Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Celesis, Oct 21, 2021.

  1. the solowing Unwavering Player

    My characters eyes have been dried out since 2011, it need to blink xD
  2. Monkeyboy Committed Player

    OP said, "to make our character look realer/realistic/3D than ever!"! That implies they want cutting edge graphics, which requires the most powerful graphics solution. You were saying?
  3. PsySomatic Extra Life 2020

    While that would add a nice extra touch of realism, honestly the best we will likely ever get is updated HD textures across the entire game..

    And by that I only mean, making the whole game match what current new DLC's(environments, styles, character models, etc) look like.

    Stuff like this:[IMG]
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  4. Celesis New Player

    I am Using a Laptop, Windows 10 US server
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  5. Celesis New Player

    Trust me, they can do it.
  6. Celesis New Player

    LOL honestly i feel the same, people DO NOT UNDERSTAND THIS at all! Our hair needs to move, our eyelids needs to blink, at least give us necklaces to wear and earrings.
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  7. Celesis New Player

    This should not be acceptable, it needs to be fixed if possible
  8. Celesis New Player

    Yeah maybe for you but its not changing enough.
  9. Celesis New Player

    Oh yeah must be nice to have '' Polish graphics '' when us PC players don't get to enjoy as much , i understand its been 10 years and i don't care how annoying it is, 10 years later they should've changed our character texture details , new power, etc, If people are complaining or stating about them wanting more, they have the right to speak there mind.
  10. Celesis New Player

    So then they should do it? lol
  11. Hunted2468 Well-Known Player

    No, they cant. This latest Save the Universe just proved they can't.

    Something like this would take a pain-staking amount of time and resources. Its not "oh hey we'll hit a switch" or "hey we'll migrate the game to a better engine" and they're done. To do it they'd need to update and upgrade every single Asset. In other words, they'd have to redo every single Style piece, individually. You can't even clump a few together to cut time. Theres AI Programs out there that can help but at best they'd give you an "approximation" of what each piece upgraded would look like, then the Art Team/Systems Team would still have to go through them individually with wireframes.

    As for Save the Universe? Look how many complained because 1 episode out of 42 was old content upscaled. 1 of 42. Something like this would likely take about 8 months minimum. Imagine all the idiotic knee-jerk reactions if 2-3 Episodes were delayed to actually improve the game.
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  12. Aduzar Light Dedicated Player

    Frankly, for an 11 years old game and with this choice of graphic style, it ages rather well, whereas when you see other MMOs having sought a fantasy style and see a <<more realistic>> side, its last ones, took a nasty old blow, the graphic style of DCUO was very judicious and at the same time, logical!

    And in principle, a graphic update plan is planned!

    The only thing to regret now, is the limit of this technology.
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  13. PsySomatic Extra Life 2020

    Unfortunately that is the case, as Hunted2468 pointed out, a huge graphics update would require rebuilding the entire game from the ground up and would take months if not over a year to complete.

    Smaller stuff, like eyes blinking, mouths/lips moving may be possible, but I very much doubt they will be apart of the graphics update planned for next year.
  14. inferno Loyal Player

    As far as I know, in order to not disrupt gameplay or delay any future DLCs, the dev's plans and intentions are to slowly update assets as they come across them.
    Some players tend to overlook the many changes that have occurred while they do this. But it does become glaringly apparent when you create a new toon and come across the old styles and mix then up with the newer ones. Comparison photos are also quite amusing to see how much changes they've done; and those are just the obvious replacements.
  15. Mentaldope40 Dedicated Player

    Both models of Constantine looks rather good to me lol.
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  16. Mentaldope40 Dedicated Player

    You're better off with a new game altogether.
  17. Monkeyboy Committed Player

    Trust you? LOL!!!!! This is a case of not understanding the process for the request. Have you heard of Google? Search for the process for which you ask, until then I'll just go along with your theory of just copy and pasting a graphical engine from......what game are you comparing it to?
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  18. Monkeyboy Committed Player

    So you would alienate 80% of the game base to complain not enough ppl play the game because the developers didn't make it ultra-realistic VR?
  19. PsySomatic Extra Life 2020

    Yeah, the older one didn't look bad, but I do like the newer model better. I enjoy seeing all the small details in the clothing, skin, hair, etc brought out even more.

    And the creation styles definitely could use the same kind of boost, I very quickly updated my style on my new 290 alt once I got her into my league hall. :D
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  20. Psycho Tech Dedicated Player

    Never realized how much the old model looks like Mads Mikkelsen
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