Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Dior_XT, Dec 6, 2021.

  1. Hunted2468 Well-Known Player

    1) Whats your definition of the word "populated"? Because I take it that it would not match with many others

    2) Having the game set up like that makes absolutely no sense. The only reason you're tricking yourself into believing it makes any sense is because it'd benefit you, right now, today. Skip forward 3 months and you'd likely be asking for the opposite.

    3) I'm going to ignore the fact that you just revealed that you're a "DCUO IS DEAD" type, otherwise i'll have to recognize that I may be trying to discuss sense with a wall of nonsense. Lets skip to 4.

    4) Your threads titled Stat Clamp and you complained that you were waiting ages. As long as 2+2 still =4 then you were saying it.

    5) I was right, glad we agree. Heres another correct statement. Open World Bounties/Bosses are group content, so you should not be able to solo it (without great difficulty or skill) than should you be able to solo any other group content.
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  2. Dior_XT Level 30

    100% man look i know this is a problem only solo players have. im playing alone and without a league right now so i guess most players dont have these problems
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  3. Trykz Dedicated Player

    I dig it, OP if you need a tank I’m on almost daily and we can run those bounties no problem. Us/PsPc server
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  4. Dior_XT Level 30

    1) just make a character on US server than youll see what populated means

    2) maybe. i cant say that since i cant see in the future and you also cant. but no it actually would benefit the whole playerbase in my opinion. but thats just an opinion

    3) i didnt reveal anything since i never said ''dcuo is dead''. please read carefully. in my first post i said that dcuo isnt that by any means. EU server however is in fact dead in comparison to US. like i said just make a character there and youll see.

    4) yes im waiting ages for open world stuff now wich never was a problem before the stat clamp :)

    5) true but look at WoW and other mmorpgs. old content is old content. should be able to just do it by yourself theres no sense of progression right now you feel weak. thats just my opinion
  5. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    read the description, that should help. good hunting and good luck.
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  6. Hunted2468 Well-Known Player

    1) Well I live in a city so im pretty qualified. "More populated" and "populated" are completely different. Not only is EU populated, but its far More populated than you seem to be trying to make it out to be. The real question here is why you are.

    2) You're correct, I cannot see into the future. We agree. However, having a good grip on the present shows that the idea still makes no sense. And looking into the past we can see that DCUO's latest Exploit was made easier by an unclamped open world (you Zombie hunters know who you are).

    3) Honestly sounds like you're trying to tell yourself to head back to the US Server without me even needing to go there.

    4) Then we've uncovered an undeniable fact in this, you weren't playing long before the stat clamp. Theres a pretty sturdy nail in that coffin now, so theres really no point trying to reopen it. Long queues have plagued DCUO for years now, not months. So too have groups for Open World Anythings. Feel free to search the Forums if you're skeptical.

    5) Thats fine. Everyone has an opinion, but the general consensus of requests show that, over many years, players were practically begging for upscaled old content. Again, quick search on the Forum is available if you're skeptical. We got a comparatively equal version. Request approved and implemented. Job done.

    Side Note: Literally just saw a Dior XT on EU LFG ask "opinion on stat clamp?" there about 20 mins ago. You sure you're arguing for something even you believe? Seems like you were searching for validation?
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  7. Dior_XT Level 30

    1) lol just make a character on US at this point you are extremely in denial.

    2) cannot speak on that dont know what you are talking about.

    3) yes

    4) either you dont make sense or i just dont understand. never waited in my life for a bounty i can do solo ? maybe you just misread something there.

    5) make it optional like a hard mode. thats it. with that 50% are unsatisfied. (im just saying 50% as in some people like it some dont)

    side note: trying to see what the people think nothing more lol. stop assuming thank you
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  8. Dior_XT Level 30

    in conclusion: this was not the right move by daybreak. ive seen people complaining about it and people happy about it. its hard to help everyone BUT making something optional is always the right move instead of forcing it on someone. tbh it made the game worse in my opinion since i dont like to make a damn group for something i could have done myself in like 10 seconds. they know that the queue times are a problem and the easiest solution was to be able to join solo in old raids/alerts thats that.
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  9. TANK69 Well-Known Player

    Let me just paste this from me from another thread. Oh and I also play on EU:

    Just to clear some things: My main is a CR347/560SP Ice Dps/Tank.
    Today I tested out something: The Central City bounties are working strange. The 2 targets which are in the zone are clamped. They didn't do much dmg at all, so its a piece of cake in any role. The others, which are at the main cities are not clamped, so its a one shot - one mark job.
    The T.O. Morrow bounty which are at the main cities as well are not clamped and as I saw they cr is lower then the CC bounties which are clamped. However, its not a one shot, but still didn't do nothing.
    Lastly I just tried Battlezone Metropolis with the Superman bounty. Its clamped ant hits like a truck, so even with clamping, and the stats which I have, cant solo it in dps (which I did in a blink of an eye before this clusterduck clamp). I am pretty sure that I would be able to solo it in Tank spec, but it will be timewasting.

    The clamp is a joke. It's not working (except in the alerts and normal raids, but meh), its not fun at all, and not just trashed the open world zone content feats, the old elite raids renown are also unreachable.
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  10. Hunted2468 Well-Known Player

    Don't worry, fixed it for ya.
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  11. Brit Loyal Player

    "Nobody is running the old content. Perhaps more people will want to run it if we reduce their stats to make it more annoying, make it take significantly longer, and eliminate the option to move forward with smaller groups and while missing key support roles. If we add enough ways to decrease playability, that will obviously cause the people who didn't want to do it when it was fast and easy, because they already had the rewards, now want to do it when it is slow and annoying, even though they still already have the rewards."

    It was an interesting approach for the development team. I can't say I see the logic, and I definitely do not believe that it has worked. But it was still a very interesting experiment. Kudos for desperately searching for any answer other than the one that would have worked, and did work previously, and that the players have been repeating for years. You know "Add portals and just let us run it without the need for a full group".

    But hey. Way to stick to your guns. I do commend your determination and steadfastness.
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  12. Dior_XT Level 30

    you are a literal wall my guy. making something optional is the best you can do to satisfy everybody lol.

    ''It made the game better in my opinion, since the content i'm complaining about should absolutely require a damn group for something I should never have the option to do myself in like 10 seconds because it devalues the content in question.''
    world of warcraft would die tomorrow if they implemented this.

    ''They know that the queue times are a problem and the best solution was the Omnibus, which has worked really well when you legitimately try it.''

    i hope i use it wrong because as of right now i dont know how to get in a duo/raid/alert that i really need to run for feats. always get some random one that i dont really care about for feats.

    "To be able to join solo in old raids/alerts" is a sentence/statement that makes little-to-no sense considering I keep arguing that I'm only discussing Open world, but i'll drop it in here anyway.
    i just answered to your ''Long queues have plagued DCUO for years now, not months. So too have groups for Open World Anythings.''
    since this is the solution for long queues.
    also open world groups were never a problem since you could do it alone lol now it is a problem.
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  13. Hunted2468 Well-Known Player

    Your point isnt very clear tbh?

    You list 3 things and then randomly conclude that "stat clamp = bad", but with really no connection.

    Lets address the 3:

    1 Central City
    If there are Bounties Unclamped then a Bug Report should be filled out. And............yeah thats actually it. Not much else needs to be done. Central City is a Clamped Open World, so......thats a bug. Report it.

    2 Metro/Gotham
    Unclamped Open Worlds from day 1. Left like that so that the people who's happiness is reliant on "feeling OP" can fight Bounties there and be happy. Everythings working as intended. Central City Bounties, which are started in Central City, a Clamped Open World, continue Central City's Clamp, other Bounties have no Clamp. Perfect.

    3 Battlezone Metro.
    Clamped Open World. Like every Open World outside of Standard Metro/Gotham. Has Clamped group-necessary Bounties. Everythings working as intended.

    So how does any of this explain "stat clamp = bad"? Theres 1 bug and everything else is working perfectly.

    Actually heres the real question I suppose. Considering we used to down Bounties in seconds before the Clamp, can you explain, in detail, how you got any joy from those fleeting seconds of combat?

    Looking for details here.
    How long the joy lasted?
    How many old Bounties per day were you hunting?
    Were there any? Or are they just being used as a reason to complain?
    Which specific Bounties brought the most joy?
    Why did those specific Bounties bring the most joy?
    Should it be considered a worrying sign when someone only gets joy from a game if they kill weaker enemies?
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  14. Dior_XT Level 30

  15. Hunted2468 Well-Known Player

  16. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    You state your opening sentence as if its fact……
    Not the rite move a cording to whom?
    Theres a HUGE group of us sick of having to carry all these CR skipping scrubs because content gets face rolled and they learn nothing and join our end game runs (and elite runs) and cant even competently move their character and hit some buttons in succession much less be a contributing member.
    Wow, what a concept………
    Now, players have to actually play and learn (man thats a huge mistake by devs smh)
    You need to come to grips with reality.
    Your 100% self focused. You want this for your benefit and your benefit alone. Dont try an blow smoke up anyones beyond. There is no player benefit to face rolling content except getting the feat. Sadly for you, now u must earn the feat.
    This is where we say “get gud”.
    Sorry but not sorry at all
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  17. Dior_XT Level 30

    you are a literal wall my guy. making something optional is the best you can do to satisfy everybody lol.

    lol? I guess? I guess we can laugh at someone trying to use someone elses reference but it not really applying. I guess?

    ''It made the game better in my opinion, since the content i'm complaining about should absolutely require a damn group for something I should never have the option to do myself in like 10 seconds because it devalues the content in question.''
    world of warcraft would die tomorrow if they implemented this.

    Wrong Game. NEXT.

    ''They know that the queue times are a problem and the best solution was the Omnibus, which has worked really well when you legitimately try it.''

    i hope i use it wrong because as of right now i dont know how to get in a duo/raid/alert that i really need to run for feats. always get some random one that i dont really care about for feats.

    You must be. The Custom Menu (aka the old On Duty) is there specifically so you can choose any content, and Omnibus Queue players help you. We covered this like 2 replies back. For clarity:

    Omnibus: Quickplay option to Queue into any random content, or one chosen by a player
    Custom Menu: You choose, Omnibus players follow.

    "To be able to join solo in old raids/alerts" is a sentence/statement that makes little-to-no sense considering I keep arguing that I'm only discussing Open world, but i'll drop it in here anyway.
    i just answered to your ''Long queues have plagued DCUO for years now, not months. So too have groups for Open World Anythings.''
    also open world groups were never a problem since you could do it alone lol now it is a problem.

    You really do like voluntarily giving out information showing you're new to the game dont you? Which isn't bad btw, new players are always welcome and should be helped. The "bad" happens when newer players pretend they've been around longer than they have and reference things in ways that make no sense. Like if someone was silly enough to say something like "open world groups were never a problem" or "since you could do it alone". Silly things like that, when we all had to group up for Central City Bounties and Gotham Wastelands Bounties and pretty much all Bounties outside of Standard Metro/Gotham up until around the time of the Revamp, or just before it.

    Look, its ok if you weren't around then, its not something that anyone should think to mock you about. But please stop pretending you know things you dont. The Forum is full of things that everyone didn't know at 1 stage. But a rational conversation can't be held with someone holding onto an irrational belief of knowledge. Im likely not the longest lasting player either, i'm 9ish years out of almost 11 now. And I didn't explode, or whatever awful thing you think is going to happen if you're forced to stop making up a false history of DCUO.

    you are a wall you dont elaborate on what i write. you dont read properly.

    well i think its important to look at the BIGGEST MMO OF ALL TIME and what they do right ????
    wrong game but same genre. exactly the same thing there just that you can go everywhere and do stuff solo. never have there been anyone complaining about that. and like i said it would die tomorrow if they implemented this.

    maybe you are right ill try to use the custom menu. still open world stuff is a problem in my opinion.

    did my first breakout 2014 in dcuo and if i can log in tomorrow ill post a screenshot of it if you like.
    like what are you even talking about ???????? open world groups were literally never a problem since you could do it alone is a FACT and im talking about OLD CONTENT since this is the reason i opened this threadt.
  18. Dior_XT Level 30

    my bad but i think i dont need to write ''in my opinion'' after every single sentence xDD
    are you saying that in other mmos where you can skip most old content people also get carried in mythic/legendary difficulty level ? than why is no one complaining there ? or why is this a stat clamp not common in mmos ?
  19. BumblingB I got better.

    I've come to conclusion this is an anti-clamp thread in disguise of someone frustrated with low population. The ladder is a problem, the former is not.

    I've offered help, but was ignored. So I'll just stay out of this one. Good day. :)
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  20. Dior_XT Level 30

    rather frustrated with low population BECAUSE of the clamp. i like soloing everything. i appreciate your help with raven dont get me wrong ! starro on the other hand is not possible alone. at least for mortals like me xDD ihave to do starro 50 times. and now i cant even solo him this is just mental imo
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