Adding an option to play old instance without stats clamped would just solve everything

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Jason Martin, Sep 6, 2021.

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  1. Steamboat2302 Well-Known Player

    So I need medication because I enjoy the game after stat clamping....are you serious right now?

    Slum lords have multiple tenants who live in separate apartments and don't use the same set of cabinets.

    You don't like the stat clamp. I get it. But you aren't the only person with a voice, opinions, and who have purchased things that got changed in the update. We are all using the same cabinet, so to speak. You're so frustrated with the fact that I like the change, that instead of trying to argue with me you are now just calling me a toady. You've been using bad comparisons. I'm showing you why and how they are bad comparisons and you can't seem to handle it.

    I am using the same product you are. I have as many rights as you do inside the game as to how things work (absolutely none).
    • Like x 3
  2. The Con Dedicated Player

    No... Not really.
    J.C. Learn to take a joke.

    Not quite the point...

    But, there is some comfort knowing how you will defend slum lords.

    Not frustrated.... Just perplexed why somebody would be so happy about being castrated.

    To each their own.

    Not with a "but not everybody uses the same cabinets" tac....

    See?... It's that way that you seem to relish the fact that you have "absolutely" no rights...

    Also.. I DON'T KNOW YOU.

    1) I don't know that you really play this game.
    2) I don't know that you have ever put a penny into your character.

    Your time isn't my time... Your money isn't my money.


    The difference is MY opinion has no real affect on your gameplay. YOURS does in mine.

    Do you not see the difference?


    One of us has the opinion that might be a good thing...
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  3. The Con Dedicated Player

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  4. Steamboat2302 Well-Known Player

    1. It's not a joke when its on a message board. I can't hear the intonation in your voice, and even so its a derisive joke with the intent to be so.

    2. I didn't defend a slum lord. Is this another joke? You're very bad at them if so.

    3. I'm incredibly happy not to have people who believe as you do and don't give a crap about other people not being able to come in and ruin my gameplay if I'm getting on for 30 minutes and don't have time to LFG. I get in, finish the alert and get off. No more people leaving me in the first room of an alert by myself at level so that they can beat the boss. I either stay at the starting area or I just endlessly die in the first room. That's not fun, its incredibly ridiculously frustrating. Best case scenario they don't power ahead of me and I just get to sit there and look pretty and not contribute anything to the instance at all anyway. They get to show their power, and I just get to walk through an instance that ought to be fun. Well, news flash, a ton of people find that a reason to leave the game and never pay another dime to the game.

    4. Even if we both had rights to the way the game is played, we literally cancel out each other. So, is that different from having no rights? No. Its not. Its just a realistic outlook on how the world works, and honestly should work. People who own things should be able to control what it is they own to the extent possible by law.

    5. I don't know you. For all I know you're saying you've spent all this money and time and you've done neither and you're just an internet troll who believes the new age consumer rights need to be pushed in every way conceivable so you are using this as some sort of rallying cry.

    6. Your opinion DOES HAVE AN IMPACT ON MY GAMEPLAY. No matter how many times you deny it, OP characters PUGing or choosing not to use old instances directly impacts my gameplay. The difference is, with this change, you still contribute and are actually playing the game, but if your way won out (I wouldn't come on here and complain about it I would just be gone) When I went on an alt to play old instances like I enjoy doing, either nobody would be running it with me (population problems caused by optional clamps not used by endgame characters) or we would get back to the very thing that led to me leaving this game in the first place.

    You can say it until you are blue in the face...your opinion does have impacts on other people's gameplay.
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  5. catplaysxoxo Loyal Player

    So um when you're on your phone and are trying to post anything; on my computer I have the OPTION to choose to upload photos or change the text format and color but I don't have that when on mobile. >_>
  6. The Con Dedicated Player

    Some might argue that you're just bad at getting them.

    If you don't see Slum lords have multiple tenants who live in separate apartments and don't use the same set of cabinets.

    The emphasis is that they're slum lords.... not the fact that they could be doing it to multiple people...
    I'm making a joke about how quickly you brush that fact off... Yeah. You might be really bad at it.

    That sounds like a you problem.

    BS... My way WAS the way... And you were still here playing.... and complaining.


    Okay... Try this..

    Is that one okay?
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  7. Steamboat2302 Well-Known Player

    1. I was dismissing an argument using your own words with them being illogical. In your comparison, only you paid for the cabinets. Only you were using them. Only you had them change. In this, we are all using the cabinets, it changed for everyone, and it changed for the better for some and to the detriment of others.

    2. No, its a problem with the game. Its a problem I want to play instances near or at cr level? Please.

    3. I wasn't actually. I started playing after two years away when the stat clamp came on test. I primarily played on test until it went live.

    4. Yes it does, as it explicitly gives people the power to do that. They were able to leave me in the first room because they were able to one shot bosses, which means adds didn't even register to them they were just able to keep going after they got aggro, when they left the room, the ads just came back to me.

    5. No, it doesn't. But thats not gameplay. Gameplay is what is most game. Also notable, it will impact my stats...because with this current, the stats are buffed up to instances in the same tier I am in to get closer to it. So, will change my stats in those instances.

    Again, if they change it back, just like the prior two years (see, you really didn't know me did you? but then acted as if you did) if they undo it... I leave. Pretty simple to me.
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  8. Bipolar Diva Well-Known Player

    Same here. I returned because of the stat clamp. We needed it since 2014.
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  9. The Con Dedicated Player

    Sorry if when I responded to your post where you complain about playing the game prior to the clamp that you were actually playing the game prior to the clamp.

    It won't happen again.

  10. Steamboat2302 Well-Known Player

    I played the game two years ago... I like the idea of the game. I like the subject matters of the game. The story, etc. I was in a good league (which has had at least 6 people come back on the game after 18 months away, btw) that was frustrated with similar things as I was. There was a time where even I thought there was an alternate way to do this. I was pushing for separating the ques between endgame content and cr relevant content players.

    We don't have the same type of population we did then, now. Almost everyone here is at endgame outside of the new guys trickling in (which have been increasing since the clamp) and those like me who have wanted something to be done to make the gameplay better that this did (as well as being more flexible for premium). Maybe, in the future, if its feasible to separate the ques for clamped and unclamped... maybe then they could do it.

    Its been about two weeks, and they're starting to get traction. "I am pleased at the uptick in subscriptions". So there is a possibility down the road to have some optional stuff thrown in if the game can continue to grow the playerbase. Not sure on the programming, how much extra space it would require, etc. It would be similar to what I advocated for 7 years ago when it was starting to become a problem. I have no issue with optional unclamping if I didn't think it would be significantly bad for user experience for those who don't agree with you + new players.

    I do, after all, get your argument. I just believe your argument doesn't overcome what I view as what is better for the game overall. If the devs disagree its fine. I have other games I enjoy. Its just a shame to waste such a rich lore based game for me is all. Nothing is going to change quickly... if it were going to, it likely would've never went live at all. We'll just have to see.
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  11. The Con Dedicated Player

    Wait.... This puts a whole new spin on this discussion. (Forget 30... We're going to 60 in this thread)

    Let's get this straight... You haven't been playing the game for years....

    And you think that your opinion on this update is just as valid as mine??


    And.. seriously.... (Well, actually not all that seriously)
    Why do these "I only came back because of the clamp" posts seem so fake to me?
    Are they plants trying to convince of of this "greater good"?

    There is a marketable aspect of this clamp that is designed just to increase financial input to the game.

    Could there be paid testimonies? Small investment to promote a greater profit?


    See you there.

    Off to work.
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  12. Steamboat2302 Well-Known Player

    1. Yes. Absolutely. My money is just as green as yours and we are both playing the game right now.

    2. Because you don't want to believe we exist, because it hurts what you want.

    3. Increasing financial input to a game in the long run will open up more possibilities for upgrades...maybe even fund the sequel to take care of the other issues the game has with gaining new subscribers (graphic noise, graphics overall, combat system as has been pointed out).
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  13. Apollonia Dedicated Player

    Oooh sick burn. If this wasn't DC comics based *none of us* would have been playing this for the past 10 years either. It doesn't stand on its own without the IP. That's not a jab at the dev team here either... they're doing their best with what they've got in terms of budget and direction.

    So, I doubt I'll be playing GI in 10 years but that has more to do with it not having a deep IP I have interest with than it being an inferior game -- and it is a superior game in every objective way. If it was a superhero or DC comics game DCUO would be a ghost town though.

    GI is a gacha game. It's monetized using microtransactions and "gambling" to "earn" characters. The 4 star characters are easiest to get and all endgame viable but the 5 star characters have to mostly be gambled for and are Stier characters. There is an ingame earnable currency that can be used to purchase from the store though (including for paid Stier characters) so the game is very f2p friendly. It is also on topic to point out that their accounts are cross platform -- they migrate their accounts from PC, to mobile, to PS and back no problem at all. So you can go back and forth on any platform you want.

    For anyone wondering it's like playing a cross between Legend of Zelda vs Avatar the Last Airbender. It's definitely enjoyable and the production quality is incredible. I'm constantly impressed. It feels like I'm playing an episode of an anime.

    This. I've had my fill of authoritarianism for a few years still. Especially in my spare time.

    And also, there's a lot of group think happening around here... Like you point out, there's people arguing just because their friend is arguing or the other person is not well liked or whatever, rather than on the merits of the issue. I have very little patience for this sort of thing.

    And I mean some of these people can't even properly interpret the TOS -- the guy confusing virtual currency with real world money is a head scratcher. But seeing another poster's primitive drawing also made me realize we're probably arguing with literal children who just don't get it and won't for another 15 years... So, my take away is that it's pointless to engage with them at all. Add them to ignore and keep on trucking. ¯\_(ヅ)_/¯
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  14. catplaysxoxo Loyal Player

    Primitive drawing? Is it that hard for you Apollonia to not insult someone?
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  15. Apollonia Dedicated Player

    Insult? Everyone started somewhere. They simply have to level up and git gud that's all. With practice and effort and some time, I'm sure they'll do amazing things. It's not an insult to say that to anyone around here -- they themselves have been saying it to everyone for weeks now.

    And you're not really in a position to lecture anyone on insulting others. Maybe sit this one out.
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  16. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Meanwhile the person calling us children is playing/complaining in a game about super-heroes...
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  17. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    Happy 30 pages day! Here’s to another 30 pages of everyone digging their heels in and refusing to budge an inch! :D
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  18. Apollonia Dedicated Player

    The topic isn't what makes anyone posting childish. The understanding of the topic, quality of the replies and treatment of each other is.
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  19. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Rust happens if you dont draw for long periods ya know lol.;)
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  20. Scarlet Mysty Loyal Player

    Irony never seems to dawn upon you.
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