Lets be clear because its "important" ? (devs)

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by jolaksi, Jan 5, 2022.

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  1. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    We believe so. I can't answer with more clarity since we are still in the process of working out what exactly to do and/or can be done. The auto breakthrough thing will probably err on the generous side since that wasn't a bug you could avoid.

    We really want to get everyone back to a good state and then get us back to working on things we're *supposed* to be working on right now.
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  2. Spells New Player

    So you chose the option that will inevitably alienate more customers who have done nothing wrong
  3. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Well, as long as you are not shocked when someone who loses a bunch of cats/seals or XP comes in and doesn't like it, I guess that's one way to go.

    I don't think that's me...but I'd guess it's someone.
  4. BumblingB I got better.

    It will probably result in them giving free stuff with the reverting back. That or letting it stand and dealing with the feats.

    The only thing I hope is that they somehow convey that information on WHY they are doing what they are doing. Like via an email or popup Y/DpadUp menu or something. I also hope whatever compensation they provide it's enough to cover all that may have been lost.
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  5. PsySomatic Extra Life 2020

    So there was a bug that auto leveled our artifacts if you happened to log in at a specific time and it's possible that we wouldn't even know if it happened on our account?

    That is crazy, I only thought there was the one that you had to actively partake in.

    I have 37 toons with at least 3 artifacts each, and I would have no idea if a artifact got auto leveled without my knowledge. And it is possible that I could get punished for something I didn't even know happened if I utilize this bonus week.

    No thanks, I'd rather skip the headache.. :D
  6. Stag Active Player

    Mepps for the people that did the exploit accidentally, bring them back. But for the people that went crazy with the glitch and maxed out every arts ban them. Don't be Mr nice guy and let them comeback.
  7. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    Does this affect only the players who abused the exploit or is this action being taken against all players in blanket resetting of artifacts & augments?

    Mine were all at max levels before Ep. 42 launched. Are we all getting punished or only those who broke the rules?
  8. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    There's no way this impacts you if you didn't feed illegitimate items.

    The "auto-level" isn't a thing. Some people had artifacts at whatever XP level that hadn't done the breakthroughs yet. Those breakthroughs automagically happened for a couple of hours, but feats were not granted since the breakthroughs had not actually occurred all proper-like.
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  9. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    How so?
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  10. Catastroflare Well-Known Player

    I think he's assuming that people somehow didn't know what they were doing or "accidently" fell into the exploit, took advantage of it, and now that they've been caught, suspended or banned feign ignorance that it wasn't their fault (the game made them do it).
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  11. Sentiency Well-Known Player

    So I’m a little confused.. if we had items broken through due to this bug are you saying to not participate in a big portion of leveling our artifacts because there’s a chance we could lose the catalyst progress we have put in? Wouldn’t it be better to avoid doing this event and just have a regular week versus promoting leveling artifacts that could very well be rolled back? I’m concerned about the people who don’t see these forums that could lose their catalysts because they weren’t aware of all these issues. Maybe I’m interpreting your post wrong?
  12. Ryazan Dedicated Player

    Are those breakthroughs gonna stay, or are they gonna be rolled back?

    And if they are gonna be rolled back, then what of people's catalysts and seals spent on something that suffered the automatic breakthrough?
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  13. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Well, it sounds like they are going to error to the side of being generous if it seemed innocent. Hopefully that's the case, but basically the only sure thing would be to do no 'breakthroughs' this time, so if there were a reversal, you wouldn't lose anything via cats or seals. if you had planned on getting that 166 to 180 or 200....you might come back next week to find it's a 159 with a LOT of overage on the XP because it went from 159 to 166 'magically' one day and you didn't notice.

    So the only ones I'll probably do this week are ones that are already at the edge...or I'll just power dump a bunch of XP into a junk arti and sit on it till next 2x week. Normally 2xs for me are just a way to clear my inventory/bank out.
  14. PsySomatic Extra Life 2020

    Sorry, that is even more confusing.. You're saying the auto level isn't a thing, but some artifacts did in fact get automagically leveled up.. if they happened to be ready to breakthrough and logged in during a specific timeframe.

    I have a lot of toons, and I know for a fact I have left plenty of artifacts "ready to breakthrough" many, many times. So if I happened to have logged in during that time on say my 25th alt, they could have magically had their artifacts breakthrough without my knowledge, meaning I would be impacted by this without actively taking part in it.

    So I can't really use this bonus week, because it could have been alt 25, 33, 17, 11, 7, 2, etc. There is no way I would know if it occurred on whatever toon I logged into, just because I happened to have met the specifics needed for that bug to apply to that toon.
  15. Sentiency Well-Known Player

    This is what I’m wondering too. If an artifact for example was broken through at 80 due to this bug, and I spent the resources getting that artifact maxed, is that going to be rolled back to 80 and all of the catalysts I put in are now gone?
  16. BumblingB I got better.

    You are confusing the two different terminologies here. "Auto breakthrough" and "auto leveling".

    Auto Breakthrough is where you are at the spot where you need catalysts to breakthrough. (20, 40, 60, 80, ..., 200) And if you logged in at that time, it would have broken through whatever amount of XP it was at. (You could have potentially fed it a lot of XP and go up several levels.)

    Auto Leveling is where it goes up on it's own w/o any additional XP. This did not happen at all. There was no XP gain or loss during this window for the bug.

    If you are worried about not being able to take advantage, you can always just feed the XP to it and leave it at the breakthrough until after they resolve the issue. You wont be losing XP and there is no bonus to breakthroughs. (IE, if your artifact is at 165 right now, you can feed it a ton of XP to rank it to 200 and just wait.) I would recommend using an XP calculator. https://www.dcuosourcewall.com/artifact-xp-calculator
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  17. PsySomatic Extra Life 2020

    I don't see how there is a way for them to know the difference. If I have 37 toons, and say 17 of those toons had artifacts ready to breakthrough, and I logged into all of my toons within that time frame.. does that mean I actively tried to utilize the bug or I was simply just logging in and out my toons?

    Because as someone that logs into almost all my toons every single day(free mark), I could have met that standards need for that bug to apply to my toons without even knowing it.

    And since I log and out of my toons quickly just to the free DLC currency per day, that could very much look like I tried to make the bug happen on a bunch of toons..
  18. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    I don’t know about this Bonus Artifact XP week. I do have the new Augments but I haven’t bought any Seals yet for the breakthroughs to level 12. I’m kinda weary of doing anything with my new augments or even participating in this bonus week until everything is smoothed over and corrected. I would hate to waste my money and any catalysts I received for doing a breakthrough today.
  19. BumblingB I got better.

    Were you banned? If no, then you didn't do anything wrong and have nothing to worry about.

    The ban went to the players that fed items that were not considered xp to artifacts/augments. They actually DID feed the items. This current bug is not related to that exploit that happened. This bug is related to a small number of players that logged in during a few hour window that had artifacts/OP items/augments that were at the breakthrough part of fortification. Thus pushing them past the breakthrough w/o giving the accompanying feats.

    To be honest, I bet if feats weren't involved here, they would have just said "surprise! You get to keep them as is." and be done with it. Now they have to go back and look at their database logs for that day, which I think was early morning, and see who got broke through.

    As for compensation, I'm going to say they will give free stuff that will help you get there naturally. I'm just worried about the players that don't come to the forums and did get the auto breakthrough being reverted back to lower breakthroughs with no XP loss.
  20. BumblingB I got better.

    This is for Artifacts, not Augments.
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