Why this feature got removed?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by PlayerNumberWhoKnows, Oct 25, 2021.

  1. PlayerNumberWhoKnows Active Player

    In the classic game and the first few dlc have all the gear showing in the loot/drop window:
    Not collected
    Already collected

    Why it got removed, why the gear/loot boxes not showing it?

    Have to keep endless lists of the hundreds of feats and styles related to them with all the different names not matching the style/gear/feat names. And have to quick search manually all the time, alt+tabbing, not speaking of the many I haven't found yet what is what.
    Interesting in some instances to do that, with the game, players, adds, bosses and everything else going forward, won't stopping, and you are searching for your not collected and already collected stuff.
    Does not make any sense to me and it is actually a bad thing that, this feature is not here anymore when it once was and its fantastic.
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  2. Hunted2468 Well-Known Player

    Here's the timeline:
    - A few years ago Players complained that it was too hard to level up alt roles/alts

    - Within a year the Devs implemented a system where every gear piece you get, you can now choose between dps/tank/troll/heal gear instead of relying on luck, and cutting "farming" time by at least a quarter

    - Then suddenly, on October 25th 2021, a forum user complained about it like it ruined his life, while thousands die of covid and climate disasters each day.

    - The End.

    You likely have a phone, or a tablet. In 2021 those devices also somehow have "The Internets" on them. If you're hunting styles and alt-tab arthritis is kicking in, use them instead.
  3. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Not gonna lie, i long for the days of eld, where loot dropped of bosses.
  4. Hunted2468 Well-Known Player

    Trust me, Nostalgia tends to favour the small victories and clouds the larger defeats. Try to properly remember the days of farming for Daggerpoint gear or Runes gear in OP1/2 and you'll know what I mean. There was no worse feeling than finally getting the style you spent 2hrs+ looking for, just to find out it was Role-Locked.
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  5. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    While you aren't 100% wrong, I'd guess adding a style name to the box would not be a massive overhaul(and should have really been done when the unattuned boxes were first thought of). The green/yellow indicator would probably be harder, but you shouldn't need to go to a list on the internet to find out that Nanomesh is 'Quickstrike' style. You'd still need to either know what you need, or check feats really quick, but you shouldn't have to scan the web AND check your feats.

    Not sure they guy said it ruined his life though....I guess I didn't read between the lines (you know....make stuff up) like you did.
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  6. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    The choices the boxes provide were much needed, but the friction caused by not being able to see quickly if you have the style is real. We have explored a few ways to address this and may be able to slot it in for a future update.
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  7. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    It would be so much easier gear and styles were always separate. So, players would get the gear item and a style item drop.
    Styles would be account bound, gear is not. It would also add an RNG loot item to all gear drops.
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  8. PlayerNumberWhoKnows Active Player

    Thank you for your answer and the acknowledgment that it is a hard thing to deal with/keep up. Hope we see it sooner then later,
    good to know its coming.
    Might be a scaling problem (nowhere near a game breaking bug etc. of course), not much for the day 1 / year 1 players but for newer and new ones for sure, or alt/smurf characters or for anyone who have little collected stuff. Nonetheless, a good quality of life improving feature.
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  9. OnlyNomad The One Above All

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  10. ClowninAround Well-Known Player

    A step in the right direction would be to stop giving gear boxes ridiculous style names that have nothing to do with the style. That way if someone knows they are missing a certain piece from a certain style, they will at least know it is a box they need if it drops.

    Yeah, I'm sure there's a huge list someone has made categorizing them all somewhere, but it shouldn't be necessary. Just give the boxes their proper style name. That will help until you can implement "Not Collected" and "Already Collected" again down the road.
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  11. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

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  12. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    Yes Please! being able to see that information would be fantastic
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  13. Clintelligence Level 30

    I actually purchased several powerset changes to complete certain styles back in the day.

    In contrast, I do dislike getting a drop where I have to choose between "Enertron Bracelets" or "Criminal Shoes", and then having to look them up online to see what style they actually have inside, since the random names on the unattuned boxes do not match the actual styles. Then once I figure out what the actual styles are, I have to rummage through my feats menu to see which ones I have and don't have. Then I can finally return to gameplay to learn that:

    A) I could not possibly look all that crap up fast enough to make a selection on the loot, so the game just auto-assigned me whatever was at the top of the list.

    B) I've been kicked from the group for standing still at the defeated boss's room while everyone else races ahead, because I've got minutes worth of Googling and menu hopping to do just to figure out what used to be displayed right on the piece of gear: Collected or Not Collected.
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  14. tukuan Devoted Player

    Yah I kinda scratched my head at that as well, seemed like a bit of a leap.

    To be clear I'm 100% on the same page as the OP. I maintain two sheets, one with the alias for all the styles (EG "sorceress = ancient divine sorceress") as well as another sheet with the acquired styles for my various toons. Even then it still takes a minute to alt/tab and parse it to find out if I need the style. On top of that I have to maintain and update the sheets constantly.

    However, like many things that get asked for but don't happen right away, I don't think a solution is as simple as many would think.

    For example, and I'm not saying this is the case here, a common practice with data requests is to get a 'lite' version of the data so retrievals are faster. So in this case that might mean that only the end-user label, and type are visible. To get the complete data, including acquisition status, you'd have to go back and update your controllers and models. Not only can this take time you also have to test to make sure you don't break something else. Also that's assuming there isn't another issue like a performance hit. Again I'm just using a simple example but in this case it could be something else.

    Also the plus side if they could resolve this, I would suspect they could also expose the style and if you need it for the stabilizer items. Of course that's less of an issue as they are easier to track and there isn't a time crunch but then we could move onto the next step which is to filter out the acquired ones in the broker.
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  15. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Yeah. I was saying i'd guess making the owned/not owned green/yellow switch and detection would be the hard part. Just adding 'Ancient Devine Sorceress' as a line of code in the displayed description (right under or below 'head' or 'waist' lets say) shouldn't be that rough. The lookup to see if that head or waist is needed would still be on us, but it would be a big hurdle out of the way at least.

    But hey...if I could code video games...I would be doing that for a living. I mean, who wouldn't?
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  16. PlayerNumberWhoKnows Active Player

    Thank you for the authors and contributors here:

    or anyone from the Devs,
    Can we get a Sticky thread for any of these or an Official comprehensive list of those names of styles and gear and what matches what, whats in the gear box/loot until the mentioned update hits live? Please.
    Everyone can easily find it that way and bookmark it, copy paste, save.
    Hope its not a big thing to ask for.
  17. Essential Exobyte Dedicated Player

    Been years…by the time this game dies there will be an update “you can now see the style for dropped loot” “thanks for playing”.
  18. tukuan Devoted Player

    That would be the quick solution I'd look to, just append the style in brackets after the display name in the Db entry itself.
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  19. beardrive Committed Player

    I have been waiting for this. I have lost loot looking through style menus. I have been locked out of content looking through style menus. People have gotten mad at me sitting there for 5 minutes looking through themed and iconic gear style folder trees b/c I have no knowledge of the styles. There are thousands of styles now, and I cant wait for the change soon enough! Thanks!