Clarity on Clamped Completion Then and Now?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by BumblingB, Jan 5, 2022.

  1. BumblingB I got better.

    Would it be possible to get an idea of how successful EEG Clamp has been for completion? I know Mepps mentioned more players were subbing after DLC41, which could be related to the delicious rewards for daily login, but I don't know. Are players finishing content? I saw the several tweaks to the buffs in normal EEG content. So there had to be some struggle.

    This isn't a debate about my feelings on it nor other players I experience with. Just I see the same 5-6 players who are for it and the same 5-6 players against it. Which just make really long threads going nowhere. With anecdotal stories of how they can't complete or that they are smashing the content etc.

    The same request for Clamped Elite. I don't see shouts on it and it's currently excluded (thank God) from Omnibus rotations. I don't random queue anything Elite, so I don't know of any anecdotes of completion either. I would assume it's a ghost town for players.

    So, would it be possible to get an idea on this? Are more players completing content now in EEG than before DLC41?
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  2. Catastroflare Well-Known Player

    I would be very interested in seeing the data on this.

    I'd also be interested in knowing how viable/possible it is to make the stat clamp optional but taking out marks and loot drops if going that route.
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  3. Brit Loyal Player

    I am less interested in the success vs failure completion rate and more interested in the demographics breakdown.

    Is this change actually increasing gameplay? Are players logging longer hours? Are they actually putting their endgame characters through low-level content? Playing alts instead?

    Throughout my entire league and friendbase, the response has been "Oh. Now that it takes twice as long, it's too annoying to bother with." Then again, as endgame Elite players, we already had thousands of Source Marks, so that was never a concern. But I know that's a small sample size, so I am hoping that somewhere out there, there are players who are actually enjoying the changes that push my friends and I out of the game.
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  4. BumblingB I got better.

    Well, I think that would put it in the same statistic, at least it showing playing as well.

    There are other threads that would work in the same vein of your idea, that would be overall satisfaction of the game, but I think that's not just related to the EEG clamp, but new and current content as well.
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  5. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I don't think you'll ever see actual data if it were bad. No company would admit that there is an issue with a big change they made, unless it's part of the 'we are changing it back' message.

    I know it's anecdotal, but I'm not sure that I've been in one raid run outside of the 'easy' ones where the roster does not end up being 10-12 names at least, and have indeed been in a few fail groups where we disbanded(normally I'd leave before that happened). I don't think the 'fails' are as important as how many groups go through multiple wipes or staffing changes to get to a final 'victory' setup. Anything reg is completeable if you are willing to stay in it long enough and re-open 20+ times till you finally catch a few winners.

    In put together groups, I WOULD like to see the numbers for Elite run completions. I'd say that's a better measuring stick of what the impact is on the general community. I think I've only been in one LFG group for PCE and it went terribly. This was a built group of people all working on a feat (on last boss) and although I was not the one putting it together, I believe everyone was properly geared and at least semi-familiar with playing....not a bunch of random noobs. It just went really...really bad and ended in a disband after a dozen attempts or so.
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  6. Sst blazer New Player

    Clamp makes getting geared out absolutely pointless. When I'm cr 93 n can beat a 334 makes me really not wanna bother wasting time getting gear knowing that even if I hit 340 cr I'm gonna feel the same as a fresh 30 really not appealing
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  7. BumblingB I got better.

    At cr 93 and fighting a 334 enemy means you are being boosted up for an event version of content. If you were 340, you would be fighting un clamped current content. The last 3 DLCs are un clamped. (Legion of Superheroes, Flashpoint, and Legion of Doom)
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  8. the solowing Unwavering Player

    But what if thats not true because SP/Mods/Artifacts/Augments bleed through the clamp
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  9. Grim931 Committed Player

    I could be wrong, but I think he meant he beat a CR 334 player being clamped down in damage out, not an NPC.
  10. BumblingB I got better.

    If he was able to do that, there are a lot of factors at play. His skill level being one, but it can also be the boost up bonus that players get too.

    But I think that would be player skill and if he got to 340 and at the same level as other players because he's no longer clamped, I don't think he will feel like a fresh 30. Based on what he said, I also don't think he's a new player either.
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  11. Ryazan Dedicated Player

    They mentioned gear specifically. All those things you brought up do matter of course, but what is the point of gear now other than just to lock people out of certain episodes?
  12. Catastroflare Well-Known Player

    I think what he means is, why bother gearing up for higher content when you go into it artificially higher and basically on par with other players who may be 359 CR with 600 SPs and maxed arts. What's the point then for character/gear progression?

    At least that's how I read it.
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  13. BumblingB I got better.

    We are kind of getting off track for the thread, but he included the "fresh 30" when he reaches level 340. Meaning he would be not as strong after he leaves EEG. When I initially read it, I thought he was talking like a fresh 30, aka new player, but looking back, I don't think he's a new player.
  14. BumblingB I got better.

    I do agree, they probably wouldn't share any information that may shine a negative light to the game/company, but if that's the case, if it's successful and all the nay sayers are having the one bad instance/day on completing and associating it with the whole, that could be shared. It would also highlight the content that still in need of adjustment to be inline with the rest.

    I also agree, I think the Elite content being ran and completed would be a great knowledge to know. Heck, just knowing players are attempting it, would be good to know. I do think it's in the part of the game that is hardly touched. I can't imagine what it would be like on lower population servers.
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  15. Sst blazer New Player

    Not running the event stuff just omni flashback (since that all that ques)