My clamp/feat system fix.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Trykz, Dec 27, 2021.

  1. Trykz Dedicated Player

    I would also argue that 310 gear is from irrelevant and critical to being able to advance towards 312 gear as well as climbing higher into elite+.
    Trying to do elite+ in 308 gear sounds like not the brightest idea to me .
  2. Trykz Dedicated Player

    People so thrilled with the clamp need to remember that it was years in the making, that upscaling old content was a topic of discussion and a request for years. That just as some of you attack people who aren’t happy with the current system is the same way those people who wanted upscale content were attacked back in the day.

    There is zero harm is discussing possible improvements to the current system, whether you love it or not.

    Being rude and attacking posters for their opinions is always a bad look, do better.

    Devils advocate may be an unfamiliar phrase to some.

    Just because I want to hear ideas and feedback on the current system doesn’t mean I dislike it or haven’t defended it in the past as well.

    If you don’t have anything constructive or insightful to say, than why are you here?
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  3. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player


    bend one's head and body in fear or in a servile manner.

    You were that affected? Interesting.
  4. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    this is only true if you have no SP and level 200 arts, if you have 120 arts and 400 SP, the SP actually do more...

    But you'd know that if you tested it ;)
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  5. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    This isn't a bad suggestion from the standpoint of intention - simplifying the forward movement and mobility of a character in the face of ever-increasing SP allocations and amounts could be relaxed somewhat, though should not be artificially enabled in its entirety for a couple of reasons - effort, to be frank, being chief amoung those.

    However, the method by which is it arrived at in your current suggestion is problematic, simply because the majority of execution-based Feats (as opposed to obtainment-based; i.e. Style Feats - or grind-based; i.e Counter Feats such as Reapers, Bottles, Bounties, et cetera) are those found in DLCs; execution-based Feats being things that require you to go into an Alert, Duo, Solo, or Raid and do X in that instance.

    Those are (usually) the 'skill' intensive portion of the Skill Point experience.

    Additionally, to be blunt: SP doesn't need more scalar influence than it already has. The people who don't think it has a huge influence on your stats are generally not in the 500+ SP range to begin with. I'll go get the receipts if you want, but let's just say SP are doing more or less what they should be doing right now, without needing to do "more" in order to maintain their top-end efficacy as a system for contribution to your characters overall performance. They are worth the slog, and (some of) that slog should be maintained, simply because it IS a game and part of the gaming experience is going out and doing that Thang, Yo.

    If one were to take your suggestion and implement it based on your suggestion - DLCs cycling Feats forward after their window of relevancy has passed - I would recommend limiting that window of completion to Counter and Obtainment alone. Those are things that you theoretically would or could have done by X amount of time's passage anyway, and while it would provide some passive stat backing to new / "obsolete" characters, it would do so without directly eroding the accomplishment base of Execution-based Feats, i.e. "I got this because I could do this" type Feats. Maybe extend that window backwards a little further than current relevancy as well, in order to preserve an actual, noticeable difference between the "I did the work" crowd and the "I showed up for the t-shirt" crowd. I dunno.
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  6. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    Holy smokes no, feats should not be just handed out. Folks need to earn em and in doing so, theoretically, learn to play.

    That said, if they actually did grant out of relevancy feats……..
    Theres only 1 way i’d be on board potentially. And that my friends, is if content was WAY out of relevancy. Say the 5-8 year old mark……
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  7. Trykz Dedicated Player

    That’s an excellent observation, one thing I would never want is to devalue the effort of the more skill intensive feats.
    Beyond the skill point argument your suggestion also addresses another common complaint, bounty counter feats, that would definitely go over well.
    I love the way they did the OP pieces. I think applying that logic to SP could be beneficial, but it’s like once the system has been around so long there’s an incredible push back to change, even when the system has been flawed, re vamped, and is still not optimal for players regardless of which side of the fence you’re on. For that reason especially I appreciate your very well thought out and articulate response. Definitely given me some more to think on.
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  8. Trykz Dedicated Player

    Defending someone who starts his post off by calling people useless?
    Also cringe.
    Do better.
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  9. BumblingB I got better.

    This isn't necessary. Elite content just needs to benefit from the same clamp EEG boost that regular does. The fact we were told that we have full piercing now and still are bad off shows that there is a problem.
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  10. Trykz Dedicated Player

    Let me ask you this B, do you think the feat system will be re worked in, let’s say, the next five years?
  11. BumblingB I got better.

    No, I don't. They've actually double downed with what we have now. The feat list for each DLC is mirrored with Elite feats.
  12. Trykz Dedicated Player

    Interesting. I see a revamp coming soon after our graphics update in 2023, but that’s just an opinion.
  13. Ryll Committed Player

    I abhor the suggestion of giving feats for free. In any way, shape or form.

    I have always wanted to see a reward of some sort added for completing all the feats within an episode. Be it styles, lair themes, accessories...a combination of them or all of the above.
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  14. Requake Dedicated Player

    I'm usually in the last DLC's elite gear + a couple of pieces that I picked up here and there. I guess that as (mainly) a healer you can usually get away with it, just because resto is so inflated.

    FYI, by no means this was intended as a personal attack but it did sound (to me) like 310 was the goal and now you were ready to whine for the next DLC.
    I'm sure plenty of people treat the game this way, which is fine, you play the way you want to play, but asking for new content after you spent 1-2k replays to finish your normal set in 2-3 weeks just sounds ridiculous.

    Then again, the content isn't challenging at all compared to other MMO's, where you actually have a week or 2-3 to level to the new limit, grind for gear (without spending $ on resets and such) and then take on the challenging content, usually raids, with the best gear you could get / farm in that timespan.

    In very recent memory I have FF14, where you run a couple of dungeons to buy the best (BIS) vendor pieces, then run the 2 EX trials currently available that drop your weapon and accessories and then you wait for the next release of raids for example.
    Gear can be farmed 24/7 in said dungeons and trials with no lockouts, only raids have lockouts.

    It's weird how DCUO and its players feel the desire for replays, while FF14 and WOW don't even have these.
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  15. Trykz Dedicated Player

    I like that idea about a completion gift.
  16. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    I'm not defending anyone. I'm tired of people misusing the word "cringe". You are the one that is "cringe".
  17. Trykz Dedicated Player

    Cool cool. Bye now.
  18. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Not leaving. Still going against the idea of you asking for things to be handed to you without working for them. Earn the feats, it's not that difficult. They are called feats for a reason. Accomplishments that are earned.
  19. Trykz Dedicated Player

    Naw I’m good, got enough skill points, thanks anyway.
  20. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    So then what was the point in asking them to be granted to you? Or for anyone for that matter? Your whole post makes no sense now.
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