Adding an option to play old instance without stats clamped would just solve everything

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Jason Martin, Sep 6, 2021.

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  1. Alpha Maximum Well-Known Player

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  2. Alpha Maximum Well-Known Player

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  3. Proxystar #Perception

    The only reason the TOS is a factor is because the adamant denial from some that they provide Daybreak with the ability to make the changes, that's the only reason they keep getting raised.

    When the argument comes up that these changes "cannot occur, because do you know who I am and how much I've paid" get raised, then naturally the TOS is also going to get thrown in that persons face.

    Because it ultimately doesn't matter who you are and doesn't matter how much you've spent, it doesn't change those terms.
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  4. Proxystar #Perception

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  5. Alpha Maximum Well-Known Player

    When someone misses all the points and then posts away arguing with what they think is going on instead of what is actually going on. And I'm over here like;

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  6. Plowed In Loyal Player

    FFXIV and ESO (One Tamriel/CP changes), but also Warframe (i.e. - Ember ability changes, weapon/melee damage changes, etc.).
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  7. Apollonia Dedicated Player

    Was thinking the same. I'm playing Genshin Impact and I was 1shotting/facerolling lvl1 slime by lvl20. Probably one of those cases where someone said it on the forum and it sounded legit so everyone started repeating it.

    Stats clamping is not the way of the future despite what fans here think.

    This is normal around here. I stopped being surprised by this point.
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  8. Proxystar #Perception

    The amount of combat system changes in SWTOR as well and the clamp.
  9. Plowed In Loyal Player

    Let me know if you’re playing that in 10 years. ;)
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  10. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    Okay, I think that maybe people feel super invested, but I don't think anyone truly believes they are owed approval of game changes.

    But, if someone did truly believe that "Daybreak owes me cuz I paid" are they really worth your time? (Other than to encourage a class action lawsuit for lolz)

    As I said people are venting and discussing 'alternatives' might help ease people into the change. Similar to what happened with source marks in end-game. (Though, I suspect that was a planned concession to ease people in).
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  11. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    Are they monetized in the same way as DCUO is now (XP, Game Mechanics and Stats) or more cosmetics and content?

    The reason I ask is that Artifacts, augments, allies and alike all have more value in stat clamped content. If the content is more difficult, the friction to progress and feel powerful skews towards marketplace items to make the game easier.
  12. Proxystar #Perception

    it's ok to feel super invested, I absolutely appreciate that, but there are clearly those that think they are owed "approval" of changes.

    You are right though, they probably aren't worth wasting my time on, although to be fair, the forums are a great "side quest" for when I'm doing other day to day activities, posting here is rather effortless and fun :)

    I get people are venting, I just also believe there comes a time where you also need to move on :)

    They should focus in trying to tweak stat clamping rather than where they seem perpetually stuck, in trying to get it still entirely reversed.
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  13. Proxystar #Perception

    Oh dude, you need to check out SWTOR lol
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  14. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    Personally, I just want the EEG buff added to elites.
  15. Alpha Maximum Well-Known Player

    Here here! Seriously though games like EverQuest, WOW, and more give the option to "clamp down" for better rewards and it's worked amazingly. SWTOR is a game I have played since day one and their version of "stat clamp" was minor compared to this one. Nothing takes longer, your still a one shot god at level seventy, groups don't need to be led by the hand, but honestly that game and DCUO are like comparing apples and tanks. They are very different games. I play now just to assist friends and my guild, and when new content comes out having long ago maxed out every character. DCUO keeps adding feats, augs, arts, allies, etc. so there is that constant "gear" chase and its either spend a lot (no thanks) , play a lot (no thanks I have a real life too), or keep plugging away when you can.

    I enjoy playing a super because flight is fun, one shoting bad guys is extremely fun (particularly after years of getting maxed out). I don't care if someone else finds it boring just as much as I don't care if they want to play the hardest most challenging thing ever every step of the way everyday all day. I liked that we have choices.

    I have a "you do you" vibe and find the 'You must agree with me" crowd... sad. I can't imagine going through life needing others to play like me, agree with me, and enjoy all that I do the way I do. Heck I find it sad there are people effectively arguing with arguments they made up in their head that no one ever actually posted. I posted before about how we don't own the game and the company being able to do what they want and actually got an aggressive reply telling me how we don't own the game and the company can do what it wants... yeah... that's how much some want an argument.

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  16. Proxystar #Perception

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  17. Alpha Maximum Well-Known Player

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  18. Proxystar #Perception

    LOL, you know it.
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  19. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Its not, its a well used tactic by lawyers

    By George Khoury, Esq. on September 07, 2018 3:44 PM
    When it comes to winning, one of the most important parts of any case, especially for lawyers on a contingency, or defending cases of clear liability, is damages.

    There's no denying that the more sympathy you can get from the jury (or judge) for your side, the more likely the damages will shake out in your favor. Even if a jury is limited to awarding fixed statutory damages, a sympathetic jury is likely to look for ways to award even more (or avoid awarding anything at all).
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  20. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    But you can do all that now AND get the full rewards.

    Plus there's some questions as to how much a player will actually learn in an unclamped environment. After all, you don't hear much about a professional sports team (any sport, take your pick) practicing and improving themselves by playing against a team at, say, the high school level. There's also a strong argument to be made that the old unclamped environment taught a bunch of folks the wrong lessons about tackling content (let the high CR player tackle everything, just get high level enough to ignore/power through mechanics that would take you out at level).

    Of course, that's all predicated on having people willing to teach (still more than a few "it's not MY job to teach them" people around) and players willing to learn in the first place.
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