OMG…Devs! End the cutscenes insanity!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by AJPro, Oct 19, 2021.

  1. AJPro Committed Player

    I have always wondered and been annoyed by how many cutscenes in the game are not avoidable after viewing once.
    i have to give you credit picking iceberg lounge as the solo…and Family Matters to run together are perfect examples of the pain. So long, so drawn out…like getting toothpics in your eyes…and how wonderful no cog to bypass and we have to run eight times a week…
    it is like you are trying to drive a person crazy.
    i would say make cutscenes shorter in general but please if you do these longwinded tedious things…make sure there is a bypass cog…please i am bloody begging you.
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  2. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    TBH, these cut scenes are nothing compared to The Praetorium on Final Fantasy 14. You can literally go and fix any snack you want, or anything else, then come back and still not miss the cut scenes lol. But yes some of the cut scenes in the older not end game content is long, but trust me, it could be much much worse.
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  3. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    They did start putting in some cutscene skips in some content, but only solo/duo content. This STU content is really cutscene heavy, so really has been glaring how bad some are. Iceberg lounge is almost unbearable and the cutscenes artificially inflate the runtime by about 2 min...then there is the bar 'busy' work for another min. About 30% of that solo is doing nothing really....which is why I've fallen asleep more times than I care to admit in there.
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  4. BaelinFishman Well-Known Player

    What they need to do is put toggle option in gameplay settings that auto skips cutscenes. And for those that like watching the cutscenes put a icon above their head or next to their name to indicate they're in the cutscene so the group knows who's in a cutscene. And they need to do this like 10 yrs ago.
  5. Arwen Skywalker Loyal Player

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  6. the solowing Unwavering Player

    They used to be skippable, but first timers didnt get to participate in them. So they removed the ability to skip to pace it for everyone.

    NGL i used to watch it as one long cutscene and just walk from area to area while everyone long been bolted ahead, i hate that place.
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  7. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    Poor poor drunk uncle Gaius and his crazy talk.
  8. Arwen Skywalker Loyal Player

    Kidding aside, my personal issue with the solo's cutscene is how BADLY voiced and written it is.

    "Candy, Mandy"... "NiCe tO seE yOU BrUce", and its kinda obvious that the wary partygoer is the same voice talent as Harley. "FollOwed By A ThUd". And instead of the door opening, there's this arbitrary portal to the next room. And just the rest of Harley and Ivy's dialogue are weak, borderline cringey. "experTEEEEEEES" "Is that a new HAAAAAAMURRRRR?". If you pay attention to Harley during the "bobby pin" sequence, the animation choice for some reason is to HIT THE DOOR WITH HER HAMMER. And then you think, so the path just opened up by the door disappearing, so why couldn't they do that in the first room???

    I'm so glad this StU is over but still, this instance needs a skip, and not for the time saving reason but to avoid the cringe.
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  9. Plowed In Loyal Player

  10. Ryll Committed Player

    I have always joked saying they should have tiered feats for being in cutscenes. 1...100....10,000....100,000...1,000,000. People might find them tolerable then at least.
  11. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Here's an idea, if not a 'skip' button in future content (not sure if anything can be done to retro what we have) why not something like what we had in the E3 duo? In Lex's office, you beat Alex Luthor, then you can talk to him and get the long winded explanation of what's going on, or you can boogie out to E3 gotham. Those of us who know to get the heck out of there before some noob hits the button can continue if they want to watch it, vs something like the M2 duo where it's required both people press a button to skip. It would be nice if on the final cut, the same could happen with Gordon, we either talk to him and get the cut, or jump the robot and start the fight....but again, not sure what can be done to retro things that already exist.
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  12. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    You are 100% correct on this. Every time Ivy leaks out "Well Heeeelllloooo" I cringe....a lot. And yes, I agree with her that I got Harley's mushroom joke...I just don't want it.

    I think the only line of dialog in there I don't mind is Lex's 'Bruce Wayne...what a waste of an Empire' or 'NEW ICEBERG LOUNGE...quaint'. Not bagging on the voice actors, but I'd guess these recording sessions were rushed and slapped together.
  13. valiant Villian Well-Known Player

    Just give an option to 'Hold to Skip' for every cut scene. Those that wish to skip can and those who want to view can.
  14. BumblingB I got better.

    Running gag in our league discord. Say the line while it's happening to share the pain.

    "Because there was MUSH-ROOM! Get it?"

    Also, I know people may have liked the Ivy reskin they did of her, but I don't. The way they have her top, it just looks like age isn't doing her justice and they elongated her sternum area.
  15. Essential Exobyte Dedicated Player

    Fall asleep…they make us get drunk in that solo!
  16. SDStriker New Player

    "Skip vote" should as an option
  17. DoctorP2 Well-Known Player

    The other thing to remember is that they "re-voiced" Harley as well, so not only does her voice sound more grating that it used to, but it's also out of sync with the animation. +1 to skipping this cutscene.
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  18. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    How in the world after hearing that 1000's of times (likely) can you mis-quote it?

    "Because there WASN'T mush-room!" If there WAS Mush-room, the fun-guy (rather fungi) wouldn't need to leave the party.

    Agreed on the Ivy re-skin though. Something is very off with her torso and that corset.
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  19. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    even lobster thermidor?
  20. BumblingB I got better.

    I have a problem with adding "n't" to contractions for some reason. It really changes some conversations I've had. lol