Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Dior_XT, Dec 6, 2021.

  1. Dior_XT Level 30

    ok so MAJOR problem i faced right now. i wouldnt say this game is dead in no way but older content is just not played like in other mmos. now since i cant slay the big raven in gotham wastelands alone there is no way for me to do this feat since nobody is there to help. but even if you have a league, most players already have those feats or there are not enough willing to do them. it is litteraly unplayable at this state.

    or is there something i am missing ? is there a trick ?
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  2. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    What server are you on? Have you tried putting a group together through LFG?
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  3. Dior_XT Level 30

    im on EU. barely any players to start with. you search in lfg a good 3 hours+ since its extremely old content
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  4. BumblingB I got better.

    Gotham Wasteland Raven can be solo'd just do it in role.
    Tanks just need to watch their health.
    Healers their power.
    Controllers will have the hardest time, though debuffs help a lot. If you are gadgets, you can use decoy too.

    Also stay melee, as the black smoke will kill you fast.

    I solo'd her a couple of days ago on a below 200 sp account.
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  5. PsySomatic Extra Life 2020

    I think the issue is that there just so much content throughout the game, it is gonna be difficult to find people for specific older content that is no longer relevant to a lot of he player base. Well that plus given the time of day, traffic will lower, and if there any events going on(like double marks currently), seasonals, etc.

    But having said that, using LFG chat for a while should get a few people over there to help even if we can no longer solo it. If I have the time, I often head over to help someone if they asked for help in chat with a bounty.

    EDIT: I went to make some coffee and more was posted, lol. Unfortunately some servers have less of a population than others, which will very much make it more difficult.
  6. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I can't speak for how the EU is, but in addition to using LFG, if you are in the wastelands area, check the phase, if there are 2 or 3 bodies there, try shouting. When doing OW bounties, sometimes I'll come up dry in LFG building a group, but when I go to the areas, I shout...wait a few min and a few bodies will show up. Some people either don't use LFG, or won't bother GOING to an area to do stuff, but if they are IN that area already....why not? Raven shouldn't require that many people, 3 or 4 at most.

    EDIT: Or as BumblingB says....get your solo build tuned up and solo.
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  7. Dior_XT Level 30

    EU servers are not populated guys there are litteraly no people doing these and for the guy that says i can solo her why the stat clamp then if you can solo her either way ? also i personally just got one shotted soooo yeah. thing is the games old content is unplayable on eu servers
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  8. PsySomatic Extra Life 2020

    A lot of stuff that is meant to be finished with groups can be solo'd, however doing so very likely requires years of game experience, knowing exactly when to dodge, block, pop your sodas, use shields, use abilities, etc.

    Unfortunately server population is a problem, because as you said, if no one is running the majority of the content how can the players that are playing the game get anything done. That is definitely something the devs are going to have to address eventually. Unfortunately for now, you're likely just going to have to skip that content until you find enough players or the devs figure something out for players/servers in that situation.
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  9. catplaysxoxo Loyal Player

    Come to NA server just ignore the broker prices.
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  10. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    The first time I tried soloing a Sub-Avatar way back when, I got stomped. It eventually got to the point where I could solo two types of Sub-Avatars, but the method for soloing the Tech Sub-Avatar somehow eluded me and I could never quite do that one alone.

    Just recently I tried my hand at the large Paradox creatures in Time-Torn Area 51 with split results. One of them was no real problem, but the other was much more challenging because he never seemed to take the bait when I dropped my Holographic Decoy. And in that same game session I tried soloing Ultraman and he mopped the floor with me.

    My point here is that it won't all go the same, not anymore. Some fights may click right away and you'll have no problems taking on those bounties. Others may take some practice, and some may just remain out of reach no matter what you try. Don't be afraid to ask for help, either here (for suggestions on mechanics or tactics) or in the game, but most importantly don't stop trying. You may just surprise yourself.
  11. Jaelia Committed Player

    Hey if you ever need a healer or Dps you can always invite me :) my characters are in my signature. I’ll be more then happy to help!

    P.s if you’re on USPS4/PC
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  12. MchaelAceHunter Well-Known Player

    Now I can agree with u to a point. Yes the content should be played to how it should be played as like other Mmo's. But the problem is DCUO done this WAYYYY Too late. Should've done this years ago. Day 1 or within first couple years. Other Mmo's done it day 1
  13. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Ok....but are you saying that they should've never done this at all? Because they can't change the past, so their only option is now.
  14. Dior_XT Level 30

    other mmos have old content just be one shot like it was on dcuo before and i dont get why that is a problem at all
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  15. Emoney Dedicated Player

    With the new clamped system, I think it's great that all content is available to play for marks. If you are a solo type person like me, we now have a ton of open world stuff that can be done everyday, the problem though....

    No one is there with me lol. I went to Atlantis last night, it was one of the episodes that dropped when I was on break, so I havent had a chance to do any of the solo stuff, and I was the ONLY one there, no one in any phase. It seemed a shame, such a nice zone, and no one there playing. I'm sure theres a bounty in there too, but no chance at it by myself. I dont know what the answer is besides make certain zones double currency or drops occassionally.
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  16. BumblingB I got better.

    You should see what the switch servers are like. lol

    Also, if you are getting "one shot" you are trying to range her. You HAVE TO melee her. The black smoke does a TON of damage in a short amount of time. It's always done that. She's not very hard if you keep her countered. She usually blocks or pulse beams. She also had adds that spawn as well as the 5 titans bounties. Which, from the last run I did, wasn't as hard as they used to be.

    If you were struggling with one of the newer bounties solo, I'd understand, but Raven is intended to be run by 4 players, not 8+. So you can make up for it if you work on a solo build.

    You can also use things like sidekick which can taunt and other pets to help. There is also shields and consumables that can help.

    If you want, let me know what powerset you are, I might be able to help you build something. Since it's clamped content, you get buffed no matter what role gear you have.
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  17. Hunted2468 Well-Known Player

    Ok, gotta clean some of this up. There are blanket statements being thrown out left right and centre, out of frustration instead of knowledge or sense, that don't add up.

    1) "EU servers are not populated" because "there are literally no people doing these".
    "These" refers to the Raven bounty (for context). The above example is in no way a viable method of measuring a servers population. You're talking about a DLC and open world that released on August 29th 2013. The only reasonable response to "theres very few people in Gotham Wastelands" right now would be a brutally honest "Yeah, no s**t", its over 8yrs old".

    2) "Why the stat clamp then if you can solo her either way?"
    Because its more difficult clamped. Thats it. No long answer, no metaphors. Players wanted harder versions of old content. Players got harder versions of old content. The clamp is a literal reverse version of upscaling old content. The end.

    3) "the games old content is unplayable on eu servers"
    C'mon. Even you knew that this was a ridiculously overexaggerated lie. C'mon now. Be honest. I'm on EU with you. I run a lot of different things. C'mon. Lets skip past this and address your other posts instead.

    4) "you search in LFG a good 3+ hours since its extremely old content"
    Theres 2 things very very wrong with the statement above. First, waiting ages for groups for old content didn't start with the stat clamp, so you're applying a problem to an incorrect origin. The source of this problem is Progression. Out with the old, in with the new as they say. As new content releases, old content becomes less and less relevant. Just how it is. Your second issue here is you're not understanding the new system. You shouldn't be trying to LFG old duos/alerts/raids, you should be using the Custom menu which will match you with Omnibus Queue players. As for Open World Content LFG-ing, thats covered in (5)

    5) "even if you have a league, most players already have those feats, or there are not enough willing to do them"
    The answer to this is pretty simple but also something you may not be willing to face. Right now, it sounds like you're in an awful League. Thats the blunt truth of it. Open World Bounties/Bosses all take around 3 mins each to beat. Some more, some less. If your current League cant spare 3-5 mins once every day, get out. Get out right now before you get too comfortable there. If however, the feats you're after are Counter Feats (Kill X boss X amount of times) and are expecting people to just farm a boss 20x or 50x or 100x, thats on you. Thats not a reasonable request. If its Option A, get a new League who actually help each other and you'll never spend 1 more hour on LFG. If its Option B, its time to recognize the request is selfish, and downgrade your request to a reasonable one.
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  18. Dior_XT Level 30

    1) eu servers are not populated thats a fact. there are no people doing these is also a fact so no false info here

    2) i understand that not everyone wants easy contenct and not everyone wants hard content. my suggestion would be let the open world be normal and alerts duos solos and stuff be clamped.

    3) c'mon now eu is dead and you know that exactly you are in denial or you just never played on us server.

    4) you say waiting for ages didnt start with the stat clamp and yes no one said that its just now you cant solo it lol. progression is not a problem when you can solo it. second statement: you dont seem to understand my point. i understand the new system. never said i want to solo old duos/alerts/raids. just open world stuff.

    5) you are 100% right on that and thats why we need to be able to solo it xDDD
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  19. Dior_XT Level 30

    so whats the best solution ? scrap the clamp, open the old stuff with portals to solo it and thats that. works on WOW the most played mmo ever in existence
  20. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Maybe they could, but you think players at least forum-wise be willing to wait? lol