Monitoring the Situation

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by SethZoulMonEl, Jan 22, 2022.

  1. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    These types of missions need to be addressed. I missed out on five Qwardian Crowns last week because I did the events in the wrong order. I have no choice about which order I run them in via our On Duty menu unless my combat rating is high enough. Players with lower combat ratings should not be penalized for doing missions in the wrong order due to having no choice in the order.

    I guess this can be somewhat disregarded since custom queue does still offer a way to queue for event versions in the order of the mission, but I still think this is poor design for missions now that the default UI does not offer a choice.
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  2. Irvynnge Loyal Player

    go to the custom menu. in the events tab, select the one you want to play, queue.
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  3. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    Yep, just corrected my original post. With the default UI not offering a choice, the missions set up this way are just going to cause frustration like they are doing for me. I ran into the same issue with the Doom missions.
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  4. Jaden Law Well-Known Player

    When you in progress of storyline missions - use custom menu. Problem solved.
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  5. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    Just one more example that the omnibus is..... pointless.

    No reason to use it instead of the custom menu.
    Especially for the solo missions..... what point is there to queue for a random solo mission??

    Not sure who thought this was a good idea.... or that somehow it would fix whatever issues there is with the queue system....
    but in the end it only added more issues and does not really solve anything.

    I know that some man-hours went into making the omnibus menu....
    so I get that someone at DCUO HQ may be trying very hard to justify the expenses of making the omnibus menu....

    ...but it needs to be scrapped.

    I am sure that someone would suggest to just modify or revamp the menu.....
    but that would be making a second mistake.

    You do not build on something that is already broken.
    You take it down and rebuild from scratch.

    Pretty much what is needed.... rebuild from scratch....
    because under it's current form the omnibus is pointless.

    Sorry.... but pointless is the only word I can find to describe the omnibus in it's current form. :(
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  6. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    I was a fan of the idea, but the execution is making me start to agree with you. My wife and I used Omnibus to try to get the 15 marks reward from Steve Trevor this morning, and we queued into JLD: Shattered Gotham. We just returned to the game a few months ago after a three-year break, so we're not familiar with most of the content beyond what is now tier 3.

    Someone in the group wanted the 17 minutes feat (speed feat? 17 minutes for a boss? I have no clue). My wife next to me is getting frustrated because of the grounding mechanics making it tough to navigate the rocks, and then the hidden rock that you have to drop down to confused her. I would also argue that jump mechanics have some issues in that one since I hit the jump button a couple times at the same time grounding hit me, and it caused me not to jump and instead fall off a ledge.

    Anyway, the rest of the group started getting frustrated that my wife and I were struggling to reach them after they ran ahead. I was their Tank, and she was their Controller. She saw the message in chat asking what the heck (language cleanup) was taking us so long, and she bailed. I wasn't about to stay in a group without her, so I bailed too.

    People do not teach mechanics in this game. Very few have any patience to even stay within a group concept. To the person's credit who was frustrated we were lagging behind, I sent a tell explaining the situation, and the person at least seemed to understand. Unfortunately, it was too late by that point.

    Omnibus is causing my wife and I more frustration than it's worth. We both need marks to catch up, so we're doing the weekly missions, but 99% of the time we get the same content that gets stale, and the other 1%, we're thrown in the deep end and expected to swim with people who are unwilling to teach us how. It is an absolute mess. I cannot imagine how new players are viewing the game with how players likely treat them instance after instance.
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  7. Jaden Law Well-Known Player

    It's not pointless... Omnibus was created as quick play option and it works exactly as intended. Do you know what mean "Quick Play"? if you want to play fast and you don't care what content will pop up - you use Omnibus. If you want to play specific instance - you use Custom play or search people in LFG chat and form your own group.
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  8. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    the point is so that you will actually get matched up with someone to run with

    you can randomly que a old piece of content and wait litterly hours for it to pop

    the omnibus que actually helps that

    say you que for lets say the original penguin mission

    omnibus will see what's been qued for and throw someone who doesn't care what they go into

    they will be paired with you who only qued for that one thing

    letting both players run content
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  9. the solowing Unwavering Player

    A community that has spent years used to facerolling their way to the end takes some time to get accostomed to slowing down, screw the group, learn your way around. Because one day youll run into a player thatll be in your shoes, and youll be able to relate and help them out of that rut. So i say dont give up, keep going,

    Why are they pushing their speed feat onto you? Why couldn't they get a custom group for it? That isnt your fault, you didnt join to be apart of someone speed feat. So next time, go at your pace and enjoy your experience. If they want feats that bad theyll make their own group.
  10. BumblingB I got better.

    Isn't Monitoring the Situation a pointer quest for the event? Like, I can't remember, but do we get it again the next week?
  11. Multiverse 15000 Post Club


    You can already do that WITHOUT the Omnibus.

    Actually you can do it better with the Old On Duty menu.

    With the Old On Duty menu you can queue for ALL the Duos... ALL Alerts and ALL Raids at the same time.

    Not an option with the Omnibus.
    With the Omnibus if you queue for the Duos.... you cannot Queue for the Alert or Raids at the same time.

    And again.... who would queue for a solo mission in the Omnibus to get a random solo mission??
    When you play solo..... no reason not to select the mission you want to play.

    The Omnibus is inferior more limited version compared to the Old On Duty menu....
    which is why it is pointless.

    No reason to use the Omnibus... when the Old On Duty menu does a better job.

    Actually.... there is ONE reason to use the Omnibus.... the 3 Omnibus Missions each week.
    So they had to create an artificial reason to use the Omnibus.
    Although I have to admit... most of the time..... I don't even bother with them Missions.

    As for Quickpplay.... again.... we could already do that with the Old On Duty menu.

    You can select ALL the Raids... same as the Omnibus... but in addition we can select ALL the Alerts and ALL the Duos.

    So.... the Old version can get you a group FASTER then the supposed Quickplay option.
  12. Jaden Law Well-Known Player

    Well... Enjoy your way to play.
  13. Saami Loyal Player

    I like omnibus for pugs. It is like queue to all, but with single click. Then there is also lfg and custom play.
  14. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    do you really need me to poke holes in all that? sounds like your just trying to be difficult for the sake of it.

    Omnibus causes all that old content to get played as it makes it relevant because of the scaling