Stat Clamps....It's Not You, It's Me!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by KidKretz, Feb 5, 2022.

  1. Catastroflare Well-Known Player

    It's sad that people believe such a ridiculous thing as this
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  2. Celestial Demon Dedicated Player

    The former has weight behind it because there's still a population of players who don't want an impromptu hard-carry and want to actually experience content to practice their powers in a group setting (because why have a tank/heal/control who doesn't know how to deal with group situations for later?).

    The latter is up to debate since the only T1 content I've been seeing pop at all (at least for alerts) has been South Gotham Courthouse (which is always half done with 1-2 people left at the Attorney/Prosecutor fight) and Nexus, with extremely small pepperings of Smallville in between the enormous amounts of Phantom Zone and Gates of Tartarus.
  3. Sylo Committed Player

    Stat clamp or not you'll still have to learn raids and our wait for pugs to learn it.
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  4. BanesRampage Well-Known Player

    Yeah game just feels 2x more boring the devs always add stuff that no one asked for but when ask for something as little as body types, powers they tell us to kick rocks really not worth playing anymore
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  5. Apollo Starr Active Player

    I guess it’s me too. New content is not engaging, old content is not challenging, just slower and boring. I do not need source marks so why bother. The false narrative of teaching new players is just not there. Players are not learning. For example, how many players still fight the anti-monitor when the shards are up or shadow demons are up. The game I used to love is now reduced to a check in, get rewards, do dailies(maybe), go to something else. I don’t miss my sub and see no reason to resub. But let’s keep talking about all the new players learning their roles. We already had a post about how fun that is. This community is not one to teach or be tolerant. I will keep playing the little I do, and hope new content is better than it is now. Maybe the next dlc will be better than this one ( which is bad), but I am not counting on it. I am too old to waste time, or grind for unnecessary things like ally’s. Oh well, it sucks to get old.
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  6. Ankh_Legacy Devoted Player

    Sigh, it's sad how little informed people can be.

    Though I am not a fan of the clamp, people did in fact ask for it and quite a lot. the solowing for one is a huge advocate for clamping and has been asking for it for years and is overly defending it now that it is here.

    New body types are never going to happen do to the complexity of having to redesign every style piece in the game to fit three size types for both genders. This has always been a known thing.

    New powers will eventually happen but when it wasn't possible to add anymore do to PS3 limitations, they decided to focus on other things and are on a current path with that focus going away from making new powers at this time.

    I have to say that I just don't get this need for new powers. Sure, there's the new shinny factor that can be fun but in the end it's still the same game. Nothing changes but some visuals to our characters, which most of the time you can't even see in group content. You still have to kill the same things, do the same mechanics (well for those that will do that) and get the same rewards.
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  7. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    You're right, new players definitely aren't learning during clamped content, because they are getting KICKED every time lmfao XD
  8. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player

    Omnibus can be weirdly unbalanced. Like last night I did my Alert mission and got Area53 on my main. So ok myself and the other endgame guy was just melting adds and the bosses so fast the new toons in the group couldn't keep up. So old content was still one shottable. However I did have to drink my soders constantly and one on the Cr 60's was a Healer which helped because if I didn't know the Alert back to front already I would've got clapped several times. So bizarre that a super old dlc can feel like Elite still but technically ok also speed hacking it in terms of being overburned. Just explains stat clamped experience in general. You're OP but still getting your butt kicked? I can see how some players would get tired of it
  9. Alpha Maximum Well-Known Player

    Still have the same long queue times.
    Still have the same people that don't know how to do the content.
    Still have the same people that refuse to learn or listen to anything about how to do the content.

    I will easily give that some content only takes twice as long but a lot of content depending on the group takes three or more times as long. That the stat clamp made "progression" virtually meaningless seems to be accepted and argued by only a few of the usual suspects here on the forums.

    Gaining feats to get skill points takes infinitely longer. Sure I got mine long ago, but unlike some I am not willing to pull the ladder up after me, act like some elitist, and tell new players "get gud," work harder and vastly longer. Not when we all know how easy we had it for years when progression mattered. If you LOVE the stat clamp then your good you got what you want. But some LOVED progression having meaning and Pro stat clamper's posting about how we still have a minuscule amount of progression will never convince anyone.

    I just keep using the rpg (Dungeons and Dragons) argument. NO ONE wants to be told the 20th level wizard they worked for years of gaming to level up can keep all his spells but now they only do damage on a 1st level basis. You go from Meteor Swarming an army of the undead wiping them out with the power you earned (as you should) to having to hit one skeleton over and over. We are quite literally stat clamped to the point we should be hearing "Watch out Superman that basic thug has a piece of foil!" from npc's.

    I want my years of progress to make me a powerful superhero in "GASP" a superhero game. I want to be able to steam roll over basic thugs with ease after 350 levels of CR and 500+ skill points. I want lesser villains or heroes to go down fast in early lower level content. Role playing is fun and having "Phenomenal Cosmic Power" is what I signed on for years ago and the stat clamp put us in to an "itty bitty living space."


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  10. thedemonocus Loyal Player

    I just have no desire to play clamped so i stick with end game and that also gives me time to play other games or go outside
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  11. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Its subtle, its not outright. It takes time, it happens as a collective.
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  12. Sylo Committed Player

    I don't know I guess after a 5 year break coming back to all this content is exciting. I like the clamp and scaled loot, keeps everything relevant. Absolutely do not miss the days of logging in once a day to run one daily, solo, duo and alert and then sit around trying to get into one current raid. Sure we can't nuke raids in a under a minute and I'm sure that's bad for content creators, but hell, the game feels fun now.

    The age old argument of people not knowing how to play their roles, or play them the way you want them to is never going to stop. It's a fallback argument and has 0 to do with the game or its content. I think the idea with stat clamping beyond the obvious is that it slows the content down to allow people who don't know how to play actually see what's going on. You can't nuke raids and alerts for years leaving pugs who are not familiar with their role in ahh thus directly conditioning them that there is no need for them to learn and then get mad because they don't learn once the playing field is leveled.

    Just my 2 cents.
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  13. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    I actually had extra time this past Saturday so a friend and I ran some Omni. I’ve never been a fan or a supporter or a hater. It did change my playstyle from always doing an old raid or 2 a night for fun to not playing nearly as much and staying in latest dlc only. It was alright. Did the smallville doomsday alert. We weren’t on our strongest toons but adds were still all pretty much one shots and bosses were like 2 rotations each if we didn’t use supers. There was a low level healer in there, they weren’t helpful and we out healed them with colas. But the risk of taking a knee was there so I guess that’s how it was supposed to work. Ran Fi reg and again, everyone bails after 1st boss. No drops, no reason to run. We were doing it for our weekly reward so we finished it with 3dps and a tank. All of us knew what to do. We did another raid that I can’t even remember with 8dps. That took probably less time than even the Cou and we’re nearing 5mins in that one if cut scenes would stop slowing us down. We’ll probably just do that from now on once a week. Que up as a group of 8 and run all dps. I know I was ignoring any mechanic that wasn’t a true one shot and it was easy enough with colas and sharing sd’s.

    In the end, it made me miss running unclamped elites for random fun tho. Had some good times random queing those almost nightly.
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  14. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    The newer spiderman games
    I remember when I first started playing it was the first time I ever thought I'm getting too old for some of these games the controls were just so complicated.

    after a while like all games you get the hang of them but honestly at first it made me doubt my self
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  15. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    all the old bounties can be done with a tank and a healer my friend and I do it all the time

    I know this isnt a great answer but this is a MMO some things do require others. you can solo most but 2 makes it so much better
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  16. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    what zod said is FACT that is something that has been complained about for years. just because you dont agree means nothing.
    its not the only reason but it is a valid one and one of the reasons stated for clamping
    the MAIN reason is the content was never meant to be steam rolled by over gearing
    it was only allowed as long as it was because when they first brought up clamping they listened to the threads like most of these stat clap complaining ones and went another way.

    life's about change this is how it is now, just accept it as its not going to be removed the devs want it this way
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  17. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    My thing is, if you're going to stat clamp then please make the rewards something worth getting. Hell, in general. Why can't they change the drops to account bound styles?
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  18. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Id vouch for a BoA drop for your alt, that scales the gear to the alts cr
  19. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    wouldnt that be nice. if were wishing for things it should only drop collections we don't have also.

    for real tho they have opened up a ton of the styles in the loot menu along with getting loot box collections in the omnibus rewards for the weekly's. I get a bit of enjoyment when im running omnibus and i get a style i dont have because it so rare these days
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  20. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    can we end these threads now