Artifact Glitch

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Stag, Dec 12, 2021.

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  1. Napoleon Well-Known Player

    I still don't understand how this bug even works. Did players suddenly log on one day and noticed they could fortify wth they wanted? Or did they actively manipulate the game in some sort of way that it would reproduce said bug?
  2. HooLeeCow Well-Known Player

    Imagine you can put all of this in to artifacts or allys that was the glitch becouse some how it was on the list when you try to fortify it.
    So people jump on it like it was fresh cookie few of those artifact or allys to max lvl .Now Mepps said over 800 people got ban/suspend
    even if its not true then its a progres becouse before it was "nothing happend lets move on" .
    I still got some questions like: those bans gona be pernament ? or if not pernament then are all those artifacts made using this bug going to be reduce to lvl 1 ?
    Just wondering becouse if its like 1 week suspension and they can keep all of stuff they made using this bug its still was worth it and they gona do it again when new bug pop.
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  3. Trykz Dedicated Player

    He says in that quote they plan on making most of not all of these first 800 permanent in January, with more possible bans to come.

    I take it as,
    Games fixed, worst of the worst are offline,
    Whole teams been doing double shifts
    And it’s break time.

    Expect more after January lol
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  4. HooLeeCow Well-Known Player

    are you sure over 800 gona be pernament ban if so then finaly its a good news .
    They should make a way to get rid of perm ban by paying X 2 for all they get from using that bug at least i saw devs did that in some other game :)
  5. Pop a Trinket dey sweatin Dedicated Player

    From what I understand, you just logged in and could fortify what you wanted.
    I don’t know if there was a way to trigger this or not.

    Everything I’ve seen was that it was just something that happened when you logged in.
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  6. Pop a Trinket dey sweatin Dedicated Player

    I don’t think anyone knows yet.

    Based on Mepps’ comment on the previous page in this thread it sounds like they did a broad sweep for now and will discuss/review individual accounts in January to try to determine if it was an honest mistake or a blatant exploit.

    I guess we’ll see how that works out.
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  7. Snowy OwI Loyal Player

    This time I must lay me self down in shame and admit that I used this thing when I was tired and half a sleep :eek::oops::(I didn't see that it was an exploit so now I'm suspended for 21 days from the game.Unlike all the ones who cry over it I say to the Devs : Thank you for doing it and now I know that thay pay atention to things like this.I Really hate cheaters and cheats so It feels strange to be on the wrong side on the fence but it also feels good to know they punish us for doing things we are not supposed to do.And No I'm not sarcastic I actually mean this:) I just hope peoples will not hate me now buy saying all this.The way to the pitchfork is short in here and everywhere where there's humans involved.
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  8. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    I think there's a lot of confusion over the exploit. I don't know the exact specifics myself of how it worked but from what I have heard it wasn't just the fact that items that shouldn't have been able to be used as XP were suddenly able to be used, there were extra steps involved in abusing this exploit that absolutely could not be done by mistake.

    Of course using things not normally meant as XP was a huge part of it, but from what I've heard it wasn't the only part.
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  9. HooLeeCow Well-Known Player

    You see 1st time devs narration is my narration and some how we got the same point of view for a 1st time :)
    As long as people didnt join the game as fresh fish ( like week before ) then they knew its bug i mean they could max 1 thing by mistake and then report it so they shouldnt be ban but they should get that thing they max up using bug to lvl before bug pop and only this people i can understand not people who max everything on every alt/account posible there is no justify for them.
  10. Caroline Dedicated Player

    Speed hackers do get banned, but my question is, how many players have you seen do it on their main accounts and characters? Almost everyone that speed hacks does it by creating a fake account, therefore it's disposable and they wouldn't care if it got banned.

    The problem is that the ones who are willing to take advantage of it are the ones who never get touched. The playable accounts that deliberately get involved with speed hackers are the ones who always get away with it and that's a problem.

    Being an accomplice to a speed hacker these days is often overlooked, because it can't be 100% proven that they joined their group with the purpose of taking advantage of it, however many players who were accomplices to speed hackers in SM somehow didn't realize they were running with one 'til they got R30 done, lol.
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  11. HooLeeCow Well-Known Player

    Problem is CR skip token for free any time they give us this we got some wierd names toons like IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII who using speed hack to make hard feats in game for they main accounts .Just look top skill points list after new DLC pop most people who got max day after ( if not all ) got some hacker in groupe .
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  12. Stranger Well-Known Player

    Imagine this bug was known on test server, and reported. But dev's still released it with DLC. Haha
  13. HooLeeCow Well-Known Player

    Fun part is it didnt hapend for 1st time at live server so i can imagine that .Bugs gona happend from time to time but that dosnt mean people need to exploid it .
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  14. Smashbang Wallop Well-Known Player

    As was mentioned earlier in this thread, when you signed up to play you agreed to terms and conditions.

    If you got banned for exploiting them, it's your tough luck. If you didn't realise 'cause you didn't read the t's and c's, it's still your tough luck.
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  15. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    The Company has promised to deliver an after action review in a transparent manner on the steps taken which led to action(s) being levied against offending players. I hope there will be made a public after action review of this less than perfect game launch but probably not.

    I have sympathy for the naive players who were caught up in all of this mess. At this point it is not publicly known if a player who discovered the exploit by using it, reported it to the proper authority at Daybreak, was also included in the 800 suspended soon to be banned permanently group. I assume this will be addressed in late January also.

    What a sad way to end the year and begin the New Year. A lousy game launch of an eagerly awaited dlc (at least eagerly awaited by me), an exploit that reared its ugly head directly related to the lousy game launch, and over 800 of our fellow gamers who unscrupulously took advantage of the situation for their own personal benefit, who now face permanent banning in January.
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  16. ElConsigliere New Player

    With all due respect, it seems to me that it is one of the few sensible ones that you have done in recent times. Whoever cheated should be banned for life. But once again, you are showing that the only thing that matters to you is money. As soon as the trap is related to financial losses for you, you act "with the full weight of justice." Meanwhile, there are all the players who use Speed ​​Hack roaming freely, as well as whoever plays with them. IT IS PAINFUL.
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  17. Impulsive Level 30

    Great job Mepps and DCUO team!
    Yeah.. perma ban 1/3 players from the game! There are 3k active players in DCUO and you're banning a third from those! You're killing the game this way you know! That's awesome!

    I'm done with your game.. you're doing nothing about the speed hacks, a hack that ruins OUR experience in game but when it comes to YOUR pockets you are acting drastically right away. You're just afraid to take the fault on your side because you didn't fix this glitch.. it was reported on the Test server before releasing the update on the Live servers.
    All the money/spam bots are still in game after years.. there's almost no way anymore to complete feats on older content because nobody plays that content anymore. Exploiting bosses it's still a thing like stuck them between boxes, don't close doors after boss fight starts and so on.. give the elite gear to everyone! Role players are pretty much useless these days.. where are those days when you need it 2 healers, 2 controllers for normal raids? DPS for the win! Remember Nexus/Paradox Wave release? Those raids were great, nice mechanics and couldn't be completed in day one with low gear. Instead you gave us an easy raid and reused maps over and over again... and nerfed the alert.. pretty much can be done with 4 good DPS now.. so much fun!

    Next to those 800 players add one more.
  18. Smashbang Wallop Well-Known Player

    I have no sympathy for cheats, or (peole who claime to be) naive. Read the T's and C's, abide by them. Simple.

    If anyone DID inadvertedly use the exploit without realising and got banned/suspended (I just cannot see how, past the first time error of doing it), then I have sympathy.
  19. Smashbang Wallop Well-Known Player

    If they do nothing and don't ban them, then they can say goodbye to me.
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  20. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    lol why do people use sites like that? They're not accurate in the slightest.
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