Constantly feeding generators and boosts is STUPID

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Microwave, Dec 7, 2021.

  1. Ryazan Dedicated Player

    I added more to it above with an edit. Just disagree.
  2. Ryll Committed Player

  3. Ryazan Dedicated Player

    You do get prestige from the 1-time purchases as well. Yea, this is just you wanting to stop a QoL for the sake of bonus prestige you don't want others to have because they don't enter their bases often. :rolleyes:
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  4. Ryll Committed Player

    Not in the least.

    It's a fact within the game.

    Mods, generator level literally have ALWAYS been tied to prestige level given every week.

    If players don't go into their lairs (or use mainframe bots).....that is their fault. Not the game's fault.
  5. BumblingB I got better.

    To be honest, this system needs an overhaul. Initially it was intended as a mark and money sink, but they realized they couldn't do that, especially when a premium player couldn't even pay for their batteries and the fact that the mark unification meant we were swimming in marks.

    Fast forward a bit, it became a little harder to maintain due to the Monthly Content having CR relevancy and a single mark.

    Fast forward again, we are now back to having a ton of marks to feed it and the money caps are way better than they used to be. We are now in a situation where this system should be automatically on after initial purchase.

    (Also, please update the generator mods.)
  6. Ryll Committed Player

    Unless they restructure prestige I can't see it changing. Seeing how they have also tied in generator levels to allies I don't think a change is coming anytime soon.
  7. BumblingB I got better.

    Prestige just means as long as you have it up and walk into your base. I don't see how that is any different. There is no check on if your batteries are near max.

    On the other hand, Cyborg's passive always gave me a chuckle when I read it. Like really? You tied it to that?! But that's an easy fix to just have it always on as well as long as they've purchased the batteries for the initial time. Lairs are free to everyone now, there really is no reason to have an upkeep now.
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  8. Jurandyr Ross Well-Known Player

    I'd be all for it to get rid of the maintenance at the cost of the prestige. At this point in the game we can queue anything as much as we want and still get the prestige. Meanwhile, not needing to go through 1 or 2 loading screens with every character solely to refill my generator would be a good thing.
  9. Ryll Committed Player

    Actually the level of the battery in your lair does affect how much prestige a lair is generated.

    The only thing I have done in this thread is answer why there is an upkeep. The reasons why there are still upkeeps is exactly what I have said is every single one of my posts so far.
  10. BumblingB I got better.

    The prestige was tied to it after they introduced League Halls and it provide the least amount of prestige a player gives to the league. The most comes from instances. On test, that is how you get a ton of prestige though. Put a few things down in your lair.

    Also, having the batteries at max does not. Having the boosts do. So if you have all 5 boosts up, you would get a little more than 3 boosts. The same goes with generator mods.
  11. Jurandyr Ross Well-Known Player

    An irrelevant amount of prestige...

    I'm sorry, but no. The reasons were already explained by others, "typical game design...they build in minor inconveniences and then sell you little things to resolve those inconveniences (hence the mainframe bots)", and as a mark/money sink.
  12. Ryll Committed Player

    Actually the level of the battery does matter. A battery level with 0% doesn't give any prestige. It also doesn't allow for any for any other prestige generating items like Mods, Item type & count be gained.

    So yes. The battery level does matter. The OP mentioned they were sick of "sucking" when batteries and mods aren't enabled.

    Zero and more than zero....and 2 different levels.
  13. BumblingB I got better.

    And I said there was no check on percentages of batteries, unlike Cyborg. Having it always on gives a minimal change to prestige earnings, which has a soft and hard cap each week. If anything, this would help smaller leagues.
  14. Ryll Committed Player

    This post got me thinking. You are right - it is a 2 menu process. That you have to often? 2 weeks for the power cells? And for the boosts.....7 source marks every 60 days?


    Mainframe bots aren't a money sink because you don't have to buy them.

    All people have to do is go to their lair once every 2 weeks to re-up.
  15. Jurandyr Ross Well-Known Player

    Times the number of characters played, it all acumulates. Typically if I login on character I wanna play, I don't want to stop whatever I'm doing to go through a loading screen to enter their base and refill the mainframe, it's inconvenient, it is why I have the mainframe bots.

    The small amount of prestige you value so much, I'd give up on that to never need the bots again or have to spend marks on rent.


    Also, it's 7 marks per boost. We have mods, sidekick, backup and orbital to boost, so 28 marks if you want everything.
  16. Ryll Committed Player

    I know you mentioned no check on percentages....that's why I said zero...and more than zero.

    The boosts & mods both give additional prestige, but they fall into the "more than zero" category for the power cells.

    I fully acknowledge how much prestige is gained from them.

    It doesn't change anything about it being a fact in the game that in order to have the mods & boosts available for players being tied to prestige.

    The OP posted the question about why do they "suck" without the boosts and why going to lairs is required.

    I provided an answer for him.

    Because they are tied to prestige. That's it. It literally is that simple.

    If you read one of replies you can see that I have always thought there should be an option to auto-renew the generators, mods and boosts provided that players have the funds and marks available.

    You don't have to explain to me the benefits of having them change.

    You also brought up the level of the power cells and I gave you an answer that is also a fact in game. There have tied the ally system to the level of the power cells. That isn't a should they have. That isn't a change it to this. It's a fact in game that they tied the ally system to the level of the power cells.
  17. Ryll Committed Player

    Having alt's is a choice. Having mainframe bots is a choice.

    I have alts. Everyone has alts.

    Going through a 2 menu selection process every 2 weeks is negligible.
  18. Ryll Committed Player

    Oh no.

    28 marks.

    Whatever shall I do.

    How many times have people mentioned we are swimming in marks in this thread?
  19. Jurandyr Ross Well-Known Player

    Speak for yourself.
  20. Jurandyr Ross Well-Known Player

    And so we are in prestige.
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