want to be in there 30 seconds longer than they have to. I can see this problem, I've experienced it too. Especially with Save the Universe.
    2. Never actually given it a try. It's the principal of the matter. They refuse to give it a try to see if it was as bad as they fear. They think they are weaker and don't like the idea. So they complain and don't play it.
    So tell me, am I wrong? Is there a mysterious 3rd category that an anti-clamper fall under that I'm missing. Clamp isn't bad and it really is no different than when you were playing it new. Heck it's even easier than then, since there is an EEG buff that goes with it and you already know the mechanics of the content.
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  10. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Category 3 is the anti-clamper who would be fine with an increase in difficulty AND even the increase in time that goes with it, if there was even a 20% chance of getting through a queued up run without squatters, 4+ staffing changes and a few wipes or a disband vote in anything other than FOS3/DD/Prime and a few scant others that most accept as quick and easy runs.....and even THOSE runs still get the squatters and staffing changes....just less wipes or disbands.

    Count me in THAT group. And no....'build a group' is not always a viable option. 1) it will generally take more time than ti's worth. 2) if the clampers could say it was impossible to build one before the clamp(it was actually easier with the 'and you can leave' queues), we can say it's not always possible after, depending on what you wanted to get done.
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  11. Grim931 Committed Player

    My problem is I don't have an active league to play with, I'm more of a solo player the majority of the time. Most of the time I'm randomly queuing and I'm getting low end spectrum players on my team. I miss being able to solo content, that's what it boils down to for me. I hate relying on others, not knowing what I'm getting myself into when I'm using omnibus to que up. The length doesn't bother me too much, it is aggravating, but I hate not being able to solo outdated content.

    I ran the Crypt of Penthesilea alert about a week ago on one of my alts. It's still over geared, but doesn't have extremely high arts and I'm using a slightly less than optimal loadout. Shouldn't have been an issue either way, and definitely wouldn't have been a problem before the clamp. When I queued in to the alert, we had a controller and two other DPS's that were bare minimum requirement for the content. We got stuck on the first boss. No one could heal, teammates weren't paying attention to mechanics, and there was no way to complete it. It was frustrating. I really am trying to give this a chance but it's just too annoying to deal with and the rewards aren't worth it.

    I'm sure league runs will always go smoothly, everyone knows what they're doing and probably has near max arts/augs. Awesome. But from my perspective, trying to use omnibus for how it's supposedly intended, it's failing. I've had successful runs, even gotten feats accidentally. It's when I know I could pull a team through and can't, because of how artificially limited my character has become.
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  12. BumblingB I got better.

    That is still in the first category, which is time. Maybe I was a little too harsh with the label of "lazy". It's not always lazy, as even I have a limited amount of time to play.

    If you are having problems with players not being able to complete it, not necessarily you, keep a log of the instance and why it's happening. The devs have said many times times they want to know what content is out of line so they can adjust. Like they did with the Drowned encounter in the Metal alert. (Though, it can be argued it still is probably a bit too severe.)

    When you got your list, make a thread and post your findings. You'd be surprised on support. I'll be one of the first to upvote and even comment. Content still needs tuning, but the problem comes down to it, players are refusing to even try and help make adjustments. Clamp is bad, I wont run clamp is the motto. You seem to be trying, but your arguments can still be countered that those aren't clamp problems, but player problems and existed way before the clamp. You just could carry it because you wanted to be done with it.
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  13. BumblingB I got better.

    Let's step back and look at this objectively. This is by no means to be a dig or insult to you, but let's look at it this way.

    Why are you struggling? It seems to me that it's not your skill. Not your knowledge of the content? The answer you are providing is that it's the other players. How to fix this?

    Talk with them. Explain mechanics. Including the healing buff that happens when you block. Everything you find a problem has been in this game since I can remember. Only now, players just don't want to communicate. Heck, even less PS players are even using in game voice. Which is surprising to me.

    When the content was new, I've experienced your same problem. Players don't know what to do. They cause a frustrating experience, but we try to get through it, because it was new. But suddenly, now that it's in EEG, players are like, it's a problem. What? It's always been a problem, but we forced through it to get the new marks to get the new gear to further our character.

    Again, I hate the clamp and wish there was an alternative, there isn't. So I tried it and it's not bad. YES, there are still overtuned content. YES, there are players that don't know what to do. Make a list of that content and help teach the other players. If they are trolling you, send an email to and report them. If they don't listen, ignore and leave or kick and replace. This isn't just a single player game and as much as any of us may want to think otherwise, we do have to rely of other players to go through content.
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  14. L T Devoted Player

    I'm waiting for willflynn to spoil this thread like he did the last one.
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  15. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Yeah...the 'lazy' was the difference I suppose. While I guess you could say it's 'lazy', mainly I just don't want to invest the time....not effort. I have gotten into runs where I'll put the effort in, but as I'm just there for marks/omni journal, I really have no extra incentive to run Bombshell repeating for people to stay out of the black holes or to close if they have the ring, vs leaving and requeue, hoping for FOS3. I'm not going into every run because I KNOW from previous attempts that we will likely end in fail or excessive time groups. Not that I think it's too hard for ME....but sometimes that's not enough to get things done. And I'm not sure I'd want them changed as it goes against the whole 'so new players can learn...' aspect of the clamp.

    Good example. ToTD. It had a 100% impassible mechanic if people didn't know what to do. People complained...they removed the mechanic. I'm not down with this as in the end, it doesn't make those players better and any group that properly communicated could have done was a simple mechanic if done correctly. Now...would I ever have ran ToTD in a queue up group? Hell no, not post OR pre-clamp. But I still don't think it should have been 'fixed' to accommodate the LCD.

    Another one I'm 100% sure I could label as a 'problem' run is BBS. The 2nd boss fight where you need 2 cogs on each side run at once is already a problem....the room where you need 4 to stand on spots then 2 others to run a cog simultaneously? Forget it. I don't even need to run that run to know a queue up group won't get it done without pulling teeth....but I also don't want it removed. I'll just avoid it and allow those that end up there to learn or die trying. If they learn we potentially get a few better players...if not, skin off my nose.

    I'm never going to have a list, because I'm not running that content in the first place. You can make your lists...I leave it in your capable hands to 'fix' what should never have been done in the first place.

    BTW... I don't know why we'd need the users to report this info. I'd guess they have metrics on runs that are fails or take an excessive amount of time. I'd also guess they would find those same runs in the list you'd make up for 'problem' areas.
  16. BumblingB I got better.

    They do need information on why it's not successful. As player experience can be the same thing. They can see where players get stuck, but they may not understand why they are stuck there. Good example would be the player creation ship. They ultimately just flattened the instanced, as players couldn't even figure out how to bunny hop with no movement mode. (The first change was the crate stairs.)

    So yes, they have metrics, but they need eyes in there. They built it, and it's not easy for someone who built it to see what the player experience sees.
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  17. catplaysxoxo Loyal Player

    This thread is a trap
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  18. BumblingB I got better.

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  19. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    I’m just stopping in to say I like the word obtuse
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  20. Grim931 Committed Player

    Communication may have helped. That's if it was either understood, or even taken into account, without someone taking the advice personally. If they aren't reading/seeing the big red on screen text/huge skull icon right in their face, what good would it do me to spell it out for them in a chat box that's even smaller/out of the way? This was also pretty recent content, and nothing was really "hard" about it except the ability to pay attention to Flashpoint Wonder Woman. Screen says don't attack while shield is up, then common sense would dictate you need to stop attacking while the shield is up... Instructions were on screen the entire time and yet they didn't follow them.

    That gets pretty old pretty quick as well, trying to play outdated content at a handicap, while also holding someone else's hand through it. I'm not there to teach someone how to play, I want to have fun and build my own character up.

    Either way, I'm just avoiding it altogether. I tried it, it wasn't fun, so I'll stick to end game. It's also pointless to use it when you can get the same rewards from open world story missions instances. You can literally fight a level 5 boss and earn scaling gear from it. No idea why anyone even bothers with this system.
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