What would really help feat hunting is...

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by BYSIS, Dec 16, 2021.

  1. BYSIS Well-Known Player

    If that, when yer In a mission, whether it's a solo, duo, alert or raid, They add a feature on the on duty tab that shows you the feats from the episode of whatever solo, duo, alert, or raid, yer doing. It would be much better than scrolling through all the episodes, trying to find which episode your mission is on.
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  2. fm0987 Committed Player

    Or even just a way to track specific feats so you don’t have to go back into the feats tab every time (it’s a pita to navigate on console anyway)
    • Like x 4
  3. BYSIS Well-Known Player

    Oh yeah, that would be nice.

    A good example of what I mean is let's say you enter the Prison Break Instance. You should be able to Click the On Duty tab which shows all the info regarding the instance like leaderboards and stuff, and one option should be feats and/or Collections. That way you can see what feats and/or collectables you have gained, and the ones you haven't in this instance right away, instead of scrolling though the deeds tab, and figuring out what episode your instance is from, then scroll through the list, trying to find the specific feats that are in that specific instance. It would make things much more effective. I mean, it's already a challenge to complete these feats. Let alone Find them.
  4. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    Or better yet, a tuned tab in on-duty showing us NOT what feat(s) we are tracking and NOT what feats are in the episode/instance but instead a tuned list of ONLY the feats we have left to attain in there ;)
  5. Trykz Dedicated Player

    A developer response to a similar request
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  6. BYSIS Well-Known Player

    Yeah that's better. It already shows us the feats we got in the main Deeds tab. It would be better if it only showed the feats that we haven't achieved
    • Like x 1
  7. metal1ix Well-Known Player

    That actually would be nice, considering the plethora of the amount I need to hunt down.

    Why not come up with style sets window as well so we don't have to track deeds tab to see which one isn't collected.
  8. the solowing Unwavering Player

    A tab in the Stats card should list off all the feats available in a instance, and check off w/e ones were completed in that run. Also itll tell if you have the feat already. Such as something like this on the end tab.

    Complete X instance objective: (unchecked/checked)
    Status: (imcomplete/completed)

    Complete X instance objective: (unchecked/checked)
    Status: (imcomplete/completed)

    Complete X instance objective: (unchecked/checked)
    Status: (imcomplete/completed)

    Complete X instance objective: (unchecked/checked)
    Status: (imcomplete/completed)
  9. BYSIS Well-Known Player

    Yup. That's exactly what I was talking about. That would make feat hunting more fluid
  10. Aetrius Well-Known Player

    That'd be great until you got to Flashpoint and you still have a list 3 pages long to scroll through...
  11. AGGUSTEN Well-Known Player

    The feats with long descriptions pass like ants and if you did not understand or overlook something, you have to wait again for the ant to pass, it must be a fixed and complete text.