So is the Batman who laughs going to be DCUO's joker going forward?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Burning_Baron, Jan 6, 2022.

  1. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    No, we didn't.

    We went from every-three-months-at-least-in-theory large Episodes/DLCs to monthly 2-mission Episodes and then back to every-three-months-give-or-take that we have today.
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  2. Savior Prime Dedicated Player

    No, we went from 1 Episode roughly every 3 months, with hotfix DLCs (maybe some added content) to the Episodes being divided into 3 parts being released every month with again hotfix DLCs, back to what it is now. 1 Episode roughly every 3 months with maybe 1 or 2 DLCs in between...
  3. Apollonia Dedicated Player

    That's what she just said to you. You agree.

    Those "hotfix DLCs" care called Game Updates btw.
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  4. Savior Prime Dedicated Player

    I know, she also repeated what I said as if I didn't say it.

    And no, if you look at the list in the forums....there are Episodes, GUs, and alot of hotfixes. DLCs aren't call hotfixes.

    Live Update Notes | DC Universe Online Forums (
  5. Apollonia Dedicated Player

    I know. You're the one calling them that:
    Before replying further, you could just admit you were wrong or mistyped. There's no shame. It's human.
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  6. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    "DLC" and "Episode" were used interchangeably.

    Neither were hotfixes, which are non-content-adding software updates: fixing bugs and possibly adding/changing features minor or major.

    Incidentally, I'm a guy, not a "she." My primary character/toon is a "she."
  7. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Originally, we called content updates DLCs because we were one of the first console MMOs and DLC was the only word console folks understood or had context for. It is sometimes very strange being the first through the breach.

    We made a clean break with DLCs to Episodes when we split up the content. DLCs in the beginning usually had new content, as well as locked features, new powers, etc. Powers, features, content came individually at that break, hence episodes.
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  8. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    I don't think there is any scenario where any of Mark's lines get replaced or removed from the game (like we did with Wonder Woman). It would be going-forward. The narrative would likely be a new bat-cough-drop got invented.
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  9. Dark Soldier Dedicated Player

    Personally would rather have joker content in game then have to wait around for some dude who isn’t interested. Homie really could just come in once a year and record 10mins worth of lines that would last 5 years. There are plenty of options out there and a ton of people who can do the hamil voice just as good as himself.
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  10. Savior Prime Dedicated Player

    Would be nice to get the voice actors from WBs Batman, Justice League and Justice League Unlimited cartoons to do some voice acting. I know you got some, but more would be good.

    Troy Baker does a close Mark Hamill version.
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  11. Deathsaurus Well-Known Player

    Ah yes, old Wonder Woman voice... I still have some videos with it. it has so strong Warrior's vibe..
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  12. Fearlantern77 Well-Known Player

    I could care less about hellraiser Batman and his design is awful. He feels so forced and corny, just an all around discount joker.
  13. Trykz Dedicated Player

    I kind of like BWL his smile is pretty creepy for when compared to other villains In this game he definitely gives off a more sinister vibe?
  14. Fearlantern77 Well-Known Player

    To each his own then. Not my preference.
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  15. Magnificent Loyal Player

    It's too bad you didn't do that for all of Arleen Sorkin's lines.
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  16. Apollonia Dedicated Player

    The portrayals are so drastically different... But I don't know if it's better to have some of them sound good or all of them sound bad. ...
  17. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Wonder whos bright idea was to ask for monthly DLCs xD
  18. Magnificent Loyal Player

    I would rather keep them so newer players can have a solid comparison. I was shocked when I ran the Funhouse solo not long ago to find Arleen's Harley still voiced there (the reason for the shock was the removal of the open world loudspeaker VO's in the Amusement Mile area).
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  19. Apollonia Dedicated Player

    That would be the creative and game directors at the time. The game committed to monthly updates before it even went live so they were always criticized for never getting content out on schedule -- every 3 months was actually late and the compromise. It was supposed to be monthly from the beginning.
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  20. Tolly Committed Player

    before that, it would be nice to be able to face the joker in a raid one day, as final boss!