The OG is back -

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Bytecode, Sep 24, 2021.

  1. Bytecode Well-Known Player

    Here's another idea: Feat Group

    Have you ever been in a chat like this:

    - hey do you need this feat
    - wait which dlc is it
    - metal p1
    - ah ye found it but no, how about this other feat...

    Now imagine you can go in wavedox and enter the name of all characters in group with you, then wavedox will show only feats that are needed by everyone.

    What do you think?
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  2. BumblingB I got better.

    Adding that feature would be great benefit. Right now feat lookups is from a different website. All in one is good.
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  3. K3str3lDC Dedicated Player

    Stating what body type/size a character has
    Equipped gear and styles
    Augments and their levels
    Levels the artifacts are at
    Allies and their levels
    Generator Power Level

    For Leagues when they have their own pages:
    Benefits (as in where they are in terms of stuff like banks, statues, etc)
    If they have a League Hall or not and if so what its name is
    Age of the league
    Past and present leaders/changes in roles and levels
    Who is in what role/level and what the role/level is named for the particular league
    The assignment of permissions
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  4. bruceleroy98 Active Player

    Can you find out how many pvp matches your character has won/lost?

    Does the game have a way of showing you those specific stats on demand today? If so, how do you get to it?

    Glad wavedox is back. Used it a lot back in the day.
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  5. BumblingB I got better.

    I don't think that information is open to everyone.
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  6. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    We need to be able to show off our most current style.

    Maybe a function to show each armory style.
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  7. GoldenDodge Dedicated Player

    I used to use Sore's site and Wavedox religiously when they first came out.
    Those two were so much better at character lookups when making toon names.
    I was wondering if a name search will eventually be added though.

    I am glad the paper dolls aren't there, those and the gear and the feat info has been so out of date for so long now that I am surprised daybreak even still has the info out there. (I'm not against the paper dolls all together, I just don't want to see what my alts looked like 8 years ago after a few re-designs and name changes, etc, etc.) WilderMidnight's post above this is a good thought though. Armories...that would be nice. But Daybreak would probably have to have that come from their end I would assume.

    This is funny in a way though because when they first did the api data and saying it was gonna be out there whether the community liked it or not and the community went ballistic over it not wanting it and now it's so ingrained into the community and they can't be bothered to update/fix it.

    Nice to see the site back though.
    Basic info and not a lot of half filled info.
    Sometimes less is more.
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  8. BumblingB I got better.

    That's because the company was sold and the person who was so adamant about having it in the game was laid off. They kept up with it for a while after, but pretty much AF3 was the last big update for it.

    Also, yeah there are a lot of requests in this thread that isn't possible to add, because they aren't able to be listed through the census.
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  9. Darth Piper Loyal Player

    Agreed. The likelihood is that there is a data sync error between the internal database used by system servers and the public read-only one accessed by the census. If it’s set up that way, then they need to do two things… fix the sync process, then wipe the read-only database and let the sync process repopulate it. If not… well that is a bigger problem.
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  10. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Leave the leaderboards out, it get increasingly toxic with that.
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  11. Bytecode Well-Known Player

    Hey yeah absolutely Advanced Search is now the #1 priority.

    I'm not sure about Switch as it doesn't show in the Census list of servers:
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  12. Bytecode Well-Known Player

    Hey I love that and you'll be able to find out a lot of these answers with the upcoming Advanced Search feature. For now you can see how much % of the player base use each power within a set threshold of 500+ SP characters only. Some people were a bit surprised to see Electricity #1 and Gadgets #5 :)
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  13. Bytecode Well-Known Player

    Yeah exactly! Approximately 95% of visitors used mobile browsers in the original wavedox back in 2015 so I'm taking the lessons learned and making it mobile-first now. It's still functional on desktop but definitely tailored to mobile.

    Agree paper dolls have been outdated so long it's questionable whether we'll ever get them updated. And yeah indeed I would love to have more meaningful data like instance completions.

    I'll post an update here in about a week or so with the new Advanced Search feature. Would love to hear your thoughts. Cheers!
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  14. BumblingB I got better.

    Well, that's weird, because it definitely can be called. I know the other site is able to call it.

    Also, weird, Xbox shows us and eu, but they were merged a while ago.

    Edit, I just did a quick search for my character.

    It's says worldid=10 if that helps.
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  15. farm3rb0b Committed Player

    I tried to make this just for our league. Unfortunately they stopped adding feats to the census awhile back and the amount of data in the census is lackluster. You can't get the extra data from checklists you have to expand (think style feats that you expand to check each gear piece).

    Pretty sure the only way this is possible is to create your own lookup table every time feats are added.

    I think if you did this though, you'd be a hero. That in-game feat interface is ugh.
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  16. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Cant be outdated if you still wear te same style.;)
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  17. Bytecode Well-Known Player

    Seems like a similar issue to some items like artifacts not being updated, but the data still being available via ID which is possible to query in the dark and then reverse engineer the meaning of data points.

    Here's another piece which might help making sense. There seems to be 2,048,662 characters in the Switch server.

    Do you know is Switch is US only and if there are any potential other servers?
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  18. Bytecode Well-Known Player

    Hey Qwantum Abyss, I'll reply below to add to BumblingB's points.

    1. Yeah exactly.

    2. It updates in near real-time for things that work such as base character stats. There's a bug in the game data API which is not updating leagues in a reliable manner. That's why I haven't published a new Top Leagues feature yet. Hoping they get this fixed so we can build something cool.

    3. Yeah man, similar to character images and leagues.
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  19. Bytecode Well-Known Player

    Hey man thanks heaps for the warm welcome note and for sharing your thoughts on potential data insights.

    We're definitely tied up to working with what we have since they don't update Census anymore. At least leagues and feats would be awesome to enable rebuilding Top Leagues with a better ranking system and the new idea I posted here for Feat Groups.

    Maybe we could get enough community interest and support to make a case and get these updated.
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  20. Bytecode Well-Known Player

    Hey yeah man I got a sincere response saying they're not likely to update Census for now. I can only imagine how busy they are and I'm honestly impressed how this game still works great after 10 years. Evolving and maintaining software at scale is very hard.

    I love the idea to divide by role and I thought about that as well. The challenge is finding a reliable way to infer the correct role. The closest I've got is a weighted max stats however it does get quite unreliable with a variety of buff and battle troll roles nowadays.

    Dude I absolutely love how you are thinking about this as well. This is precisely my idea for the new Top Leagues. The two challenges are that 1- a lot of players have their outdated leagues in Census and thus it wouldn't allow for a fair competition; and 2- feats are also no longer added to Census which would make it difficult if not impossible to make this feature up to date with the newest content.

    Agreed raid leaderboards are definitely not happening given all of the above and character images end up being the lowest priority, given also image processing is more expensive to compute at scale than plain text data.

    Would be keen to hear more on your thoughts about tags for advanced search? Just pushed it live btw.