The Final Solution to Raid Difficulty

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by BaelinFishman, Sep 24, 2021.

  1. BaelinFishman Well-Known Player

    Let me design this raid and I'll give the people crying for difficulty what they want. So here is what we do.
    This will be separate from normal DLC progression and will give super legendary OP piece that will always be better than the normal DLC elite gear and even OP pieces (So its stats and CR will always increase).

    The setting will be a SM type room; a circular room, kinda big, no objects as obstacles etc. We will have 1 big super iconic boss; Doomsday, Darkseid, Superman, Batman Who Laughs, etc. And instead of trash adds that come out, other bosses come out like in Paradox Wave and these "sub bosses" aren't really sub bosses to begin with because they will have 10% less health than the super big boss. But that super big boss will have about 100+ Million HP. And all of the bosses will start out at 83 CR above the normal game progession

    If you burn too fast the bosses will release a poison gas that takes 40% of the group's health with each tick (will ignore all shielding) and if your healers can manage to heal through that thats fine because the bosses will do a scripted attack that will 1 shot the whole room anyways (this is to deter speedhackers). And if you burn too slow the bosses will enrage and do a scripted 1 shot (no gas this time), so its kinda of like a burn check. Each time someone in the group dies the boss will launch an AoE attack on the dead body giving little wiggle room for pickups (like the Disector in League Hall: Lockdown). Each time you wipe, the boss's CR and therefore of course stats will increase by a yet undetermined amount. Each time you use a EoG in any role the bosses will debuff you in anyone standing in that circle for 30 secs, making it very difficult to survive. To make it a bit easier on the group, debuffs against these bosses will be up to 50% more effective. But if you debuff too often the bosses will do a sniper shot of sorts and 1 shot the troll and the person who did the most damage in the previous 10 secs. The bosses will also have an aggro cleanse mechanic that happens at random times or maybe not at all (This will change between attemtps). If you use your orbitals too often the boss will 1 shot the person who used the orbital. And you can still use your supply drops but you will only have a 2 second window to get your buff before the boss does a jump and 1shots in the area of the supply drop (kind of like Merciless). If you have too many pets out at the same time the boss will do an attack that targets all pets and 1 shots them. At random times tentacles will appear on the outer edge of the room and those will 1 shot people but to make it easier these will have very little attack range so you will have to be practically on top of them before you die (This to create and ever changing battlefield). At random times and add will appear that will have very little health but it will debuff a specific role in the group (kind of like the statues in FGSE), however this add will ignore tank taunts and always follow the appropriate role. And once these adds die they explode and 1shot anyone within roll distance of where it died.

    Edit: As an added bonus, when the boss/bosses reach 10% health their overall damage will increase by 90% and they will regularly cleanse ALL debuffs and this will still effect if the troll gets 1shots.

    If your group manages to beat this raid not only will you have that piece of legendary OP gear but you will be granted a unique title and your name will be put on the forums in a special thread (kind of like what they did with SM before) and everyone will know of your greatness.
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  2. Steamboat2302 Well-Known Player

    Congratulations, you've managed to increase forum participation by 20%. No comment on what they would be saying ;)
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  3. zNot Loyal Player

    maybe the devs will find something usefull from the thread. i do like that OP gear reward
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  4. Yass Queen Hyppolyta Dedicated Player

    I like this but I would make a couple adjustments.

    -No deaths. No one can die and if anyone does it wipes the whole group. It also starts the raid back to the very beginning.
    -Every time you wipe, it deducts 100 million from your in game cash. If you don't have it, it puts you in debt and you can pay it off over time.
    -No rewards aside from a title. Real elite players don't care about rewards or some OP item to cosplay with.
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  5. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    This sounds like the Bozjan Southern Front in FF14. You have to accumulate points to level up, but if you die in a Fate (like a world boss with adds) points get deducted from you. Not a few points but a good chunk of points. Even more if you don’t get picked up by a healer before the Fate ends.
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  6. thedemonocus Loyal Player

    All this would do is give speedhackers another thing to sell carries through just like survival mode did
  7. zNot Loyal Player

    I hope the devs have a way to design difficult content to avoid that,the speedhackers have the ability to go through walls and the bosses sometimes still follow them and they are able to damage the boss through the walls (pretty much solo completing the raid) maybe they can fix that or to change the behaviour of bosses to not be damaged through the walls and to not engage with someone who is outside the room.

    But theres also those speedhackers that play „normally“ but do their damage that way in a group setup i think there needs to be a way to design content specificly elite raids to avoid this.
  8. BaelinFishman Well-Known Player

    I don't think you read this post, if they did this, speedhackers won't be getting through this because can't burn too fast.
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  9. BaelinFishman Well-Known Player

    Gee, I thought you'd like this suggestion all that difficulty and all.
  10. BaelinFishman Well-Known Player

    Well, no because I want people to die, that way it makes it more likely that the group will wipe and thus raise the CR of the bosses and eventually make it a impossible and unbeatable instance. And then the wingers will finally get their way of having their hard content and stop trying to bend the rest of the game and community to their will.

    I would say add a random 1 shot that wipes the whole room with a message that say "You wanted hard? Enjoy the deaths".

    The whole idea of this was to make a unbeatable impossible instance to shut those people up once and for all.
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  11. Yass Queen Hyppolyta Dedicated Player

    Well I do like that mechanic. I'd just keep it and so the enemy CRs raise per wipe, even if you start a fresh raid so it locks in the high enemy CR for you and anyone you run with permanently.
  12. OnlyNomad The One Above All

    Another thread about content difficulty??

    Here we go again...


  13. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    Don't forget the hidden exploit that requires all the dps to switch to quantum so they can avoid all damage by hiding outside the combat area. It should only be available for 4 weeks though. Tanks should all need to switch to Rage.
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  14. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    "Final solution" is a poor choice of phrase under any circumstances.

    If you don't know why, I suggest using Google. It's something everyone should know or learn about.

    Yes, it matters. Please don't argue. You don't want to go there. Thanks.

    Otherwise, carry on. Suggesting raid designs is a fine thing, however impractical or problematic they might be. (I'm not saying yours is; it's a general observation.)
    • Like x 2
  15. BumblingB I got better.

    Wait, I don't think this is elite enough. There needs to be a requirement that everyone has to be Superspeed with Phase Dodge. Healers and tanks having EOG. DPS have to know the Tac Swap with 6 lvl200 artifacts trick. Oh and super strength to pick up objects that will be able to be tossed at the bosses. That way we know it's really elite!
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  16. zNot Loyal Player

    Haha i mean i gave it a thumbs up :)
  17. Darth Piper Loyal Player

    Eh... make it so that you can reset it... but to back up one wipe it costs you 87 replay badges (equivalent of a raid). Did you wipe 10 times? Well, that's 10 resets to take you back to ground zero.
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  18. Zneeak Devoted Player

    Why even bother having "different" categories of content if the rewards shouldn't reflect the added grind/effort associated with it?

    Jokes and sarcasm from your post aside, i'd love a good answer to that question. :)
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  19. Yass Queen Hyppolyta Dedicated Player

    Real elite players don't care about rewards. The reward is uploading your victory to youtube and letting everyone else know that you're better than them. Only cosplayers care about rewards.
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  20. zNot Loyal Player

    I dont agree with that.. there have to be rewards and i think the devs are aware of this the rewards for SM last time were pretty juicy.