Why does suppressor turret clipping get special treatment?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Arqueiro Robusto, Sep 29, 2021.

  1. Arqueiro Robusto Well-Known Player

    As title says, why does this get special treatment?

    Is it working as intended to be able to jump cancel it? If so can we have the ability to do this on other pets?
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  2. Illumin411 Loyal Player

  3. Arqueiro Robusto Well-Known Player

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  4. Yass Queen Hyppolyta Dedicated Player

    Good question, Gadgets is such a crazy outlier at this point.
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  5. BumblingB I got better.

    Oh boy, this is definitely a hot topic and heavily defended.
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  6. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    Maybe it’s because the suppressor turret arbitrarily kills itself when there’s nothing else to kill? I don’t know. I’m gadgets but I don’t use it.
  7. Plowed In Loyal Player

    Not for a while now…
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  8. ALB Dedicated Player

    Gadgets is the most cheesed power in DCUO history
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  9. BumblingB I got better.

    Yeah, I was both surprised and happy that this change happened. During stats revamp, it was weird that they didn't want to make it a persistent pet. I think they cited that it does more damage than the other pets, but that was still weird, as you could summon it and it stayed out while in combat.

    Oh well. It is probably the most annoying pet to spawn, as it is interrupt-able, but I wont voice my wish for it to change, as I know how heated the player base gets when someone says something about it.
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  10. Arqueiro Robusto Well-Known Player

    Why can't other pets be used like this?
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  11. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    Well at least you know I’m not lying about not using it. :p Maybe they changed it because it was the only pet that set up PIs, until Grimorium became an option for all pet powers?
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  12. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    I'm not a fan of any cheese in any of the power sets. I find it funny that rather than asking to fix gadgets the ask is to replicate the the cheese in other power sets. Please leave Sorcery and Earth alone.
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  13. Arqueiro Robusto Well-Known Player

    Then this shoud be fixed :)
  14. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    *gulp* Not even Wenslydale?
  15. Proxystar #Perception

    To be fair there's always a few little things that often make a power a little unique, I guess the issue, in my opinion at least, is that efforts should be made more generally to at least have consistency amongst things that by all intents and purposes appear to be similar powers by design.

    Suppressor Turret is designed obviously to be a pet, so I don't actually see the legitimate justification or reason as to why just this pet can be jump cancelled and then used to clip, making it differ from Earth and Sorcery pets.

    I will admit I don't really play gadgets, I have a gadgets character but don't play it really that extensively in any serious manner, I'd be happy to hear from a gadgets or gadgets players as to why you should be able to jump cancel, I'm keen to hear whether there's a legitimate reason other than "but it increases my damage".

    If there's no legitimate reason, then realistically we should probably be changing Suppressor Turret to behave like the others.

    As an Earth player though I would not like to see Brick changed to be like the Turret because being able to jump cancel it and not have it come out would cause greater problems when tanking when Brick dies and has to be re-summoned.
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  16. BumblingB I got better.

    You don't even have to be jump to cancel it, it can be interrupted by just getting attacked or hitting another power will stop the summoning and you have to wait for it to get off cooldown before trying again.
  17. Arqueiro Robusto Well-Known Player

    Nah I really think it should be fixed.
  18. Proxystar #Perception

    Yes, but I believe the cool down is only 3s, which isn't particularly punishing and is why gadgets players are able to disproportionately increase damage output by using that to clip another power more rapidly in their rotation compared to others.

    I mean there's other reasons gadgets has an advantage as well that shouldn't be ignored, I'm not saying they should be changed, just not ignored by people solely looking at suppressor turret.

    They also have stealth bar that allows them to tuck away supers and even their weapon buff, providing them with what is effectively a number of additional power slots not possessed by other power types (outside of mental)
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  19. BumblingB I got better.

    There is an Accelerated Suppressor Turret head mod too.

    In any case, I'll leave it at that.
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  20. Proxystar #Perception

    Haha, fair enough ;)

    Edit - For what it's worth, I also hear them coming, we have awoken them.
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