Devs: Is it true that we won’t be able to finish the STU counter feats after DLC42?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Olli Malicious, Oct 15, 2021.

  1. Doctor Nova Devoted Player

    Dark Matter, Entangled Pair, and Bleed Energy used to rank up the Decrepit Time Hunter gloves.... hmmmmmm.
    I'm on rank 19 currently. Feats point out the gloves go to rank 25. hmmmmmmm
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  2. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    You must be a slow reader and typist if you think it takes 150-300 min to read a dozen or 2 posts and type another few out.

    Even if you were correct, I can be on the site while at work. Now I do get a lot of leeway with work and working from home, but I think they'd frown on it if when I got a call I said "Sorry man...can't take that call....dealing with Brother Eye right now".

    I'm not sure if your boss would understand if you couldn't drop the fries right then because you were running a solo even, but I bet you can read your email or look at a web article real quick between orders.

    BTW, I would have been content to get the raid one over a few years....but that is getting ended as of STU going away with no set return. If a feat is designed where the only option to finish it is to spam it (like the LPVE feats), it's designed wrong. Even the WV bounty feats worked out if you did a rotation along with dailies every day for the DLC's 'active' period....and that one was pretty oppressive too.
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  3. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Everyone needs to stop panicking and complaining. Save The Universe will return, when exactly has not been finalized. This is meant to be achieved over time, but if people want, they have the option to spam the content to their heart's content. This isn't a bad design nor is it punishment (silliest thing i've heard today), it's a long term feat. The End.
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  4. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Since launch, we've had 9 non replay or spam runs of the raid. Assuming we get 4 weeks of WW, then 4 weeks of all 3 raids active at once, that's another 16 for 25 runs of the event. Assuming we get another set of the same STU run (maybe next year it's Lex/Joker/Circe in the same pattern?) every year, that's 25 runs a year. If the event is shorter like a's less.

    Guess we are counting on a 20 year run for the game? Maybe 'punishment' was a wrong be punished you normally have to do something wrong. Not sure what we did, but if we apologize, can the count drop to something like 50 or 75? You know, so it would only take 2 or 3 years to finish?

    Sorry, but 500 CC bounties is a long term feat....1000 treasure boxes, 250 bottle duos, 50 FGS '1st boss' kills....those are long term feats attainable within a reasonable amount of time....naturally if you want, via spam even faster.
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  5. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    One thing you have not considered...Bonus weeks where the count is doubled or more.
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  6. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    A: You can be loot locked and still gets credit towards the feat

    B: Even when loot locked, you're only loot locked from grains of time. You still get source marks and loot drops.

    C: Obviously this would vary from player to player, but in my personal experience between my leaguemates and DC friends I get hit up to run ISe 2-4 times a day. Even if there weren't count feats I'd still run it 5+ times a week simply because I'm helpful and because I enjoy playing this game.
  7. Doctor Nova Devoted Player

    I did the StU alert twice today. 2nd time, i got no marks, no grains of time, and cr280 loot to pick from. thanks to the fix to not being able to queue when loot locked.

    perhaps there is a small chance of a mark to be in the loot table to pick from. RNG.

    I completed last week's StU journal mission this morning. I spent replay badges to reset that journal mission. Did the alert, forgot to spend RBs on the alert. I did it a 3rd time after using replay badges and got the all the loots. got 2/3 alert towards the reset journal mission. If you wanted to, a user could finish StU journal mission on one day, while loot locked, or use RBs to get the loots.
  8. HurricaneErrl Dedicated Player

    Except a lot of us post from our phones away from home like breaks at work, etc. Your whole post is based on a ridiculous assumption
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  9. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    A: I wasn't talking about loot, most people aren't

    B: See above...loot schmoot

    C: Again, any feat that requires spamming (and yes, doing it 5 days in a row on a 'weekly' run is spamming), to get done in a reasonable time. BTW, if you run it 5x a week over the the course of the feat that will net you about 75 runs for the full event this go. That's not even a 1/3 of the way to 250 and 5x a week is quite a bit of running it. If we get 1 event like this a year (we dont' know at this time), that's still 3 years even spamming.

    Hey, you do you, but as far as I can tell it was an arbitrary number pulled out of the air. If they were assuming the feat should take multiple years and instances of STU rotations, why isn't the solo 1000? Why isn't the alert count 500?

    I'll live without those few feat I've also survived without the 250+ LPVE feats...more arbitrary count numbers with no thought into what it would actually take to get them done...hence the reason the 10x count week was invented...and maybe will be for this one as well.
  10. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    If a bonus week is given at some point, I'd say it's because they will realize the flaw in the 250 number. Just like they figured out that 5250 LPVE runs was a stupid number to come up with so we got the 10x. Yet another reason to NOT spam the hell out of it today.
  11. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Thats a very loose interpretation.
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  12. Illumin411 Loyal Player

  13. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    I agree it's seemingly arbitrary and excessive. And I'm probably right with you on the 250 feat in that I don't plan on ever getting it. I was just making the point that using an example of either running it only once per week or spamming it using replay badges isn't reflective of the purpose or the frequency that many players run it.

    I disagree that running it 5 or so times a week is "spamming". To me, spamming means doing something over and over with the specific intent of achieving something that requires the aggregate total of those efforts. I was talking about running it for fun or to be a helpful leaguemate, friend, etc. Obviously I can't speak for others, but I for one actually have fun running content in this game regardless of how it changes the numbers in my currency tab. And I also like to be helpful both because it's just the kind of person I am but also because if I wasn't, I'd most likely be SoL at times when I need help from others.

    And I only brought up the loot because IMO it makes a difference that there is more to benefit from running it when loot locked from StU rewards than just the feat counter.
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  14. nawanda Loyal Player

    I don’t know how some of you guys can face spamming old content to get these feats. This DLC has sucked the life out of me. I did FOS2 twice and I’ve done IS twice. I’m not boasting, but I have over 650SP. Most days I log in, collect my daily rewards, chat to people for a bit, and log out. I can’t be motivated to spam ancient, boring old raids, even by feat points. I know they have meetings where they have ‘player fear of missing out on feats’ as one of their tools to get players to spend money etc, this is why we’ve had feats in time capsules for five years against overwhelming player opposition, but I’m missing out on feats here and it’s not even touching the sides of motivating me. It’s sad. Jackster out.
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  15. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

  16. inferno Loyal Player

    What I don't understand is that a regular DLC usually is retained with two other latest dlcs. This should remain up at least 6 months after next DLC goes live THEN after it passes the last 3 dlc phase let it rotate annually.

    To be honest, I really do not want this to become an annual event. Does that mean that every year we can expect a month, or two, or three of recycled content again when Save the Universe is revived? Without open-world missions? Without Bountys? No new maps? no new content?
  17. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    This is the only time StU will function "as" or "in place of" an Episode DLC. Any other time it comes back it will take place during the normal planned DLC lifecycle, similar to a seasonal or Survival Mode. So if it's not your cup of tea you can always just refrain from running it like many players refrain from running SM or seasonal.
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  18. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    Well that's pretty much the ONE word that specifies whether or not StU will either always or sometimes include new upscaled content. Remove the word from the sentence and it would be clearly stating it will always include it. With that word, it's saying it may or it may not.
  19. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    It's new to me. I had only ran it as a walk in solo/duo to knock out the feats. Also, I'm not sure how the feats are tied to spending money. The only thing using replay badges changes is whether or not you get Grains of time. So one would only use them to speed up the rate at which gear can be bought. The rate at which the feats are obtained is the same whether you reset every run, some runs or none of them.
  20. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    I realize I'm probably in the minority here, but it's kinda fun playing old Raids at renewed "full strength" so I wouldn't mind seeing it become a regular feature to sit next to "normal" DLC cycling.
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