Tank Pulls

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by catplaysxoxo, Oct 18, 2021.

  1. catplaysxoxo Loyal Player

    Can we adjust the tank pulls from each tank powerset. Atomic is the only one that brings them to you instead of scattering them around. I want to focus on another tank powerset but the pull is one of my big annoyances. For fire I don't want or need to have two pulls, same goes for rage, well I guess earth is in the same boat. Ice only has 1 pull. Atomic pull does many things besides pulling the adds to you. It also does damage and is part of the Atomic combo. It's gotten to the point where I won't play another tank powerset because of that reason. No I won't waste an artifact spot for the Lasso pull. Would be nice if Mental could be a tank powerset. I bet the pull would be similar to Atomic as it'll telekinetic pull you towards the tank instead of flinging you across the room.
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  2. Hunted2468 Well-Known Player

    Genuine question and not a dig at you at all: Have you ever tried any other power other than Atomic for Tanking?

    I only ask because theres a few things wrong with what you're discussing. Tank Powers get 2 Pull powers each. Normal (All) Pull to Aggro everything in range, and a Single Target Pull power to Aggro individual adds/bosses. Like you mention Ice only having 1 but it absolutely has 2. Im Ice right now on one of my toons, Frost Snipe is its Single Target Pull and Inescapable Storm is its main Pull. I was Earth a while back, that has 2 too. The 360° Pull (Can never remember its name, think it starts with R), and the Grasping Rock Hand one. Every single Pull power ingame right now also damages too, not just Atomics.

    To answer though, no they wont be changing Pull powers. They want powers to stay aesthetically and functionally different, as it means each has certain benefits and shortfalls to balance the differences. As an example, Earths 360° Pull is fantastic, but your survivability depends on Weaker shields or passing dmg to a pet you have to keep alive. Ices Pull is far inferior, having to aim in each direction to pull adds in your 360° vicinity, but its Defence and Shields are unmatched. Pros and Cons.
  3. Harlequin Devoted Player

    Frost Snipe is not a pull, it's a ST taunt.
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  4. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Not all single target taunts are pulls for example Lasso is both a single target taunt and a pull. Fire's single target taunt is not a pull. In tank role all powers are taunts, pulls are just a form of crowd control.
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  5. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone



    Low Pressure.

    I still have a Lasso when for when we get back to Survival Mode (I dig the HP) but man, 360 pulls are where it's at.
  6. jolaksi Well-Known Player

    First of all theres no single target pull on any tank powerset. They are called single target taunt. Only ability that single target taunts and pulls is Lasso of Truth from iconic abilities.

    Ice - Frost snipe
    Fire - Fireball
    Earth - Pebble Blast
    Rage - Rage Blast
    Atomic - Particle Beam

    Every tank power goes like this for crowd control setup:

    Pull / 360° pull / ----- / ------ / ------ / ------

    In those blank areas you put whatever required for you to keep you alive in middle of add group.(Severe punishment+E-chain for rage, Jackhammer or brick for earth etc. you get the idea.) But those first 2 abilities are almost mandatory for keeping adds juggled all the time. And ofcourse you want chronometric emitters to keep juggle cycle going. If you dont have/want that 360° pull in your loadout against adds, you are making your job harder.

    While Ice not having [Pull] tool tip on its 360° "pull" which is Resonating Gale, its perfect to keep adds grouped and juggled.

    Fire has Backdraft
    Earth has Epicenter
    Rage has Without Mercy

    Atomic has Atom Splitter:

    Why you dont want Atom Sptlitter in your loadout as and Atomic tank is if you use it so often and together with Thermochemical Explosion, adds will get immunity and you will have hard time controlling them. What you need to do is get adds in front of you and juggle them ONLY with Thermochemical Explosion combos. They wont get immune if you keep juggle them only and only with Thermochemical Exlosion plus that ability alone enough to keep your Quark-Gulon aura active.

    Most end game Atomic tanks use this loadout:
    • Atomic Reorganization / Thermochemical Explosion / Proton Remedy / Density / Hard Light Shield / Mass Density
    You wanting all 4 powerset to have crystal clear 360° pulls just because Atomic powerset has an ability doing that. Thats not reasonable and removes the variety between tank powersets.
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  7. Plowed In Loyal Player

    Sometimes it’s to your benefit to pull ads to certain spots, rather than directly to you.
  8. Miss Adora Loyal Player

    only thing I wish Ice has is an AOE pull like the rest of the power sets. Ice does have a pull that pulls multiple groups but it's only in the direction you are facing, if they are all around in different directions, can't pull them all in at once.
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  9. jolaksi Well-Known Player

    Resonating Gale that you mentioned; it is an AoE pull just like you described if you are in middle of that add group which makes it similar to other AoE pulls(with a smaller radius). And what makes Resonating Gale better is you can keep CC the adds from long range which is not possible with other AoE pulls.

    For example Resonating Gale was best option for tanks while tanking Ivy on Monsters of Metal Elite raid. Those spores were nasty when they were around you.
  10. catplaysxoxo Loyal Player

    Having two pulls takes away the uniqueness from the powerset. Every tank powerset such as the ones I mention fling the enemies across the room. I simply want that fixed to where they are not flinged across the room. As I mentioned Atomic is the only powerset that can do more than just pull and the best one at that. Being a good tank isn't spamming Atom Splitter all you need to do is just pop it once and then juggle them with Thermochemical Explosion. Of course trolls can also give the enemy immunity. I would rather all 4 powersets have a 360 pull instead of relying on 2 is not being unreasonable. I seen many videos and the main reason players use Atomic Reorganization is because you can keep spamming without worrying about immunity. A good player knows how to work around it and needing 2 powers that pulls defeats that purpose but to each their own.
  11. Plowed In Loyal Player

    It’s a physics pull. You get better at it with more practice. Most tanks are not running 2 pulls in end-game content where it would matter anyway.

    I’m wondering what specific piece of content you’re getting frustrated with?
  12. catplaysxoxo Loyal Player

    I'm not getting frustrated with content it's the flinging across the room with other tank pulls that's annoying me.
  13. L T Devoted Player

    Generally the tank pulls don't fling things across the room unless you jump while using them. In that case they fling things across the room weeeee!

    Atomic and Earth share the disadvantage that their pull also stuns, making the adds break out immediately if you're not in complete sync with the troll.

    Atomic is actually in the extremely unfortunate position of having two pulls that stun. One of which can be combod for almost certain automatic immunity.
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  14. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Have you tried jumping and then pulling while you're mid-air then immediately follow with a 360o pull? This works for me when NPCs/PCs are in the way.
  15. catplaysxoxo Loyal Player

    Inescapable Storm is known to fling enemies across room I seen this happen many many years ago and when rage came out I saw the exact same thing. I can't say for 100% that it was due to the player jumping however I jump when I use Atom Splitter sometimes and they aren't fling across they are placed near me. The fact that those two pulls that I mention can be spammed is taking away from that observation I am speaking out about. This could just be a matter of practice I suppose as Plowed In said. With Atomic I only need to pop it once and immediately proceed to Thermochemical. Honestly trolls can give the enemies immunity as well and if they do then there's no point in using Atomic Reorganization when you can just fully combo Atom Splitter thus doing Pulls, Damage, Combo mechanic. It's crazy when you think about it. Anyways but we are in agreement that the other pulls do fling enemies across the room lol I don't like to have 2 pulls just because ahem Backdraft brings them to you and the other flings them.
  16. catplaysxoxo Loyal Player

    No because I don't want to have two powers that pull lol
  17. catplaysxoxo Loyal Player

    The tooltip should read "pull enemies across you" instead of "pull enemies towards you" lol
  18. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

  19. catplaysxoxo Loyal Player

    I just told you lol I don't want to have two powers that do the main function which is a pull. If you have Atomic Reorganization and Atom Splitter it's because of the reasoning some would say is to avoid the immunity the enemies get. If they weren't flinged across the room I wouldn't mind taking out Atom Splitter in favor of Atomic Reorganization. At this moment I dont see the need to use 2 pulls when my main focus of a pull ability is to pull the enemies to you. It's annoying when you see them get flunged across the room only to have to activate the ability again.
  20. jolaksi Well-Known Player

    You are ignoring some basic tanking methods thats been a mandatory for years in this game. If you see 360° aoe pulls in same function as regular pulls(earthen grip, inescapable strom, engful etc.) you are in wrong mindset.

    360° aoe pulls' main job is keep adds juggled up and grouped up so DPSes can burn them quickly. BUT what atom splitter does and others dont is it teleports them near your body. Thats the Atomic itself. Thats what nice about it. You cant expect Fire's backdraft or Earth's epicenter doing the same thing. It just dont fit the powerset. And no 360° pulls do not fling enemies around room. Where did you get that idea from? They literally pull enemies in a central direction which is you.

    If you dont see the need of a 360° aoe pull maybe you are playing in casual, normal, easy content that adds dont hit you that much so you thinking that 360° pull is waste of space...

    Like a stated in my very 1st post in this thread (#6) I summed up pretty much how add tanking is in this game for like for years and you want to change it just because you were doing with your Atomic tank and cant with your other tank toon... Its nonsense.
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